



The 38-year-old hunan man

Degree: master and above

Working life: more than 10 years

Expected salary: 5,000 to 8,000 yuan

Work location: guangzhou - roon-no

Objective: the teacher | graphic design

Strong interpersonal communication skills Ability to perform Strong learning ability Have affinity The good faith integrity a strong sense of responsibility Composed inside collect Sunshine is bright Be good at innovation With entrepreneurial experience

Work experience

(working 24 years, 4 jobs)

The school of art design, hunan foreign economic college

Working hours: July 2001 to July 2015 [14]

Job title: teacher

Working content: mainly engaged in graphic design professional course teaching, including the design sketch, color design, VI design, advertising design, packaging design, graphic originality, logo design, catalog design, book design, the basis, the design performance and technique, the visual communication design principle ", "3 d computer aided design, CDR, ps, dw, cad", the undergraduate course graduation design, the undergraduate course graduation thesis, etc.

During the period of school of art and design work, has been engaged in the teaching of visual communication design professional backbone course work, and part time of vice director of professional management, planning and writing this conduct professional training objectives and the course syllabus, and led the professional teachers and students to participate in the various industry design competition.

Hunan strange biotechnology co., LTD

Working hours: April 2013 to August 2014 [1 year 4 months]

Job title: design manager

Working content: mainly responsible for the company's design department personnel management and graphic class propaganda products design, VI design, advertising design, packaging design, logo design, pictorial design, the company's WEB page design and website maintenance, CPHI display design, etc.

Hunan dongsheng xinye cultural media co., LTD

Working hours: March 2011 to March 2013

Job title: design manager

Working content: mainly responsible for the unit design department personnel management and plane type promotional products design, VI design, advertising design, packaging design, logo design, pictorial design, subsidiary of the company's WEB page maintenance, display design, etc.

Hunan shunyao design studio

Working hours: September 2002 to June 2009 [6 years]

Job title: design/creative manager

Working content: mainly responsible for the customer's product creative design plane class propaganda, including brand VI design, print AD design, packaging design, logo design, pictorial design, etc.

Education experience

July 2009 graduated from shandong university majoring in art design

He graduated from hunan normal university in June 2001


Sincerity; Good at communication; Comprehend power; High aesthetic and innovative ability; Ability to design individual cases independently; Work hard and work hard. The most important thing is to be positive, optimistic and upward, and have the spirit of lifelong learning.

During the job has been 14 years, engaged in professional course teaching for undergraduate students, and part time of vice director of foreign-related professional visual communication design and new item advertisement design department supervisor position;

Receiving visual communication professional design art competition award multiple awards; Many professional designs are adopted by enterprises; Published in the journal article of the central journal of CSSCI source, three articles in provincial articles; The state of the deputy editor, "the eleventh five-year plan", is a professional textbook; Create and participate in various kinds of social practice projects.



She is a 27-year-old cantonese

Degree: master and above

Length of work: 1 to 2 years

Expected salary: 5,000 to 8,000 yuan

Working location: guangzhou - unlimited

Objective: teacher

The ability to communicate is strong and has a strong affinity with strong sense of responsibility

Work experience

(3 years, 4 months, 1 job)

There is no

Working hours: January 2014 [3 years and 4 months]

Job title: no

Work: I have been in school for a while

Education experience

To this day the school of art in guangzhou art institute decorates artistic design

Language skill

Japanese: general


I am a lively and cheerful person, I studied painting from my childhood, and I studied in guangzhou academy of fine arts




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