
Maybe you’ve heard of Google’s “Advanced Protection” program. Maybe you haven’t. Either way, we’re going to talk about what it is, who should use it, and how to enable it. Let’s go.

也许您听说过Google的“高级保护”计划。 也许你没有。 无论哪种方式,我们都将讨论它是什么,谁应该使用它以及如何启用它。 我们走吧。

什么是Google高级保护? (What is Google Advanced Protection?)

Google Advanced Protection (GAP) is basically two-factor authentication (2FA) on steroids. It uses 2FA as part of the process, but it requires two security keys instead of just one—something like Google’s Titan Key bundle is perfect because one wireless key and one USB-only key is recommended for GAP.

Google高级保护(GAP)本质上是对类固醇的两因素身份验证 (2FA)。 它使用2FA作为该过程的一部分,但是它需要两个安全密钥而不是仅一个-类似于Google的Titan Key捆绑包是完美的,因为建议GAP使用一个无线密钥和一个仅USB密钥 。

The second key is more of a failsafe so your account is still protected should something happen to the first one. This is something that anyone can add to their Google account—you don’t need GAP to use two security keys. Again, the Titan Bundle is a perfect example of how this works in practice.

第二个密钥更像是一个故障保护,因此即使第一个密钥发生故障,您的帐户仍然受到保护。 任何人都可以将其添加到自己的Google帐户中-您不需要GAP即可使用两个安全密钥。 同样,Titan捆绑包是其实际工作方式的完美示例。

Beyond that, GAP also limits third-party access to your Google account. While you can use your Google account to sign into some sites, this type of access is limited to “Google apps and select third-party apps,” which helps protect your data from potentially fraudulent activity. It can also make things a hassle if you use your Google account to log in to a lot of third-party services. Can’t win ’em all, I guess.

除此之外,GAP还限制了第三方访问您的Google帐户。 虽然您可以使用Google帐户登录某些网站,但这种访问方式仅限于“ Google应用程序和选择第三方应用程序”,这有助于保护您的数据免遭潜在的欺诈性活动。 如果您使用自己的Google帐户登录到许多第三方服务,也可能使事情变得麻烦。 我猜不能全部赢。

Lastly, GAP enables extra security measures to safeguard your account from potential hijackers. While unlikely, the most determined of account thieves can attempt to steal your account by simply pretending to be you. With GAP enabled on your account, extra steps are put in place to help prevent this—even if you lose both of your security keys. This means Google will require additional information from you to gain access to your account, which “will take a few days for Google to verify it’s you.” So…try not to lose your keys.

最后,GAP采取了额外的安全措施,以保护您的帐户免受潜在的劫机者的侵害。 虽然可能性不大,但最有决心的帐户窃贼可以通过假装自己来尝试窃取您的帐户。 如果您的帐户启用了GAP,则会采取额外的步骤来防止这种情况发生,即使您丢失了两个安全密钥。 这意味着Google将要求您提供其他信息才能访问您的帐户,“这将需要几天的时间Google才能验证您的身份。” 所以...尽量不要丢失钥匙。

谁是高级保护? (Who is Advanced Protection For?)

Now there’s the big question. With all these extra layers of security and, let’s be honest here, major inconveniences, it’s clear that GAP isn’t for everyone. In fact, it’s probably not even for you.

现在一个大问题。 有了所有这些额外的安全层,并且坦白地说,这里带来了主要的不便,很明显,GAP并不适合所有人。 实际上,它甚至不适合您。

Google’s intent with Advanced Protection is to safeguard “the personal Google Accounts of anyone at risk of targeted attacks—like journalists, activists, business leaders, and political campaign teams.” In other words, people who are more likely to be targeted and have something to lose when attacked. Or people who attackers have something to gain by, um, attacking.

Google的Advanced Protection目的是保护“任何有针对性攻击风险的人的Google帐户,例如记者,激进主义者,商业领袖和政治竞选团队。” 换句话说,更容易成为攻击目标并在遭受攻击时会失去一些东西的人。 或攻击者从攻击中获得一些收益。

If you’re not one of those people, the odds are you don’t need to enable GAP. It’s just overkill for most users—for most people, just using 2FA is enough. And like I said earlier, you don’t have to use GAP to add security keys to your Google account, so that’s a good idea too.

如果您不是这些人之一,那么很有可能不需要启用GAP。 对于大多数用户来说,这太过分了-对于大多数人来说,仅使用2FA就足够了。 就像我之前说的,您不必使用GAP 向您的Google帐户添加安全密钥 ,所以这也是一个好主意。

But, if you really want GAP, here’s how to do it.

但是,如果您真的想要GAP ,请执行以下操作。

But first, a list of the stuff you’ll need:


  • Two security keys. One Bluetooth, one USB is preferred—like Google’s Titan Key bundle.两个安全密钥。 一种蓝牙,一种USB是首选,例如Google的Titan Key捆绑包。
  • 2-Step Verification enabled on your Google Account.


  • Your Google password and verified 2-Step Verification device.您的Google密码和经过验证的两步验证设备。
  • A certainty that this is something you want or need. Seriously, think about it.确定这是您想要或需要的东西。 认真考虑一下。

That’s it. It’s time.

而已。 是时候了。

如何在您的Google帐户上启用高级保护 (How to Enable Advanced Protection on your Google Account)

First things first: you’ll need two security keys. If you don’t have that, pick some up and have them in hand before you start this. It’s required.

首先,您需要两个安全密钥。 如果没有,请在开始之前将它们拿起并拿在手中。 这是必需的。

With your keys ready to rock and roll, head to Google’s Advanced Protection page. You can read over the details here if you like, but at this point, you should already know that stuff (because you read it in this post 


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