注: 如下的题目皆来自互联网,答案是结合了自己的习惯稍作了修改。

1. 求一个数的二进制中的1的个数。

int func(int x)
{int count = 0; while (x){count++; x = x& (x - 1); }return count;

2. 已知strcpy的函数原型:char *strcpy(char *strDest, const char *strSrc)其中strDest 是目的字符串,strSrc 是源字符串。不调用C++/C 的字符串库函数,请编写函数 strcpy。

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
{const char *srcStr = "This is a source string.";//char *desStr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(srcStr));    // Or below:char *desStr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)* strlen(srcStr) + 1); myStrcpy(desStr, srcStr);printf("Copy result: %s", desStr);
}char *myStrcpy(char *strDest, const char *strSrc)
{if (strSrc == NULL || strDest == NULL){return NULL; }if (strDest == strSrc){return strDest; }char *strDestStart = strDest; while (*strDest !='\0'){*strDest++ = *strSrc++;}return strDestStart;

3. 链表题:


struct Node
{int data ;Node *next ;
typedef struct Node Node ;



思路: 用三个指针p0,p1,p2,从头到尾依次遍历并反转结点

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
{int linkedListLength = 5; Node *myList = new Node(); Node *p = myList; printf("Original linked list is:"); for (int i = 0; i < linkedListLength; i++){Node *node = new Node(); node->data = i;printf(" %d", i);p->next = node;p = node;}Node *reversedMyList = ReverseLinkedList(myList); printf("\r\nReversed linked list is:"); Node *r = reversedMyList; while (r->next != NULL){printf(" %d", r->data); r = r->next;}
}Node *ReverseLinkedList(Node *head)
{// NULLif (head == NULL){return NULL; }// One node only.if (head->next == NULL){return head; }// Two or more than two nodes.Node *p0 = head; Node *p1 = p0->next; Node *p2 = p1->next;   //p2 maybe null; p0->next = NULL;while (p2 != NULL){p1->next = p0; p0 = p1;p1 = p2;p2 = p2->next; }p1->next = p0; return p1;

(2)已知两个链表head1 和head2 各自有序,请把它们合并成一个链表依然有序。(保留所有结点,即便大小相同)

思路: 从head1 和 head2 中找一个较小值定义为head,然后一次用p0,p1遍历两个链表,逐步的插入到新链表里(currnt)。

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
{Node *p0 = new Node(); Node *p1 = new Node(); int data0[5] = { 1, 3, 5, 8, 10}; int data1[3] = { 2, 6, 7 }; Node *head0 = p0; Node *head1 = p1; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(data0)/sizeof(data0[0]); i++){Node *tmp0 = new Node();tmp0->data = data0[i]; p0->next = tmp0; p0 = p0->next; }for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(data1)/sizeof(data1[0]); j++){Node *tmp1 = new Node();tmp1->data = data1[j];p1->next = tmp1;p1 = p1->next; }head0 = head0->next;head1 = head1->next; Node *mergedList = MergeSortedLinkedList(head0, head1);
}Node *MergeSortedLinkedList(Node *head0, Node *head1)
{if (head0 == NULL){return head1; }if (head1 == NULL){return head0; }// Set new head for new merged sorted list.Node *head = NULL; Node *p0 = head0; Node *p1 = head1;if (head0->data < head1->data){head = head0;p0 = p0->next;}else{head = head1;p1 = p1->next; }Node *current = head; while (p0 != NULL && p1 != NULL){// Insert the value which is smaller.if (p0->data < p1->data){current->next = p0; current = p0; p0 = p0->next;}else{current->next = p1; current = p1; p1 = p1->next; }}// All of nodes of one list have been added into new merged list. so add the rest nodes of the other list.if (p0 == NULL){current->next = p1; }if (p1 == NULL){current->next = p0; }return head;



(1) 递归就是在过程或函数里调用自身。
(2) 在使用递归策略时,必须有一个明确的递归结束条件,称为递归出口。
(3) 递归算法解题通常显得很简洁,但递归算法解题的运行效率较低。所以一般不提倡用递归算法设计程序。
(4) 在递归调用的过程当中系统为每一层的返回点、局部量等开辟了栈来存储。递归次数过多容易造成栈溢出等。所以一般不提倡用递归算法设计程序。
Node * MergeRecursive(Node *head0, Node *head1)
{if (head0 == NULL){return head1;}if (head1 == NULL){return head0;}Node *head = NULL;if (head0->data < head1->data){head = head0;head->next = MergeRecursive(head0->next, head1);}else{head = head1;head->next = MergeRecursive(head0, head1->next);}return head;

  (3)Implement an Algorithm to check if the link list is in Ascending order?

