

题目来源: http://acm.hust.edu.cn:8080/judge/contest/view.action?cid=11221#problem/B




171. Sarov zones

time limit per test: 0.5 sec.
memory limit per test: 4096 KB
input: standard
output: standard
It is known that to participate the All-Russian Mathematic Olympiad one should do one of other olympiads enough good. These olympiads are called "zone olympiads" and the region from which people participate the same zone olympiad is called "zone". Sarov city of Nizhny Novgorod district is situated near the boundary of zones, so every year school students of Sarov participate several zones.

This year K zones invited students from Sarov to participate their olympiads. i-th zone invited N[i] students, so N=N[1]+N[2]+...+N[K] totally students were invited. After the Sarov city olympiad, N students were selected, so now the olympiad authorities of Sarov have to decide, which students will participate which zone olympiad. Each student is characterized by his olympiad level and each zone is characterized by its zone level. If a student with olympiad level P participates zone with zone level Q, he will be invited to All-Russian olympiad if and only if P>Q.

Every student is also characterized by his "weight". The Sarov olympiad authorities want, that the All-Russian Olympiad will be participated by students with maximal summary weight. You are to help them. Write a program which will divide the students between zones. Keep in mind that exactly N[i] students can go to i-th zone.

On the first line of input there is an only integer K (1<=K<=100). On the second line there are K integers N[1], N[2], ... ,N[K] (0<=N[i]<=16000). On the third line there are K more integers Q[1], Q[2], ... ,Q[K] --- the zone levels of the zones. On the fourth line there are N integers P[1], P[2], ... P[N] --- olympiad levels of the students. (0<=Q[i]<=1000000, 0<=P[i]<=1000000). On the last (and fifth) line there are N integers w[1], w[2], ... w[k] --- the "weights" of students. 0<=w[i]<=100000. It is also guaranteed that 0<=N<=16000.

Output only N integers --- Z[1], Z[2], ... Z[N] --- the numbers of zones which should be participated by students 1, 2, ... N.

Sample test(s)

2 1 1 4 1 2 3 2 1
2 1


每个区域有各自的限定名额,和进入的分数线,即题目中的zone level Q。给你要参赛的人的成绩和体重,让你把他们分别分到各个区域。



Keep in mind that exactly N[i] students can go to i-th zone




可以将区域按级别排序 ,从高到低依次处理。能够达到高级别区域的学生就放进去,一旦都达到了分数线,如果学生有多余,则优先考虑体重大的(学生体重从大到小排序),因为题目中奥组委要求的是希望各自的区域的选手,体重尽可能的大,所以处理当前级别时,一定优先考虑体重大的。最后剩下没有放入任何区域的学生属于不起作用的,随机放入还有名额空闲的区域即可[由于开始按照体重排序好了,所以这里还是默认了优先选的体重大的了]。



重做了下,发现按照分数排序出现了很多问题,各种格式错误,那么就不按照分数排序了,直接按照重量从大到小排序 ,依次遍历全部的学生,只要达到了分数线录取即可.由于开始是先排序了体重,所以后面选的时候也默认了先选体重大的,合题意.




没空格,有换行 AC
有空格,有换行 AC

没空格,没换行 AC
有空格,没换行 AC


没空格,有换行  AC
没空格,没换行 AC

有空格,有换行 AC
有空格,没换行 AC

但是别人的也是这么写的,有的最后加个空格就过了 ,有的把下标从 0 开始改到从 1 开始就过了,开始比赛时自己也各种PE错误,PE on test 2PE on test 5 ... 还是不知道怎么会有PE

2013 暑假重做代码

Accepted    1075 KB 46 ms   Visual Studio C++ 2010    2050 B
using namespace std;const int maxQ = 110;
const int maxP = 16000+10;struct Qone{int index;int level;int studentNum;
}Q[maxQ];struct People{int index;int level;int weight;int qone;
}P[maxP];bool cmp1(Qone A, Qone B)
{return A.level > B.level;
bool cmp2(People A, People B)
{return A.weight > B.weight;
bool cmp3(People A, People B)
{return A.index < B.index;
int main()
{int K, N;while(scanf("%d", &K) != EOF){N = 0;for(int i = 1; i <= K; i++){scanf("%d",&Q[i].studentNum);Q[i].index = i;N += Q[i].studentNum;}for(int i = 1; i <= K; i++){scanf("%d", &Q[i].level);}sort(Q+1,Q+K+1,cmp1); //Level Max to minfor(int i = 1; i <= N; i++){scanf("%d", &P[i].level);P[i].index = i;P[i].qone = 0;}for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++){scanf("%d", &P[i].weight);}sort(P+1, P+N+1, cmp2); //Weight Max to minfor(int i = 1; i <= N; i++) //先按照达到 level 的选{for(int j = 1; j <= K; j++){if(Q[j].studentNum > 0){if(P[i].level > Q[j].level){P[i].qone = Q[j].index;Q[j].studentNum--;break;}}}}int j = 1;for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++) // 按照体重由大到小随意分配剩下的学生,保证每个学生都有考试区域{if(P[i].qone != 0) continue;while(Q[j].studentNum == 0) j++;P[i].qone = Q[j].index;Q[j].studentNum--;}sort(P+1, P+1+N, cmp3);for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++){if(i == 1) printf("%d", P[i].qone);else printf(" %d", P[i].qone);}printf("\n");}return 0;


//Accepted   1139 KB 46 ms   Visual Studio 8 C++   1338 B  2012-09-22 15:44:41
using namespace std;
const int MAXK=100+10;
const int MAXN=16000+10;
struct Zone
{int index;//编号int N;//需要的人数int Q;//进入该区域的分数线
struct Stu
{int index;//编号int P;//水平int w;//重量
int p[MAXN];
bool cmp1(Zone a,Zone b)//按照Q从大到小排序
{return a.Q>b.Q;
bool cmp2(Stu a,Stu b)//按照w从大到小排序
{return a.w>b.w;
int main()
{int k;int i,j;int num=0;scanf("%d",&k);for(i=0;i<k;i++){zone[i].index=i+1;scanf("%d",&zone[i].N);num+=zone[i].N;}for(i=0;i<k;i++)scanf("%d",&zone[i].Q);sort(zone,zone+k,cmp1);for(i=0;i<num;i++){stu[i].index=i+1;scanf("%d",&stu[i].P);}for(i=0;i<num;i++)scanf("%d",&stu[i].w);sort(stu,stu+num,cmp2);memset(p,-1,sizeof(p));for(i=0;i<num;i++)//第一轮先分配成绩达到了的{for(j=0;j<k;j++){if(stu[i].P>zone[j].Q && zone[j].N)//注意:是stu[i].P>zone[j].Q不是>={p[stu[i].index]=zone[j].index;zone[j].N--;break;//依次对排好序的学生逐个从排好序的区域逐个安排}//也就是说对下一个学生也从第一个区域开始排}}j=0;for(i=0;i<num;i++)//分配剩下的人{if(p[i+1]!=-1)continue;//表示已经分配while(zone[j].N==0)j++;//表示当前区域已经招满p[i+1]=zone[j].index;zone[j].N--;}for(i=1;i<=num;i++)printf("%d ",p[i]);return 0;

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