Qt LinuxFB旋转界面和触摸

  • 一.修改源代码
  • 二.修改后的源代码
    • 头文件qlinuxfbscreen.h
    • c文件qlinuxfbscreen.cpp
  • 三对应的补丁文件
    • 头文件补丁code_h.patch
    • C文件补丁code_c.patch
  • 四.Qt运行脚本配置





** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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****************************************************************************/#ifndef QLINUXFBSCREEN_H
#define QLINUXFBSCREEN_H//#include <QtFbSupport/private/qfbscreen_p.h>
//#include <QtPlatformSupport/private/qfbscreen_p.h>
#include <QtFbSupport/private/qfbscreen_p.h>QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACEclass QPainter;
class QFbCursor;class QLinuxFbScreen : public QFbScreen
public:QLinuxFbScreen(const QStringList &args);~QLinuxFbScreen();bool initialize();QPixmap grabWindow(WId wid, int x, int y, int width, int height) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;QRegion doRedraw() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;private:QStringList mArgs;int mFbFd;int mTtyFd;// add by immortal startint mRotation;// add by immortal endQImage mFbScreenImage;int mBytesPerLine;int mOldTtyMode;struct {uchar *data;int offset, size;} mMmap;QPainter *mBlitter;


** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
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** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
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** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html and
** https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
****************************************************************************/#include "qlinuxfbscreen.h"
#include <QtFbSupport/private/qfbcursor_p.h>
#include <QtFbSupport/private/qfbwindow_p.h>
//#include <QtPlatformSupport/private/qfbcursor_p.h>
#include <QtFbSupport/private/qfbcursor_p.h>
//#include <QtPlatformSupport/private/qfbwindow_p.h>
#include <QtFbSupport/private/qfbwindow_p.h>
#include <QtCore/QFile>
#include <QtCore/QRegularExpression>
#include <QtGui/QPainter>#include <private/qcore_unix_p.h> // overrides QT_OPEN
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qdebug.h>#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <linux/kd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <signal.h>#include <linux/fb.h>QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACEstatic int openFramebufferDevice(const QString &dev)
{int fd = -1;if (access(dev.toLatin1().constData(), R_OK|W_OK) == 0)fd = QT_OPEN(dev.toLatin1().constData(), O_RDWR);if (fd == -1) {if (access(dev.toLatin1().constData(), R_OK) == 0)fd = QT_OPEN(dev.toLatin1().constData(), O_RDONLY);}return fd;
}static int determineDepth(const fb_var_screeninfo &vinfo)
{int depth = vinfo.bits_per_pixel;if (depth== 24) {depth = vinfo.red.length + vinfo.green.length + vinfo.blue.length;if (depth <= 0)depth = 24; // reset if color component lengths are not reported} else if (depth == 16) {depth = vinfo.red.length + vinfo.green.length + vinfo.blue.length;if (depth <= 0)depth = 16;}return depth;
}static QRect determineGeometry(const fb_var_screeninfo &vinfo, const QRect &userGeometry)
{int xoff = vinfo.xoffset;int yoff = vinfo.yoffset;int w, h;if (userGeometry.isValid()) {w = userGeometry.width();h = userGeometry.height();if ((uint)w > vinfo.xres)w = vinfo.xres;if ((uint)h > vinfo.yres)h = vinfo.yres;int xxoff = userGeometry.x(), yyoff = userGeometry.y();if (xxoff != 0 || yyoff != 0) {if (xxoff < 0 || xxoff + w > (int)(vinfo.xres))xxoff = vinfo.xres - w;if (yyoff < 0 || yyoff + h > (int)(vinfo.yres))yyoff = vinfo.yres - h;xoff += xxoff;yoff += yyoff;} else {xoff += (vinfo.xres - w)/2;yoff += (vinfo.yres - h)/2;}} else {w = vinfo.xres;h = vinfo.yres;}if (w == 0 || h == 0) {qWarning("Unable to find screen geometry, using 320x240");w = 320;h = 240;}return QRect(xoff, yoff, w, h);
