
重点 (Top highlight)

If you happen to have a job that requires you to stare at a computer screen for 8+ hours/day, or if you’re a full-time student, or if you’re an average adult human living in 2020 (…OK, so basically all of us), you have probably felt the painful, productivity-threatening effects of Digital Eye Strain (also known as Computer Vision Syndrome) as a result of all those screens. In fact, odds are you know these symptoms well:

如果您碰巧有一项工作需要每天凝视电脑屏幕8小时以上,或者您是一名全日制学生,或者您的平均成年人年龄是2020年(…所以基本上我们所有人),由于所有这些屏幕,您可能已经感受到了数字眼疲劳(也称为计算机视觉综合症 )带来的痛苦,威胁生产力的影响。 实际上,您很可能知道以下症状:

  • Your head aches.你头疼
  • You feel a dull, straining pain deep within your eye sockets.您会在眼窝深处感觉到钝痛。
  • Your eyes are blotchy, red and dry.您的眼睛斑点,发红,干燥。
  • Your vision may become blurry.您的视线可能会变得模糊。
  • You feel the life drain out of you during each subsequent screen session.在随后的每个屏幕会话中,您都会感到生命正在耗尽。
  • You feel jealous of hibernating bears, wishing you could crawl into a dark hole and avoid all things bright for months at a time.您对冬眠的熊感到嫉妒,希望您可以爬进一个黑洞,并避免几个月内所有明亮的事物。

I feel your pain. In a previous role, I found myself experiencing screen fatigue daily as I oversaw label artwork for a brand, spending countless hours meticulously proofreading teeny, tiny ingredient text in English, French, Japanese, Russian, and more. Constantly straining my eyes resulted in all of the annoying and painful aforementioned symptoms, leaving me feeling physically drained and bleary-eyed by each afternoon, wondering how long my eyes would hold out before I needed glasses like my predecessor eventually did.

我感到你的痛苦 。 在上一个职位中,我发现自己每天都在监督一个品牌的标签图稿,每天花费数小时来认真审校, 英文,法文,日文,俄文等等的微小成分文本。 不断地使眼睛疲劳会导致上述所有烦人和痛苦的症状,使我每天下午感到身体干drain和眼花ble乱,想知道在像我的前任最终需要的那样戴眼镜之前,眼睛会伸出多久。

C’est moi
C'est moi

In an attempt to save my weary eyes, I began to research different tips and tricks for preventing Digital Eye Strain and found some of them to be super helpful in lessening the side effects of staring at a screen all day. Now that I’m working in the creative technology space, all-day screen sessions are inherently inescapable and these preventative measures feel more crucial than ever to practice daily.

为了挽救疲倦的眼睛,我开始研究各种预防数字眼疲劳的技巧和窍门,并发现其中一些技巧对于减轻全天盯着屏幕的副作用非常有帮助。 现在,我正在创意技术领域工作,因此全天候的屏幕会议本来就无法避免,而这些预防措施对于每天进行练习比以往任何时候都显得至关重要。

重设预设 (Reset your presets)

Two of the biggest eye aggressors from digital devices are brightness and blue light, which can cause damage to the retina and may increase your risk of macular degeneration (yikes!). Luckily there are a number of helpful presets available that let you easily reduce both - just set it and forget it!

数字设备中最大的两个眼睛侵害者是亮度和蓝光,它们可能会损坏视网膜,并可能增加黄斑变性的风险(y!)。 幸运的是,有许多有用的预设可供您轻松地减少两者-只需进行设置就可以了!

对于您的iPhone: (For your iPhone:)

Set your phone to Night Shift 24/7.


  • Go to “Settings — Display & Brightness — Night Shift” and set the hours from 12AM -11:59PM. This automatically reduces the screen brightness and shifts the color display to warmer tones which help with the body’s circadian rhythm (bonus - better sleep!).转到“设置-显示和亮度-夜班”,然后设置从12AM -11:59PM开始的小时数。 这会自动降低屏幕亮度,并将彩色显示转换为较暖的色调,从而有助于人体的昼夜节律(奖金-更好的睡眠!)。
  • You can toggle between “Less Warm” and “More Warm”, but the warmer, the better to avoid that blue light. You may think your screen looks funky for a minute, but I promise, you’ll get used to it and your eyes will thank you!您可以在“较少温暖”和“更温暖”之间切换,但是越温暖,越能避免发出蓝光。 您可能会认为您的屏幕看上去有些时髦,但是我保证,您会习惯它的,眼睛会感谢您!
Night Shift settings

Enable “Dark” mode.


  • Go to “Settings — Display & Brightness” and choose “Dark Appearance” at the top. This is great for eliminating some unnecessary brightness throughout your phone screen and reducing glare.转到“设置-显示和亮度”,然后在顶部选择“深色外观”。 这对于消除整个手机屏幕上不必要的亮度并减少眩光非常有用。
Dark Mode settings

Reduce White Point and enable Color Filters.