思路: 遍历链表,只要找到某个结点的值比下个结点的值大,那么就可以判断为false。

bool IsAscendingList(Node *head)
{Node *p = head; while (p->next != NULL){if (p->data > p->next->data){return false; }p = p->next; }return true;


4.  写一个函数找出一个整数数组中,第二大的数
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
{int data0[5] = { 1, 3, 9, 8, 10}; //int data1[7] = { 9, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10}; int data1[7] = { 9, 4, 7, 6, 6};int secMax0 = FindSecondMax(data0, sizeof(data0) / sizeof(data0[0])); int secMax1 = FindSecondMax(data1, sizeof(data1) / sizeof(data1[0]));
}int FindSecondMax(int *data, int dataLength)
{if (dataLength <= 1){printf("The length of data should be more than 1."); return -1; }int max = data[0]; int secondMax = MIN_INT;for (int i = 1; i < dataLength; i++){if (data[i] > max){secondMax = max;max = data[i];}else{if (data[i] > secondMax){secondMax = data[i]; }}}return secondMax;

5. 将数a、b的值进行交换,并且不使用任何中间变量.

思路: 采用异或运算(三次异或后,就被交换), 或加减运算。

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
{int a = 18; int b = 32; // Swap withouth other variables.  3 times XOR will swap two values. (1^1 = 0, 0^0 =0, 1^0 =1, 0^1 =1). a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b; printf("a:%d, b:%d", a, b); // method2a = a + b; b = a - b; a = a - b; printf("a:%d, b:%d", a, b); }

6. 题目:在一个字符串中找到第一个只出现一次的字符。如输入abaccdeff,则输出b。

分析:这道题是2006 年google 的一道笔试题。

思路:采用bitmap或者byteArray的思路,遍历字符串,每个字符对应的整数值为index。 Array里保存字符出现的次数。

// Assuming the char is ASCII
char FirstSingleChar(char *str)
{int bitmap[255]; memset(bitmap, 0, 255 * sizeof(int)); char *p = str;while (*p != '\0'){bitmap[*p]++; p++; }p = str;  while (*p!='\0'){if (bitmap[*p] == 1){return *p; }}return '\0';


思路: 遍历字符串,逐字符转换为整数(和‘0'做差), 其中注意一下对负数和数字的判断。

int ConvertStrToInt(char *str)
{char *p = str; int result = 0; int asciiToInt = 0; bool isPostive = true; if (*p == '-'){isPostive = false;p++; }else if (*p == '+'){p++; }while (*p != '\0'){if (IsNumber(*p)){asciiToInt = *p - '0';result = result * 10 + asciiToInt;p++;}else{//Had better throw exception here.printf("Illegal number: %c", *p); break; }}if (!isPostive){result = 0 - result; }return result;

8.  Reverse a string.

思路: 用两个指针指向一头一尾。然后向中间遍历,并逐个字符交换。

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
{// char *strForTest = "+345abc" will cause "access violation writing location". http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14664510/access-violation-writing-locationchar strForTest[] = "I like money"; ReverseWordsInSentence(strForTest);
}void ReverseString(char *str)
{int strLength = strlen(str); ReverseStringInFixedLength(str, strLength);
}void ReverseStringInFixedLength(char *str, int strLength)
{char *p1 = str;char *p2 = str + strLength -1;char tmp;while (p1 < p2){// Swap two chars. tmp = *p1;*p1 = *p2;*p2 = tmp;p1++;p2--;}


9. Revese words in a sentense. for example. reverse "I like money" to "money like I".

思路:Reverse the whole string, then reverse each word. Using the reverseStringInFixedLength() above.

void ReverseWordsInSentence(char *sen)
{ReverseString(sen); char *pStartOfWord = sen; char *p = pStartOfWord; while (*p != '\0'){// Skip blank spaces. while (*p == ' ' && *p != '\0'){p++; }pStartOfWord = p; while (*p != ' ' && *p != '\0'){p++; }int wordLength = p - pStartOfWord; ReverseStringInFixedLength(pStartOfWord, wordLength);}

10.  给出一个数组,还有一个给定的数,打印出数组中的一对数(不重复),使其和等于指定的数


For sorted array,  the time complexity is O(n).
For unsorted array, we may do a quick sort and then call our method.  The time complexity is O(nlogn).Here is the C++ sample codes, and I have checked it works well. int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
{int nums[7] = { 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5 }; printUniquePairs(nums, 7, 7); }void printUniquePairs(int *numbers, int numbersLength, int expectedSum)
{int sum = 0; //Augrments judgements. e.g. Null, length. if (numbersLength < 2){printf("Number length should be more than 2.");return; }// Quick sort. QuickSort(numbers); // Use two points (left, and right) moving from two sides into the center.int *p1 = numbers; int *p2 = numbers + numbersLength - 1; int previousP1Value; int previousP2Value; while (p1 < p2){sum = *p1 + *p2; previousP1Value = *p1;previousP2Value = *p2;if (sum == expectedSum){printf("Print unique pair: %d, %d.", *p1, *p2);p1++; p2--; // If the value is duplicated, then skip. if (previousP1Value == *p1){p1++;}if (previousP2Value == *p2){p2--;}}else if (sum < expectedSum){p1++; // If the value is duplicated, then skip. if (previousP1Value == *p1){p1++; }}else if (sum > expectedSum){p2--; if (previousP2Value == *p2){p2--; }}}



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