}static QSizeF determinePhysicalSize(const fb_var_screeninfo &vinfo, const QSize &mmSize, const QSize &res)
{int mmWidth = mmSize.width(), mmHeight = mmSize.height();if (mmWidth <= 0 && mmHeight <= 0) {if (vinfo.width != 0 && vinfo.height != 0&& vinfo.width != UINT_MAX && vinfo.height != UINT_MAX) {mmWidth = vinfo.width;mmHeight = vinfo.height;} else {const int dpi = 100;mmWidth = qRound(res.width() * 25.4 / dpi);mmHeight = qRound(res.height() * 25.4 / dpi);}} else if (mmWidth > 0 && mmHeight <= 0) {mmHeight = res.height() * mmWidth/res.width();} else if (mmHeight > 0 && mmWidth <= 0) {mmWidth = res.width() * mmHeight/res.height();}return QSize(mmWidth, mmHeight);
}static QImage::Format determineFormat(const fb_var_screeninfo &info, int depth)
{const fb_bitfield rgba[4] = { info.red, info.green,info.blue, info.transp };QImage::Format format = QImage::Format_Invalid;switch (depth) {case 32: {const fb_bitfield argb8888[4] = {{16, 8, 0}, {8, 8, 0},{0, 8, 0}, {24, 8, 0}};const fb_bitfield abgr8888[4] = {{0, 8, 0}, {8, 8, 0},{16, 8, 0}, {24, 8, 0}};if (memcmp(rgba, argb8888, 4 * sizeof(fb_bitfield)) == 0) {format = QImage::Format_ARGB32;} else if (memcmp(rgba, argb8888, 3 * sizeof(fb_bitfield)) == 0) {format = QImage::Format_RGB32;} else if (memcmp(rgba, abgr8888, 3 * sizeof(fb_bitfield)) == 0) {format = QImage::Format_RGB32;// pixeltype = BGRPixel;}break;}case 24: {const fb_bitfield rgb888[4] = {{16, 8, 0}, {8, 8, 0},{0, 8, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};const fb_bitfield bgr888[4] = {{0, 8, 0}, {8, 8, 0},{16, 8, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};if (memcmp(rgba, rgb888, 3 * sizeof(fb_bitfield)) == 0) {format = QImage::Format_RGB888;} else if (memcmp(rgba, bgr888, 3 * sizeof(fb_bitfield)) == 0) {format = QImage::Format_RGB888;// pixeltype = BGRPixel;}break;}case 18: {const fb_bitfield rgb666[4] = {{12, 6, 0}, {6, 6, 0},{0, 6, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};if (memcmp(rgba, rgb666, 3 * sizeof(fb_bitfield)) == 0)format = QImage::Format_RGB666;break;}case 16: {const fb_bitfield rgb565[4] = {{11, 5, 0}, {5, 6, 0},{0, 5, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};const fb_bitfield bgr565[4] = {{0, 5, 0}, {5, 6, 0},{11, 5, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};if (memcmp(rgba, rgb565, 3 * sizeof(fb_bitfield)) == 0) {format = QImage::Format_RGB16;} else if (memcmp(rgba, bgr565, 3 * sizeof(fb_bitfield)) == 0) {format = QImage::Format_RGB16;// pixeltype = BGRPixel;}break;}case 15: {const fb_bitfield rgb1555[4] = {{10, 5, 0}, {5, 5, 0},{0, 5, 0}, {15, 1, 0}};const fb_bitfield bgr1555[4] = {{0, 5, 0}, {5, 5, 0},{10, 5, 0}, {15, 1, 0}};if (memcmp(rgba, rgb1555, 3 * sizeof(fb_bitfield)) == 0) {format = QImage::Format_RGB555;} else if (memcmp(rgba, bgr1555, 3 * sizeof(fb_bitfield)) == 0) {format = QImage::Format_RGB555;// pixeltype = BGRPixel;}break;}case 12: {const fb_bitfield rgb444[4] = {{8, 4, 0}, {4, 4, 0},{0, 4, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};if (memcmp(rgba, rgb444, 3 * sizeof(fb_bitfield)) == 0)format = QImage::Format_RGB444;break;}case 8:break;case 1:format = QImage::Format_Mono; //###: LSB???break;default:break;}qDebug() << "*******************************************" << format << "************************************************";return format;
