
一、 词汇(选择一个最合适的词汇,将对应的英文字母填入空格内。每题

2 分,共 20 分)

1、 A ____ is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines.

A. keyboard

B. modem

C. mouse

D. printer

2、 A ____ is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds.

A. network card

B. video card

C. sound card

D. monitor

3、 ____ is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents.

A. Word 2000

B. Outlook 2000

C. Access 2000

D. Excel 2000

4、 ____ is a fast and powerful operating system, based on the UNIX O.S.

A. Windows 2000

B. Office 2000

C. Windows 98

D. Linux

5、 The OSI model has ____ layers.

A. four

B. five

C. six

D. seven

6、 The purpose of the ____

is to provide fully integrated analog services to users.





7、 Which one is not a computer languages? ____

A. word 2000


C. C

D. C++

8、 The ____ turns the object file into an executable program.

A. linker

B. compiler

C. interpreter

D. computer

9、 The RGB value is composed of ____ components.

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

10、 A virus is a _____.

A. program

B. computer

C. bad man

D. beast

二、 语法 —— 单项选择题(每小题

1.5 分,共

15 分)

1、 With Windows, you can run several powerful applications at once and switch quickly



A. between

B. among

C. in

D. on

2、 He doesn ’ t mind __________her birthday party.

A. being not invited to

B. not to be invited to

C. not being invited to

D. not inviting to

3、 Only when you have told him __________take this book out of the library.

A. can you

B. would you

C. you will

D. you can

4、 We’ ll go to Paris for our holiday, __________it isn

’ t too expensive.

A. except

B. provided

C. so far as

D. unless

5、 The prisoners

’ request __________more and better food is now __________consideration(考


A. for, on

B. for, under

C. for, in

D. for, into

6、 Mrs. Snow __________in the office for two years before she got a raise.

A. have been working

B. had been working

C. has been working

D. was working

7、 The teacher has repeatedly reminded him __________it.

A. of

B. for

C. with



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