msmpeng 禁用

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UPDATE: Looks like this bug has been fixed in Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1). I've upgraded and I've not seen this issue again.

更新:看来此错误已在Vista Service Pack 1(SP1)中修复。 我已经升级,但是再也没有看到这个问题。

I give Microsoft a lot of credit for the work all their bloggers do to increase the transparency of their business. Specifically the developers and folks in the developer division (devdiv) do a great job of letting us know what's up, especially when things are wrong.

对于他们的所有博客作者为提高业务透明度所做的工作,我都给予Microsoft很大的赞誉。 具体来说,开发人员和开发人员部门(devdiv)的工作人员非常擅长让我们知道发生了什么事情,尤其是在出现问题时。

However, when I have a problem, and I Google and Google...

但是,当我遇到问题时,我和Google以及Google ...

(and sometimes find myself - that's always disheartening when you Google for a problem, find yourself, then at that moment realize that not only have you had this problem before, but you're still screwed.)


and find a huge number of folks "suffering" on blogs, on Usenet, in Forums with some similar problem, and nary a Microsoft blogger or MVP in sight.


Try Googling for any subset of these words "MSMPENG.EXE, TrustedInstaller.exe and SLSVC.EXE at 100% CPU on Vista Machines" and you'll discover a mass of pained and screaming Vista users, yearning for a HotFix.


When I see things like this, I think "If I worked for Microsoft, fixing this problem could be a HUGE opportunity." This isn't a small problem, if Google has anything to say about it, but rather something is really sick somewhere.

当我看到这样的事情时,我想“如果我为Microsoft工作,解决此问题可能是巨大的机会。” 如果Google对此有什么话要说,这不是一个小问题,但是某个地方确实有病。

I've had a pretty decent Vista experience, recognizing that I'm an Early Adopter. Early Betas hurt me, and an RC1 or two destroyed a machine or two, but after release (RTM) including installation and day to day use, my experience has been nice. My wife, my mom, and myself all run Vista. I also got OneCare for the whole family, having had nice experiences as a Beta Tester.

我认识到我是一名早期采用者,因此在Vista方面拥有相当不错的经验。 早期的Beta伤害了我,一两个RC1破坏了一两个机器,但是在发布(RTM)(包括安装和日常使用)后,我的经验非常好。 我的妻子,我的妈妈和我自己都运行Vista。 作为Beta测试人员,我有很好的经验,也为整个家庭获得了OneCare。

Now, in the last month, on EVERY Vista Machine I have, from a slow AMD K5 my wife runs, to a Toshiba m200 Tablet, an IBM T60, and a home-built monster, has suffered with these issues. All of them, every machine and every issue:

现在,在上个月,我的每台Vista机器都遇到了这些问题,从我妻子运行的速度较慢的AMD K5到东芝m200平板电脑,IBM T60和自制的怪兽。 所有这些,每台机器和每一个问题:

  • MSMPENG.EXE - Some say this is Windows Defender, others say it's the OneCare AntiVirus. SysInternals ProcMon says it's constantly going over totally innocuous files over and over again. Note that I've turned off both OneCare and Defender on these machines. (Not sure why there's two apps?) This process just won't stop sucking the life from my machines. Things are SO slow, especially when the process hits a 4 gig ISO or 12 gig VM Disk Image. MSMPENG.EXE-有人说这是Windows Defender,有人说这是OneCare AntiVirus。 SysInternals ProcMon表示,它不断地反复遍历完全无害的文件。 请注意,我已经在这些计算机上关闭了OneCare和Defender。 (不确定为什么有两个应用程序吗?)这个过程不会停止吸收我机器的生命。 事情太慢了,尤其是当进程达到4 gig ISO或12 gig VM Disk Image时。
  • TrustedInstaller.exe - This application has such a suspicious name I immediately started Googling around thinking I was infected with some evil Trojan. I mean, "TrustedInstaller.exe"? Seriously, like I'm going to see this in Taskman and say to myself, "oh, as long as it's TRUSTED." This process starts up seemingly randomly, even when I'm not installing things. It runs for 10 minutes or so, then disappears. I fear it. I fear iTunes on Vista more, but this one is pretty bad also. TrustedInstaller.exe-此应用程序具有如此可疑的名称,我立即开始使用Google搜索功能,以为自己感染了一些邪恶的特洛伊木马。 我的意思是“ TrustedInstaller.exe”? 认真地说,就像我要在Taskman中看到的那样对自己说:“哦,只要它是Trusted。” 这个过程似乎是随机启动的,即使我没有安装东西也是如此。 它运行10分钟左右,然后消失。 我怕我更担心Vista上的iTunes,但这也很糟糕。
  • SLSVC.EXE - The Software Licensing Service. I guess it licenses software, or hands out licenses, but there's no telling when it'll pop up, churn for an hour, then leave. SLSVC.EXE-软件许可服务。 我猜是它许可了软件,还是发放了许可证,但是并没有告诉它什么时候弹出,搅动一个小时然后离开。
  • SearchIndexer.exe and friends - These guys just won't stop. There's usually 3 or 4 of them going all at once, but I still have to wait for a count of one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand, four-one-thousand before Search Results come back.SearchIndexer.exe和朋友-这些家伙不会停止。 通常有3或4个全部同时显示,但我仍然必须等待一千个,两千个,三千个,四千个的计数才能返回搜索结果。

I don't like having to run my Operating System with Taskman constantly open because I no longer trust background processes. I'd like someone at Microsoft who works on one of these apps, help me understand what crazy edge case I've hit on every machine I own and how I can make it stop. I mean this not as a troll, and if you read my blog, you know I never blog bile, but I'm really interested in figuring out what's up.

我不喜欢在Taskman持续打开的情况下运行操作系统,因为我不再信任后台进程。 我希望使用Microsoft的人员来处理其中一个应用程序,帮助我了解我在自己拥有的每台计算机上遇到的疯狂情况以及如何使其停止运行。 我的意思不是说这是一个巨魔,如果您阅读我的博客,就知道我从来没有写过胆子,但是我真的很想知道发生了什么。

What process is currently sucking up YOUR CPU? (Mac and Linux folks are welcome to join in, as I run TOP in a Terminal constantly on my Macs also.)

当前哪个进程占用了您的CPU? (欢迎Mac和Linux人士加入,因为我也在Mac上不断在终端中运行TOP。)


msmpeng 禁用

msmpeng 禁用_Vista计算机上100%CPU上的MSMPENG.EXE,TrustedInstaller.exe,SearchIndexer和SLSVC.EXE...相关推荐

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