
This blog post is written by Matthew Miner who is working on a cutscene editor for Unity. The cutscene editor is one of four selected projects that were selected for the Unity Summer of Code.

该博客文章由正在为Unity进行过场动画编辑的Matthew Miner撰写。 过场动画编辑器是为“ Unity Summer of Code”选择的四个选定项目 之一 。

As described in an earlier blog post, the Cutscene Editor is a tool for creating realtime cutscenes without touching a script. This allows both veteran Unity developers and those new to the engine to easily toss together a scene without too much fuss. It works similar to modern video editing software like Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere, with a media browser and a preview window and a timeline. Anyone who has ever edited together a movie on their computer will find a familiar user interface which has been designed with ease-of-use in mind. Itʼs perhaps important that I emphasize the realtime aspect. This is not a tool for preparing pre-rendered scenes, as pretty as they can be. The visual quality of the scene will depend on the player’s hardware just as the rest of the game does. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this approach, but as some famous man once said, “realtime is the only time. For real.”

如先前的博客文章所述,Cutscene Editor是一种无需触摸脚本即可创建实时过场动画的工具。 这使资深的Unity开发人员和引擎新手都可以轻松地将场景摆在一起,而不必大惊小怪。 它的工作方式类似于Final Cut Pro和Adobe Premiere等现代视频编辑软件,带有媒体浏览器,预览窗口和时间线。 曾经在计算机上一起编辑过电影的任何人都会发现一个熟悉的用户界面,其设计宗旨是易于使用。 我强调实时性也许很重要。 这不是准备预渲染场景的工具,因为它们可能非常漂亮。 就像游戏其余部分一样,场景的视觉质量将取决于玩家的硬件。 这种方法既有优点也有缺点,但是,正如某位名人曾经说过的那样,“实时是唯一的时间。 真的。”

How’s It Going? With not much more than a week to go, development of the Cutscene Editor is going well. It isn’t done yet (ha, I wish!), but with a few more late nights and a bit of fairy magic it will be.

怎么样了? 剩下不到一周的时间,Cutscene Editor的开发进展顺利。 还没有完成(哈哈,我希望!),但是要多睡几个晚上,再加上一些童话般的魔法,它会完成的。

In its current state the basics of creating a cutscene are there. You can add a bunch of camera shots, toss them on the timeline, throw in a few explosion animations here and there, maybe chuck in some heavy metal background music, and it will play as expected when you call scene.PlayCutscene().

目前,创建过场动画的基础知识已经存在。 您可以添加一堆相机快照,在时间轴上扔它们,然后在其中四处添加一些爆炸动画,也许丢下一些重金属背景音乐,并且在调用scene.PlayCutscene()时可以按预期播放。

Where a lot of works needs to be done before the August 31st deadline is the ease by which the developer using the editor can modify the timing of clips on the timeline. Initially thereʼs going to be two tools: the multi-purpose trim-n-drag for moving clips around, and the razor blade for splitting clips into two. Right now these donʼt really work. Neither does the preview window, an arguably essential part of the editor. So itʼs not quite in a “gee willikers, it just works!” stage, but once these features are implemented and a bit more polish added itʼll be close to the original vision.

在8月31日截止日期之前需要完成大量工作的地方是,使用编辑器的开发人员可以轻松地在时间线上修改剪辑的时间。 最初将有两个工具:用于移动剪辑的多功能修整n型拖动工具和用于将剪辑分成两部分的剃须刀片。 目前,这些功能并没有真正起作用。 预览窗口(编辑器可能是必不可少的部分)也没有。 因此,它并非完全是“ gee willikers,它确实有效!” 阶段,但是一旦实现了这些功能并增加了一些修饰,它就会接近原始视觉。

Golly, Do Tell Me More!


For clarityʼs sake, each track can only hold a particular media type. That is, you canʼt throw a camera shot onto the same track as an audio clip. The timeline can be zoomed in when precision editing is desired. Clips are added to the track by clicking the “Insert” button beside each piece of media, which will place them with their default time at the position of the playhead. Drag and drop ability was desired, but at this point it may not happen. Version 1.1 perhaps?

为了清楚起见,每个轨道只能容纳一种特定的媒体类型。 也就是说,您不能将摄像机镜头与音频剪辑投到相同的轨道上。 当需要精确编辑时,可以放大时间线。 单击每个媒体旁边的“插入”按钮,将片段添加到轨道,这会将它们以默认时间放置在播放头的位置。 希望具有拖放功能,但此时可能不会发生。 版本1.1也许?

For the most part it should feel intuitive. I referred extensively to how the interface of Final Cut Pro works, so those coming from a video editing background should feel right at home.

在大多数情况下,它应该感觉直观。 我广泛提到了Final Cut Pro界面的工作方式,因此那些来自视频编辑背景的人应该有宾至如归的感觉。

Challenges Most of my time has been spent building the user interface. Anyone who has used Unityʼs GUI system knows that it’s not a drag-and-drop affair; every label and button is created in code. This works great most of the time, but creating an editor as customized as a timeline has been difficult. Creating a basic GUI is smooth sailing, don’t get me wrong, but there was no documentation on how to, say, draw a line over the timeline to appear as a playhead. It has certainly been a learning experience.

挑战我大部分时间都花在了构建用户界面上。 使用Unity的GUI系统的任何人都知道这不是拖放事件; 每个标签和按钮都是用代码创建的。 这在大多数情况下都有效,但是创建像时间线一样自定义的编辑器很困难。 创建一个基本的GUI可以顺利进行,请不要误会我,但是没有文档说明如何在时间轴上绘制一条线以显示为播放头。 这当然是一种学习经验。

Despite the challenges, I’m blown away by how extensible the Unity editor is. It completely rocks being able to build my own tools so easily, and I plan to continue working on similar projects in the future.

尽管面临挑战,但Unity编辑器的可扩展性令我震惊。 能够如此轻松地构建我自己的工具完全使人震惊,并且我计划将来继续从事类似项目。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/08/21/summer-of-code-progress-of-cutscene-editor/



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