}static int openTtyDevice(const QString &device)
{const char *const devs[] = { "/dev/tty0", "/dev/tty", "/dev/console", 0 };int fd = -1;if (device.isEmpty()) {for (const char * const *dev = devs; *dev; ++dev) {fd = QT_OPEN(*dev, O_RDWR);if (fd != -1)break;}} else {fd = QT_OPEN(QFile::encodeName(device).constData(), O_RDWR);}return fd;
}static void switchToGraphicsMode(int ttyfd, bool doSwitch, int *oldMode)
{// Do not warn if the switch fails: the ioctl fails when launching from a// remote console and there is nothing we can do about it.  The matching// call in resetTty should at least fail then, too, so we do no harm.if (ioctl(ttyfd, KDGETMODE, oldMode) == 0) {if (doSwitch && *oldMode != KD_GRAPHICS)ioctl(ttyfd, KDSETMODE, KD_GRAPHICS);}
}static void resetTty(int ttyfd, int oldMode)
{ioctl(ttyfd, KDSETMODE, oldMode);QT_CLOSE(ttyfd);
}static void blankScreen(int fd, bool on)
}QLinuxFbScreen::QLinuxFbScreen(const QStringList &args): mArgs(args), mFbFd(-1), mTtyFd(-1), mBlitter(0),mRotation(0)
{mMmap.data = 0;
{if (mFbFd != -1) {if (mMmap.data)munmap(mMmap.data - mMmap.offset, mMmap.size);close(mFbFd);}if (mTtyFd != -1)resetTty(mTtyFd, mOldTtyMode);delete mBlitter;
}bool QLinuxFbScreen::initialize()
{QRegularExpression ttyRx(QLatin1String("tty=(.*)"));QRegularExpression fbRx(QLatin1String("fb=(.*)"));QRegularExpression mmSizeRx(QLatin1String("mmsize=(\\d+)x(\\d+)"));QRegularExpression sizeRx(QLatin1String("size=(\\d+)x(\\d+)"));QRegularExpression offsetRx(QLatin1String("offset=(\\d+)x(\\d+)"));// add by immorta startQRegularExpression rotationRx(QLatin1String("rotation=(0|90|180|270)"));// add by immorta endQString fbDevice, ttyDevice;QSize userMmSize;QRect userGeometry;bool doSwitchToGraphicsMode = true;// Parse arguments//for (const QString &arg : qAsConst(mArgs)) {//   foreach (const QString &arg, mArgs) {for (const QString &arg : qAsConst(mArgs)) {QRegularExpressionMatch match;if (arg == QLatin1String("nographicsmodeswitch"))doSwitchToGraphicsMode = false;else if (arg.contains(mmSizeRx, &match))userMmSize = QSize(match.captured(1).toInt(), match.captured(2).toInt());else if (arg.contains(sizeRx, &match))userGeometry.setSize(QSize(match.captured(1).toInt(), match.captured(2).toInt()));else if (arg.contains(offsetRx, &match))userGeometry.setTopLeft(QPoint(match.captured(1).toInt(), match.captured(2).toInt()));else if (arg.contains(ttyRx, &match))ttyDevice = match.captured(1);else if (arg.contains(fbRx, &match))fbDevice = match.captured(1);// add by immortal startelse if (arg.contains(rotationRx, &match))mRotation = match.captured(1).toInt();// add by immortal end}if (fbDevice.isEmpty()) {fbDevice = QLatin1String("/dev/fb0");if (!QFile::exists(fbDevice))fbDevice = QLatin1String("/dev/graphics/fb0");if (!QFile::exists(fbDevice)) {qWarning("Unable to figure out framebuffer device. Specify it manually.");return false;}}// Open the devicemFbFd = openFramebufferDevice(fbDevice);if (mFbFd == -1) {qErrnoWarning(errno, "Failed to open framebuffer %s", qPrintable(fbDevice));return false;}// Read the fixed and variable screen informationfb_fix_screeninfo finfo;fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;memset(&vinfo, 0, sizeof(vinfo));memset(&finfo, 0, sizeof(finfo));if (ioctl(mFbFd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) != 0) {qErrnoWarning(errno, "Error reading fixed information");return false;}if (ioctl(mFbFd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo)) {qErrnoWarning(errno, "Error reading