Re: Can anyone able to broadcast movies ?

  • Subject: Re: Can anyone able to broadcast movies ?
  • From: patrick stainier <email@hidden>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 12:43:20 +0200

Hi Kathir

Try rtsp://yourdomainname:554/untitled. As far as I know you don't need the sdp ending. PLus the sample movs provided in yoir DSS moviefile are already hinted.

Tell me if this worked.
Le 16 ao{t 04, ` 11:20, Kathiravan a icrit :
Patrick Stainier LLC
ph: 34+ 666 56 30 39
mail: email@hidden
Hello Paul,
           Thanks for your co-operations.
      I have checked
for the details. I have already followed all these steps
to create movie playlist. Here is my steps goes:
1. Hinted the "" file contained in
"DarwinStreamingSrc5.0.1.1" source by opening it
using QuickTime pro player and choosing
' Movie to Hinted Movie' from the Export pop-up menu.
I have already selected ` Make movie Self-Contained ' option,
in the Hint Exporter Settings.
2. I have saved the hinted file as "",
and it's size is 1.60 MB, previously  ""
has size of 1.04 MB.
3. I have copied "" to default movie
folder "/opt/iexpress/dss/media/".

4. I have created a New Movie Playlist using web admin (port 1220)
interface by adding only "" file in that list.
Playlist name is "untitled" and mount point is "untitled.sdp".
I unchecked the "Send this playlist to a broadcast server" box and
saved the changes.

5. When i click the playlist start button, after few seconds, it is
the error message, "An error occurred while starting or stopping your
When i look at the reason by clicking the red button, it shows:
- PlaylistBroadcaster: Created SDP file.
(path: /opt/dss/var/streaming/playlists/untitled/untitled.sdp)
- PlaylistBroadcaster: Started in background.
- Network Connection: Server returned error.
Broadcast Warnings: 0
Broadcast Errors: 1
PlaylistBroadcaster broadcast finished.

6. I gave the following URL in my QT player:
" rtsp://"; ,
where is may IP address of DSS,
but it display's " 404: Not Found " error.

The untitled.config contains:
# cat untitled.config
play_mode sequential
#broadcast_name "untitled"
sdp_file "/opt/iexpress/dss/var/streaming/playlists/untitled/untitled.sdp"
destination_sdp_file "untitled.sdp"
broadcast_SDP_is_dynamic enabled
logging enabled
log_file /opt/iexpress/dss/var/streaming/playlists/untitled/untitled.log
pid_file "/opt/iexpress/dss/var/streaming/playlists/untitled/"

The untitled.sdp contains:
o=QTSS_Play_List 1770406660 1770395580 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 96
a=rtpmap:96 X-QDM/22050/2
m=video 0 RTP/AVP 97
a=rtpmap:97 X-SV3V-ES/90000
  Please give your suggestions, if i made any mistake in above steps
If you need anymore details, please let me know about it.
Thanks and Regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Hugel" <email@hidden>
To: "Kathiravan" <email@hidden>
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: Can anyone able to broadcast movies ?
Its been awhile since I configured DSS-5 I use QTSS-5 but they are
Have you reviewed George Cooks website
specifically the section on playlists
As you know all files must be hinted.
I had questions on setting the mount point correctly in the beginning
you have a similar issue.
If you still have problems by Monday check back with me.
On Aug 12, 2004, at 10:54 PM, Kathiravan wrote:
Hi Paul Hugel,

Thanks for your reply. I built DSS on HP-UX.
tested some basic tests. It works fine. But while testing Movie
PlaylistBroadcaster through Webadmin. I got the following error.

- PlaylistBroadcaster: Created SDP file.
(path: /opt/dss/var/streaming/playlists/untitled/untitled.sdp)
- PlaylistBroadcaster: Started in background.
- Network Connection: Server returned error.
Broadcast Warnings: 0
Broadcast Errors: 1
PlaylistBroadcaster broadcast finished.
I have this problem for past one month. Do you have any idea to
this error?
Again, Thanks for your reply.
Thanks and Regards,
Mahalo Nui Loa (thank you very much),
Paul G. Hugel
Maui Scientific Analysis & Visualization of the Environment Program

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