  • Go to “Settings — Accessibility — Display & Text Size”.转到“设置-辅助功能-显示和文本大小”。
  • Turn on “Reduce White Point” and drag the cursor towards the left. This tones down the intensity of bright colors, similar to reducing “Highlights” in Instagram.打开“减少白点”并将光标向左拖动。 这降低了明亮色彩的强度,类似于减少Instagram中的“突出显示”。
  • Turn on “Color Filters”, and select “Color Tint”.打开“色彩滤镜”,然后选择“色彩色调”。
  • Drag “Hue” to the right and drag “Intensity” to right as far as you’re comfortable with (see below). This option will warm your color tones similar to Night Shift, but with more intensity. Remember, the warmer the better! If you are still on an iPhone with a clickable Home button like me (don’t judge!!), you can click 3x quickly to turn these features on/off when needed with Accessibility Shortcuts. For newer iPhone models, the same triple-click trick works with the side button.

    将“色调”拖到右侧,然后将“强度”拖到右侧,直到您满意为止(见下文)。 此选项将使您的色调变暖,类似于“夜班”,但强度更大。 记住,温暖越好! 如果您仍在使用像我这样的可单击“主页”按钮的iPhone( 请不要判断! ),则可以在需要时使用“辅助功能快捷键”快速单击3倍以打开/关闭这些功能。 对于较新的iPhone型号,相同的三击式技巧与侧面按钮配合使用。

Reduce White Point and Color Filters/Tint settings

Invert the colors. I don’t personally use this option, but I hear good things.

反转颜色。 我个人没有使用此选项,但是我听到了一些好消息。

  • Go to “Settings — Accessibility — Display & Text Size” and toggle “Smart Invert” to invert your colors, excluding images and media that are already in dark mode.转到“设置-辅助功能-显示和文本大小”,然后切换“智能反转”以反转颜色,不包括已经处于黑暗模式的图像和媒体。

对于您的笔记本电脑(Mac): (For your laptop (Mac):)

Night Shift is your friend. Similar to the iPhone settings, you can select to keep your laptop in Night Shift mode all day long by creating a custom schedule (like 12AM - 11:59PM).

夜班是您的朋友。 与iPhone设置类似,您可以通过创建自定义时间表(例如12AM-11:59 PM)选择将笔记本电脑整天保持在Night Shift模式。

  • Go to “System Preferences — Settings — Displays — Night Shift” and click the dropdown next to “Schedule”, choosing “Custom”.转到“系统偏好设置-设置-显示-夜班”,然后单击“计划”旁边的下拉菜单,选择“自定义”。
  • If this feels too dark for you during the day, you can choose “Sunrise to Sunset” which will automatically tone down the brightness and up the warmth in the evening. You also have the option to adjust the color temperature, so slide that toggle over to “More Warm”!如果白天对您来说太暗了,您可以选择“日出至日落”,它将在晚上自动调低亮度并增加温暖感。 您还可以选择调整色温,因此滑动以切换到“更暖”!
Night Shift for Mac

Enable Dark Mode.


  • Go to “System Preferences — General — Appearance” and choose “Dark”. This will automatically darken your menu bar, dock and built-in apps.转到“系统偏好设置-常规-外观”,然后选择“深色”。 这将自动使菜单栏,停靠和内置应用程序变暗。
  • There are also a number of great darkening apps like Night Owl and Dark Theme that work to invert and tone down websites and anything else you may be working on.

    还有许多很棒的变暗应用程序,例如《夜猫子》和《 黑暗主题》 ,它们可以使网站以及您可能正在从事的其他任何事情倒置和调暗 。

  • If you also happen to work in Visual Studio Code, you can go to “Manage — Settings — Workbench — Appearance” and choose a dark theme (I like “Default Dark +”) to make it easy on your eyes.

    如果您也碰巧在Visual Studio Code中工作,则可以转到“管理-设置-工作台-外观”,然后选择一个深色主题(我喜欢“ Default Dark +”),以使您的眼睛更加轻松。

Dark Mode for Mac

购买一些防紫外线的眼镜 (Invest in some UV-blocking glasses)

If you are able to implement and stick with the presets listed above, then great! Your eyes will be thrilled and healthier for it. There may also be times, however, when you need the brightness and full color spectrum for any sort of visual design work, photography or maybe even online shopping (I swore that sweater was red!! jk). How can you really style or edit a graphic image if you can’t see the colors, right? A great alternative here is a pair of UV-blocking glasses.

如果您能够实现并遵守上面列出的预设,那就太好了! 您的眼睛会为此感到振奋和健康。 但是,有时也可能需要亮度和全光谱来进行任何形式的视觉设计工作,摄影甚至是网上购物( 我发誓那件毛衣是红色的! jk)。 如果看不到颜色,该如何真正样式化或编辑图形图像呢? 这里最好的选择是一副防紫外线眼镜。

There are a few different brands that create these frames, promising to reduce glare and filter blue light, but unfortunately most of the options on the market are so yellow-orange that you may end up looking more like a 90’s boy band member than a studious professional.



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