variable information");return false;}mDepth = determineDepth(vinfo);mBytesPerLine = finfo.line_length;QRect geometry = determineGeometry(vinfo, userGeometry);// add by immortal startQRect originalGeometry = geometry;if( 90 == mRotation  || 270 == mRotation ){int tmp = geometry.width();geometry.setWidth(geometry.height());geometry.setHeight(tmp);}// add by immortal endmGeometry = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), geometry.size());mFormat = determineFormat(vinfo, mDepth);//mPhysicalSize = determinePhysicalSize(vinfo, userMmSize, geometry.size());mPhysicalSize = determinePhysicalSize(vinfo, userMmSize, originalGeometry.size());// mmap the framebuffermMmap.size = finfo.smem_len;uchar *data = (unsigned char *)mmap(0, mMmap.size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mFbFd, 0);if ((long)data == -1) {qErrnoWarning(errno, "Failed to mmap framebuffer");return false;}//mMmap.offset = geometry.y() * mBytesPerLine + geometry.x() * mDepth / 8;mMmap.offset = originalGeometry.y() * mBytesPerLine + originalGeometry.x() * mDepth / 8;mMmap.data = data + mMmap.offset;QFbScreen::initializeCompositor();//mFbScreenImage = QImage(mMmap.data, geometry.width(), geometry.height(), mBytesPerLine, mFormat);mFbScreenImage = QImage(mMmap.data, originalGeometry.width(), originalGeometry.height(), mBytesPerLine, mFormat);mCursor = new QFbCursor(this);mTtyFd = openTtyDevice(ttyDevice);if (mTtyFd == -1)qErrnoWarning(errno, "Failed to open tty");switchToGraphicsMode(mTtyFd, doSwitchToGraphicsMode, &mOldTtyMode);blankScreen(mFbFd, false);return true;
}QRegion QLinuxFbScreen::doRedraw()
{QRegion touched = QFbScreen::doRedraw();if (touched.isEmpty())return touched;if (!mBlitter)mBlitter = new QPainter(&mFbScreenImage);const QVector<QRect> rects = touched.rects();mBlitter->setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source);for (int i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i){if( 90 == mRotation || 270 == mRotation ){mBlitter->translate(mGeometry.height()/2, mGeometry.width()/2);}else if( 180 == mRotation ){mBlitter->translate(mGeometry.width()/2, mGeometry.height()/2);}if( mRotation != 0 ){mBlitter->rotate(mRotation);mBlitter->translate(-mGeometry.width()/2, -mGeometry.height()/2);}mBlitter->drawImage(rects[i], mScreenImage, rects[i]);mBlitter->resetTransform();}return touched;
}// grabWindow() grabs "from the screen" not from the backingstores.
// In linuxfb's case it will also include the mouse cursor.
QPixmap QLinuxFbScreen::grabWindow(WId wid, int x, int y, int width, int height) const
{if (!wid) {if (width < 0)width = mFbScreenImage.width() - x;if (height < 0)height = mFbScreenImage.height() - y;return QPixmap::fromImage(mFbScreenImage).copy(x, y, width, height);}QFbWindow *window = windowForId(wid);if (window) {const QRect geom = window->geometry();if (width < 0)width = geom.width() - x;if (height < 0)height = geom.height() - y;QRect rect(geom.topLeft() + QPoint(x, y), QSize(width, height));rect &= window->geometry();return QPixmap::fromImage(mFbScreenImage).copy(rect);}return QPixmap();



--- /home/mywork/qtSrc/qt-everywhere-src-5.12.9/qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/linuxfb/qlinuxfbscreen.h    2020-06-03 03:51:20.000000000 -0700
+++ ./qlinuxfbscreen.h   2020-09-24 04:14:14.923500800 -0700
@@ -36,48 +36,52 @@** $QT_END_LICENSE$******************************************************************************/
+//#include <QtFbSupport/private/qfbscreen_p.h>
