openwrt lede

no-ip.com配置 ( configuration)

In case that your home network gets a dynamic (public) IP address from the internet service provider (ISP) and you want to get access to your network services (NAS, IP Cam, any webserver etc.) over the internet, then a DDNS service is necessary.

如果您的家庭网络从Internet服务提供商(ISP)获得了动态(公共)IP地址,并且您希望通过Internet访问网络服务(NAS,IP Cam,任何Web服务器等),则需要使用DDNS服务是必要的。

Typical modems support DDNS service configuration out of the box (e.g. Fritzbox), but if that is not possible then any OpenWRT device on your network can help out.




  • Setup a ddns-client on an OpenWrt Access Point where the Modem would not support dyndns out of the box ** The ddns-client will update the public IP periodically on the chosen DDNS service provider在调制解调器不支持dyndns的OpenWrt接入点上设置ddns客户端** ddns客户端将定期在所选DDNS服务提供商上更新公共IP

Port forwarding to the local services has to be configured on the modem.




  • Pick and register a free DNS name with a compatible DynamicDNS provider (e.g.选择免费的DNS名称并向兼容的DynamicDNS提供商注册(例如,
  • Your network needs to get a public dynamic IP address assigned from the internet service provider (ISP)您的网络需要获得互联网服务提供商(ISP)分配的公共动态IP地址

建立 (Setup)

ISP |LTE Modem           (Dynamic public IP; Modem configured with port-   |                  forwarding; Modem acts as router) |                    <lan interface>Access Point        (Local IP, Dumb WiFi Access Point;  |                   Configured DDNS client) | Local Service       (, e.g. IP Cam; exposed to the                   internet via

在OpenWrt设备上安装软件包 (Install packages on OpenWrt device)

Install ddns scripts using opkg package manager.


opkg update   opkg install ddns-scripts

Depending on your ddns service provider, additional packages may be necessary.

根据您的ddns服务提供商, 可能需要其他软件包 。

opkg install ddns-scripts_no-ip_com

The ddns-scripts are installed to /usr/lib/ddns:


root@openwrt:/usr/lib/ddns# ll   -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         30151 Aug  1 16:31*   -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          4109 Aug  1 16:31*   -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         10308 Aug  1 16:31*   -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          1366 Aug  1 16:31*

组态 (Configuration)

The ddns client can be configured directly in /etc/config/ddns.


Start with enabling the ddns client.


$ /etc/init.d/ddns enable

基本设定 (Basic setup)

First of all, you have to set your credentials from your provider.


config service 'myddns_ipv4-config'                     option lookup_host '<YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME>'                 option domain '<YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME>'  # e.g.          option username '<YOUR-USER>'          option password '<YOUR-PASSWORD>'                                    option interface 'lan'                                              option ip_network 'lan'                                    option service_name ''

检测公共IP (Detecting public IP)

The purpose of the ddns client is to update the dyndns service provider with your current IP address, so we have to configure that.


For that setup the ddns client is running on an arbitary Access Point, so an external service like is necessary to retrieve the public IP address.

对于该设置,ddns客户端在任意接入点上运行,因此必须使用外部服务(如 )来检索公共IP地址。

Append to configuration:


config service 'myddns_ipv4-config'            option ip_source 'web'                                   option ip_url ''           # external service retrieves public IP in plain text

更新DNS服务提供商 (Update DNS service provider)

This setting tells the client how to notify your dyndns service provider with your current IP.


Next configure the setting update_url (depending on your service). Lookup the setting for your supported service provider (supported dyndns providers are listed in /etc/ddns/services)

接下来,配置设置update_url (取决于您的服务)。 查找支持的服务提供商的设置(受支持的dyndns提供程序列在/etc/ddns/services )

$ awk '$1 ~ / {print $2}' /etc/ddns/services

Append in service configuration:


config service 'myddns_ipv4-config'            option update_url ''
  • Sidenote: For the update_url setting uses on the additional installed script. For other ddns providers the setting could be a http link pointing directly to an API, e.g. for it would be http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP].

    旁注:对于,update_url设置用于其他已update_no-ip_com.sh的update_no-ip_com.sh脚本。 对于其他ddns提供程序,该设置可以是直接指向API的http链接,例如对于 ,它将是http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]

打开日志 (Turn on the logs)

config service 'myddns_ipv4-config'            option use_logfile '1'

套用设定 (Apply configuration)

$ /etc/init.d/ddns restart

Check that your configuration works!


The log output should look like:


104739       : Detect registered/public IP    104739       : #> /usr/bin/nslookup <>  >/var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.dat 2>/var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.err    104743       : Registered IP '<YOUR-PUBLIC-DYNAMIC-IP>' detected    104743  info : Starting main loop at 2020-08-12 10:47    104743       : Detect local IP on 'web'    104743       : #> /bin/uclient-fetch -q -O /var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.dat -Y off '' 2>/var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.err    104747       : Local IP '<PUBLIC-IP>' detected on web at ''    104747       : Update needed - L: '<PUBLIC-IP>' <> R: '<PUBLIC-IP>'    104747       : parsing script '/usr/lib/ddns/'    104747       : sending dummy IP to ''    104747       : #> /bin/uclient-fetch -q -O /var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.dat -Y off 'http:<>:***PW***<YOUR.DDNS.NET>&myip=' 2>/var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.err    104755       : '' answered:   good    104756       : sending real IP to ''    104756       : #> /bin/uclient-fetch -q -O /var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.dat -Y off 'http:<>:***PW***<YOUR.DDNS.NET>&myip=<PUBLIC-IP>' 2>/var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.err    104805       : '' answered:   good    104805  info : Update successful - IP '<PUBLIC-IP>' send    104805  info : Forced update successful - IP: '<PUBLIC-IP>' send    104805       : Waiting 600 seconds (Check Interval)

Your dyndns setup is ready to use, configure port forwarding and you are set.


资源资源 (Resources)


openwrt lede


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