《中科曙光虚拟化培训教程汇总:Troubleshooting Storage Performance for ESXi》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中科曙光虚拟化培训教程汇总:Troubleshooting Storage Performance for ESXi(53页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。

1、Mark Achtemichuk, Performance Specialist, VMware VCDX, vmMarkA,VMUG: Storage Performance,Agenda,The Current State of Storage The ESXi Storage Stack Troubleshooting Performance vSphere 5.5 Storage Features Storage Performance Tools and Tips Resources,Herculean Storage IO,More than 1 Million IOPs from。

2、 1 VM Hypervisor: vSphere 5.1Server: HP DL380 Gen8CPU: 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2690, HT disabledMemory: 256GBHBAs: 5 x QLE2562Storage: 2 xViolin Memory 6616 Flash ArraysVM: Windows Server 2008 R2, 8 vCPUs and 48GB.Iometer Config: 4K IO size w/ 16 workers http:/ http:/,Low Latency Storage IO,1mm IOPS, 2ms 。

3、latency, 8kb block, 32 OIOs Reference: ,The IO Blender,Random,Random,Random,Sequential,Sequential,Sequential,Random,Random,Random,Group similar workloads together (Random w/ Random and Sequential /w Sequential,Mixing Sequential with Random can hurt Sequential workload Throughput. Negative Impact on 。

4、Sequential Perf,Too many sequential threads on a lun will appear as a random workload to the storage Negative Impact on Sequential Perf,The IO Blender - cont,Consolidation may cause multiple simultaneous sequential I/O streamsto resemble random I/O,S,Planning Storage The Basics,RAID 0,RAID 5,RAID 6,。

5、RAID 10,175,40,30,85,44,31,30,39,110,110,110,110,IOPS,Write,Read,Throughput MB/s,100% Sequential write for 15k disks,Rules of Thumb 50 - 150 IOPs/ VM 15 ms latencies Typical workload 8K IO Size 80% Read 80% Random,Useable Storage Space,Planning Storage The New World,Many vendors are moving to provis。

6、ioning “capacity” at “service levels” so you dont need to do the low level work,Feature like this are changing the way we consume storage: Policy based mgmt/placement Auto-tiering, hot block migration De-duplication EFD/SSD, Flash Cloud Storage Caching Algorithms,VMDK on VMFS” or “RDM,There really i。

7、s no difference in performance between vmdk on VMFS and RDM Use RDMs ONLY when you require 2TB or native SAN tools https:/,Thick” vs “Thin,MBs I/O Throughput,Thin (Fully Inflated and Zeroed) Disk Performance = Thick Eager Zero Disk Performance impact due to zeroing, not result of allocation of new b。

8、locks To get maximum performance from the start, must use Thick Eager Zero Disks (think Business Critical Apps) Maximum Performance happens eventually, but when using lazy zeroing, zeroing needs to occur before you can get maximum performance,http:/,Agenda,The Current State of Storage The ESXi Stora。

9、ge Stack Troubleshooting Performance vSphere 5.5 Storage Features Storage Performance Tools and Tips Resources,VMware ESXi Architecture,Monitor (BT, HW, PV,Memory Allocator,NIC Drivers,Virtual Switch,I/O Drivers,File System,Scheduler,Virtual NIC,Virtual SCSI,TCP/IP,File System,Physical Hardware,ESXi。

10、,Virtual Machine Guest OS,I/O Drivers,Disk I/O Latencies,Application Guest OS,ESX Storage Stack,VMM,Driver,KAVG,DAVG,GAVG,QAVG,KAVG = GAVG DAVG,Fabric,vSCSI,HBA,Time spent in ESX storage stack is minimal, for all practical purposes KAVG = QAVG In a well configured system QAVG should be zero,Array SP。

11、,Disk I/O Queues,GQLEN Guest Queue AQLEN Adapter Queue WQLEN World Queue DQLEN Device / LUN Queue SQLEN Array SP Queue,DQLEN,WQLEN,SQLEN,GQLEN,DQLEN can change dynamically when SIOC is enabled,AQLEN,Application Guest OS,ESX Storage Stack,VMM,Driver,Fabric,vSCSI,HBA,Array SP,Agenda,The Current State 。

12、of Storage The ESXi Storage Stack Troubleshooting Performance vSphere 5.5 Storage Features Storage Performance Tools and Tips Resources,Performance Management Tools vCenter, vCOps,vCenter Alarms no overhead otherwise Metrics I/O Size Seek Distance Outstanding I/Os I/O Interarrival Times Latency,Agen。

13、da,The Current State of Storage The ESXi Storage Stack Troubleshooting Performance vSphere 5.5 Storage Features Storage Performance Tools and Tips Resources,Community Resources,VMwares Performance Technology Pages (Whitepapers Here) http:/ VMwares Tech-Marketing Performance Blog http:/ VMwares Perf-。

14、Eng Blog (VROOM!) http:/ Performance Community Forum http:/ VMware Performance Links Master List https:/ Virtualizing Business Critical Applications http:/,New,Technical Resources,VMwares Performance Technical Papers http:/ Performance Best Practices http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ Troubleshootin。

15、g Performance Related Problems in vSphere Environments http:/ (vSphere 4.1) http:/ (vSphere 5) http:/ (vSphere 5.x with vCOps,New Whitepapers,A lot of new vSphere 5.5 stuff here (arriving daily): http:/ Noteworthy: Host Power Management in 5.5 Performance of vFRC in 5.5 Deploying Extremely Latency-Sensitive Apps in 5.5 Greenplum DB Performance in 5.5,Thank You。

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