+//#include <QtPlatformSupport/private/qfbscreen_p.h>#include <QtFbSupport/private/qfbscreen_p.h>QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
+ class QPainter;class QFbCursor;
+ class QLinuxFbScreen : public QFbScreen{Q_OBJECTpublic:QLinuxFbScreen(const QStringList &args);~QLinuxFbScreen();
-    bool initialize() override;
-    QPixmap grabWindow(WId wid, int x, int y, int width, int height) const override;
-    QRegion doRedraw() override;
+    bool initialize();
+    QPixmap grabWindow(WId wid, int x, int y, int width, int height) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+    QRegion doRedraw() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ private:QStringList mArgs;int mFbFd;int mTtyFd;
+  // add by immortal start
+  int mRotation;
+  // add by immortal endQImage mFbScreenImage;int mBytesPerLine;int mOldTtyMode;
+ struct {uchar *data;int offset, size;} mMmap;
+ QPainter *mBlitter;};


--- /home/mywork/qtSrc/qt-everywhere-src-5.12.9/qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/linuxfb/qlinuxfbscreen.cpp  2020-06-03 03:51:20.000000000 -0700
+++ ./qlinuxfbscreen.cpp 2020-09-24 04:19:03.311256600 -0700
@@ -36,18 +36,24 @@** $QT_END_LICENSE$******************************************************************************/
+ #include "qlinuxfbscreen.h"
+#include <QtFbSupport/private/qfbcursor_p.h>
+#include <QtFbSupport/private/qfbwindow_p.h>
+//#include <QtPlatformSupport/private/qfbcursor_p.h>#include <QtFbSupport/private/qfbcursor_p.h>
+//#include <QtPlatformSupport/private/qfbwindow_p.h>#include <QtFbSupport/private/qfbwindow_p.h>#include <QtCore/QFile>#include <QtCore/QRegularExpression>#include <QtGui/QPainter>
+ #include <private/qcore_unix_p.h> // overrides QT_OPEN#include <qimage.h>#include <qdebug.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <sys/ioctl.h>
@@ -60,26 +66,27 @@#include <stdio.h>#include <limits.h>#include <signal.h>
+ #include <linux/fb.h>+ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
+ static int openFramebufferDevice(const QString &dev){int fd = -1;
+ if (access(dev.toLatin1().constData(), R_OK|W_OK) == 0)fd = QT_OPEN(dev.toLatin1().constData(), O_RDWR);
+ if (fd == -1) {if (access(dev.toLatin1().constData(), R_OK) == 0)fd = QT_OPEN(dev.toLatin1().constData(), O_RDONLY);}
+ return fd;}
+ static int determineDepth(const fb_var_screeninfo &vinfo){int depth = vinfo.bits_per_pixel;
@@ -94,7 +101,7 @@}return depth;}
+ static QRect determineGeometry(const fb_var_screeninfo &vinfo, const QRect &userGeometry){int xoff = vinfo.xoffset;
@@ -107,7 +114,7 @@w = vinfo.xres;if ((uint)h > vinfo.yres)h = vinfo.yres;
+ int xxoff = userGeometry.x(), yyoff = userGeometry.y();if (xxoff != 0 || yyoff != 0) {if (xxoff < 0 || xxoff + w > (int)(vinfo.xres))
@@ -124,20 +131,20 @@w = vinfo.xres;h = vinfo.yres;}
+ if (w == 0 || h == 0) {qWarning("Unable to find screen geometry, using 320x240");w = 320;h = 240;}
+ return QRect(xoff, yoff, w, h);}
+ static QSizeF determinePhysicalSize(const fb_var_screeninfo &vinfo, const QSize &mmSize, const QSize &res){int mmWidth = mmSize.width(), mmHeight = mmSize.height();
+ if (mmWidth <= 0 && mmHeight <= 0) {if (vinfo.width != 0 && vinfo.height != 0&& vinfo.width != UINT_MAX && vinfo.height != UINT_MAX) {@@ -153,17 +160,17 @@} else if (mmHeight > 0 && mmWidth <= 0) {mmWidth = res.width() * mmHeight/res.height();}
+ return QSize(mmWidth, mmHeight);}
+ static QImage::Format determineFormat(const fb_var_screeninfo &info, int depth){const fb_bitfield rgba[4] = { info.red, info.green,info.blue, info.transp };
+ QImage::Format format = QImage::Format_Invalid;
