
  • 0. 前言
  • 1. screencapture下载
  • 2. 实现流程
  • 3. MATLAB代码
  • 4. 实现效果
  • 结语

0. 前言




1. screencapture下载

ScreenCapture - screenshot of component, figure or screen


% 当前屏幕分辨率1440*900
% handle为0表示截取桌面
% position: [x,y,width,height],以左下角屏幕为起点
% imageData = screencapture(handle, position, target, 'PropName',PropValue, ...)


% screencapture - get a screen-capture of a figure frame, component handle, or screen area rectangle
% ScreenCapture gets a screen-capture of any Matlab GUI handle (including desktop,
% figure, axes, image or uicontrol), or a specified area rectangle located relative to
% the specified handle. Screen area capture is possible by specifying the root (desktop)
% handle (=0). The output can be either to an image file or to a Matlab matrix (useful
% for displaying via imshow() or for further processing) or to the system clipboard.
% This utility also enables adding a toolbar button for easy interactive screen-capture.
% Syntax:
%    imageData = screencapture(handle, position, target, 'PropName',PropValue, ...)
% Input Parameters:
%    handle   - optional handle to be used for screen-capture origin.
%                 If empty/unsupplied then current figure (gcf) will be used.
%    position - optional position array in pixels: [x,y,width,height].
%                 If empty/unsupplied then the handle's position vector will be used.
%                 If both handle and position are empty/unsupplied then the position
%                   will be retrieved via interactive mouse-selection.
%                 If handle is an image, then position is in data (not pixel) units, so the
%                   captured region remains the same after figure/axes resize (like imcrop)
%    target   - optional filename for storing the screen-capture, or the
%               'clipboard'/'printer' strings.
%                 If empty/unsupplied then no output to file will be done.
%                 The file format will be determined from the extension (JPG/PNG/...).
%                 Supported formats are those supported by the imwrite function.
%    'PropName',PropValue -
%               optional list of property pairs (e.g., 'target','myImage.png','pos',[10,20,30,40],'handle',gca)
%               PropNames may be abbreviated and are case-insensitive.
%               PropNames may also be given in whichever order.
%               Supported PropNames are:
%                 - 'handle'    (default: gcf handle)
%                 - 'position'  (default: gcf position array)
%                 - 'target'    (default: '')
%                 - 'toolbar'   (figure handle; default: gcf)
%                      this adds a screen-capture button to the figure's toolbar
%                      If this parameter is specified, then no screen-capture
%                        will take place and the returned imageData will be [].
% Output parameters:
%    imageData - image data in a format acceptable by the imshow function
%                  If neither target nor imageData were specified, the user will be
%                    asked to interactively specify the output file.
% Examples:
%    imageData = screencapture;  % interactively select screen-capture rectangle
%    imageData = screencapture(hListbox);  % capture image of a uicontrol
%    imageData = screencapture(0);         % capture image of entire screen
%    imageData = screencapture(0,  [20,30,40,50]);  % capture a small desktop region
%    imageData = screencapture(gcf,[20,30,40,50]);  % capture a small figure region
%    imageData = screencapture(gca,[10,20,30,40]);  % capture a small axes region
%      imshow(imageData);  % display the captured image in a matlab figure
%      imwrite(imageData,'myImage.png');  % save the captured image to file
%    img = imread('cameraman.tif');
%      hImg = imshow(img);
%      screencapture(hImg,[60,35,140,80]);  % capture a region of an image
%    screencapture(gcf,[],'myFigure.jpg');  % capture the entire figure into file
%    screencapture(gcf,[],'clipboard');     % capture the entire figure into clipboard
%    screencapture(gcf,[],'printer');       % print the entire figure
%    screencapture('handle',gcf,'target','myFigure.jpg'); % same as previous, save to file
%    screencapture('handle',gcf,'target','clipboard');    % same as previous, copy to clipboard
%    screencapture('handle',gcf,'target','printer');      % same as previous, send to printer
%    screencapture('toolbar',gcf);  % adds a screen-capture button to gcf's toolbar
%    screencapture('toolbar',[],'target','sc.bmp'); % same with default output filename
% Technical description:
%    http://UndocumentedMatlab.com/blog/screencapture-utility/

2. 实现流程

  1. 设置截屏存储的文件路径
  2. 设置定时器周期及执行次数
  3. 截屏,并保存
  4. OCR识别,并判断


% Author: Shaw
% Description: 定时多次截取桌面指定区域并OCR保存为DATA
% Date: 2021/11/26close all
clear all
clc% 全局变量
global i DATA count path file_name% 以当前时间创建文件夹,用以存储截屏后的图片
file_clock = clock;
file_name = ['data-', num2str(file_clock(1)), '-', num2str(file_clock(2)), '-', num2str(file_clock(3)), '-', ...num2str(file_clock(4)), '-', num2str(file_clock(5)), '-', num2str(round(file_clock(6)))];
path = 'E:\ScreenCapture\';mkdir(path,file_name)% 执行次数计数
i = 0;
% OCR异常计数
count = 0;% 周期:单位秒
Period = 60;
% 执行次数:单位次
TasksToExecute = 10;% 定时器设置
t = timer('Period', Period, 'TasksToExecute', TasksToExecute, 'TimerFcn', @tTimerFcn, 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate');
t.startfunction tTimerFcn(~, ~)global i DATA count path file_namei = i + 1% 确实识别区域imageData = screencapture(0,[1400,0,15,30]);% 将图片放大8倍imagePro = imresize(imageData, 8);% 保存图片cd([path,file_name])imwrite(imagePro,['Image' , num2str(i) , '.png']);  cd(path)% OCR识别ocrResults = ocr(imagePro);% 将识别结果转化为字符串recognizedText = string(ocrResults.Text);% 剔除因图像放大而导致的字符串识别结果中的空格recognizedTextModify = strrep(recognizedText,' ','');% 判断识别结果[recognizedNum,tf] = str2num(recognizedTextModify);if tfDATA(i) = recognizedNum;elsecount = count + 1;DATA(i) = 0;endend

4. 实现效果







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