+ switch (depth) {case 32: {const fb_bitfield argb8888[4] = {{16, 8, 0}, {8, 8, 0},
@@ -241,14 +248,14 @@default:break;}
+  qDebug() << "*******************************************" << format << "************************************************";return format;}
+ static int openTtyDevice(const QString &device){const char *const devs[] = { "/dev/tty0", "/dev/tty", "/dev/console", 0 };
+ int fd = -1;if (device.isEmpty()) {for (const char * const *dev = devs; *dev; ++dev) {@@ -259,10 +266,10 @@} else {fd = QT_OPEN(QFile::encodeName(device).constData(), O_RDWR);}
+ return fd;}
+ static void switchToGraphicsMode(int ttyfd, bool doSwitch, int *oldMode){// Do not warn if the switch fails: the ioctl fails when launching from a
@@ -273,25 +280,25 @@ioctl(ttyfd, KDSETMODE, KD_GRAPHICS);}}
+ static void resetTty(int ttyfd, int oldMode){ioctl(ttyfd, KDSETMODE, oldMode);
+ QT_CLOSE(ttyfd);}
+ static void blankScreen(int fd, bool on){ioctl(fd, FBIOBLANK, on ? VESA_POWERDOWN : VESA_NO_BLANKING);}
+ QLinuxFbScreen::QLinuxFbScreen(const QStringList &args)
-    : mArgs(args), mFbFd(-1), mTtyFd(-1), mBlitter(0)
+    : mArgs(args), mFbFd(-1), mTtyFd(-1), mBlitter(0),mRotation(0){mMmap.data = 0;}
+ QLinuxFbScreen::~QLinuxFbScreen(){if (mFbFd != -1) {@@ -299,13 +306,13 @@munmap(mMmap.data - mMmap.offset, mMmap.size);close(mFbFd);}
+ if (mTtyFd != -1)resetTty(mTtyFd, mOldTtyMode);
+ delete mBlitter;}
+ bool QLinuxFbScreen::initialize(){QRegularExpression ttyRx(QLatin1String("tty=(.*)"));
@@ -313,14 +320,19 @@QRegularExpression mmSizeRx(QLatin1String("mmsize=(\\d+)x(\\d+)"));QRegularExpression sizeRx(QLatin1String("size=(\\d+)x(\\d+)"));QRegularExpression offsetRx(QLatin1String("offset=(\\d+)x(\\d+)"));
+  // add by immorta start
+  QRegularExpression rotationRx(QLatin1String("rotation=(0|90|180|270)"));
+  // add by immorta endQString fbDevice, ttyDevice;QSize userMmSize;QRect userGeometry;bool doSwitchToGraphicsMode = true;
+ // Parse arguments
-    for (const QString &arg : qAsConst(mArgs)) {+
+    //for (const QString &arg : qAsConst(mArgs)) {+    //   foreach (const QString &arg, mArgs) {+     for (const QString &arg : qAsConst(mArgs)) {QRegularExpressionMatch match;if (arg == QLatin1String("nographicsmodeswitch"))doSwitchToGraphicsMode = false;
@@ -334,8 +346,12 @@ttyDevice = match.captured(1);else if (arg.contains(fbRx, &match))fbDevice = match.captured(1);
+      // add by immortal start
+      else if (arg.contains(rotationRx, &match))
+          mRotation = match.captured(1).toInt();
+      // add by immortal end}
+ if (fbDevice.isEmpty()) {fbDevice = QLatin1String("/dev/fb0");if (!QFile::exists(fbDevice))
@@ -345,37 +361,47 @@return false;}}
+ // Open the devicemFbFd = openFramebufferDevice(fbDevice);if (mFbFd == -1) {qErrnoWarning(errno, "Failed to open framebuffer %s", qPrintable(fbDevice));return false;}
+ // Read the fixed and variable screen informationfb_fix_screeninfo finfo;fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;memset(&vinfo, 0, sizeof(vinfo));memset(&finfo, 0, sizeof(finfo));
+ if (ioctl(mFbFd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) != 0) {qErrnoWarning(errno, "Error reading fixed information");return false;}
+ if (ioctl(mFbFd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo)) {qErrnoWarning(errno, "Error reading variable information");return false;}
+ mDepth = determineDepth(vinfo);mBytesPerLine = finfo.line_length;QRect geometry = determineGeometry(vinfo, userGeometry);
+  // add by immortal start
+  QRect originalGeometry = geometry;
+  if( 90 == mRotation  || 270 == mRotation )
+    {+      int tmp = geometry.width();
+        geometry.setWidth(geometry.height());
+        geometry.setHeight(tmp);
+    }
+  // add by immortal endmGeometry = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), geometry.size());mFormat = determineFormat(vinfo, mDepth);
-    mPhysicalSize = determinePhysicalSize(vinfo, userMmSize, geometry.size());
+    //mPhysicalSize = determinePhysicalSize(vinfo, userMmSize, geometry.size());
+  mPhysicalSize = determinePhysicalSize(vinfo, userMmSize, originalGeometry.size());// mmap the framebuffermMmap.size = finfo.smem_len;uchar *data = (unsigned char *)mmap(0, mMmap.size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mFbFd, 0);
@@ -383,42 +409,60 @@qErrnoWarning(errno, "Failed to mmap framebuffer");return false;}
-    mMmap.offset = geometry.y() * mBytesPerLine + geometry.x() * mDepth / 8;
+    //mMmap.offset = geometry.y() * mBytesPerLine + geometry.x() * mDepth / 8;
+  mMmap.offset = originalGeometry.y() * mBytesPerLine + originalGeometry.x() * mDepth / 8;mMmap.data = data + mMmap.offset;
+ QFbScreen::initializeCompositor();
-    mFbScreenImage = QImage(mMmap.data, geometry.width(), geometry.height(), mBytesPerLine, mFormat);
+    //mFbScreenImage = QImage(mMmap.data, geometry.width(), geometry.height(), mBytesPerLine, mFormat);
+  mFbScreenImage = QImage(mMmap.data, originalGeometry.width(), originalGeometry.height(), mBytesPerLine, mFormat);
+ mCursor = new QFbCursor(this);
+ mTtyFd = openTtyDevice(ttyDevice);if (mTtyFd == -1)qErrnoWarning(errno, "Failed to open tty");
+ switchToGraphicsMode(mTtyFd, doSwitchToGraphicsMode, &mOldTtyMode);blankScreen(mFbFd, false);
+ return true;}
+ QRegion QLinuxFbScreen::doRedraw(){QRegion touched = QFbScreen::doRedraw();
+ if (touched.isEmpty())return touched;
+ if (!mBlitter)mBlitter = new QPainter(&mFbScreenImage);
+  const QVector<QRect> rects = touched.rects();mBlitter->setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source);
-    for (const QRect &rect : touched)
-        mBlitter->drawImage(rect, mScreenImage, rect);
+  for (int i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i)
+  {+      if( 90 == mRotation || 270 == mRotation )
+        {+          mBlitter->translate(mGeometry.height()/2, mGeometry.width()/2);
+        }
+        else if( 180 == mRotation )
+        {+            mBlitter->translate(mGeometry.width()/2, mGeometry.height()/2);
+        }
+        if( mRotation != 0 )
+        {+            mBlitter->rotate(mRotation);
+            mBlitter->translate(-mGeometry.width()/2, -mGeometry.height()/2);
+        }
+        mBlitter->drawImage(rects[i], mScreenImage, rects[i]);
+      mBlitter->resetTransform();
+    }return touched;}
+ // grabWindow() grabs "from the screen" not from the backingstores.// In linuxfb's case it will also include the mouse cursor.QPixmap QLinuxFbScreen::grabWindow(WId wid, int x, int y, int width, int height) const
@@ -430,7 +474,7 @@height = mFbScreenImage.height() - y;return QPixmap::fromImage(mFbScreenImage).copy(x, y, width, height);}
+ QFbWindow *window = windowForId(wid);if (window) {const QRect geom = window->geometry();
@@ -442,9 +486,9 @@rect &= window->geometry();return QPixmap::fromImage(mFbScreenImage).copy(rect);}
+ return QPixmap();}


//触摸翻转export QT_QPA_EVDEV_TOUCHSCREEN_PARAMETERS=/dev/input/event$i:rotate=180//界面翻转export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=linuxfb:tty=/dev/fb0:rotation=180

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