





Easter is over, and so is the wait for the next patch for Cities: Skylines. As previously mentioned our core focus lies in solving the most common technical and accessibility issues some users are experiencing which should be clearly noticeable in this update.

You might recognize some of these patch notes from previous threads, the reason being that we patched previously and then retracted it due to unexpected technical issues.

Please note that if you run a heavily modded version of the game you might want to disable your mods and start a new city to ensure the vanilla game works properly - before you try running your modded city. We can not assume responsibility for the stability of your game when using mods but highly guarantee this practice (as well as regularly backing up your saves!)

If you're experiencing issues with this patch please inform us in this thread so that we can easily monitor the severity and frequency of your problem.

Patchnotes 1.0.7c (incl. 1.0.7b and 1.0.7)

Fixed: disappearing custom assets should now show normally

Modding: assembly version should now be ignored when loading a map

Misc: Embedded mod information to save games (to help debugging and for future improvements)

Asset editor: fixed an issue where dragging/rotating props may conflict

Asset editor: fixed user-made LOD model getting overwritten by a generated one in some cases

Asset editor: fixed problems sometimes occurring when rescaling models in the import window

Localization: German loading tips improved

Warning text added when enabling a mod

Save to cloud box now remain checked if the loading was performed from a cloud save

Japanese garden for everyone

Added command line parameter "-limitfps x" to set a target fps

Mac/Linux: Fixed custom assets not loading due to an invalid PNG format.

Mac: Removed menu bar & docks in fullscreen mode

Asset Editor: the default size of assets created from templates now matches the template size if loading props

Asset Editor: fixed a case where the default textures may get corrupted and require to restart the game

Asset Editor: already placed props can now be moved around and rotated in place (respectively using the left and right mouse click) when no tools are selected

Asset Editor: fixed cases where LODs may not rotate with the building in the import panel

Steam workshop: Steam fixed the workshop not being showing when in offline mode in the latest Steam client release (24 Mar)

Locale: added LOADING text

Misc: fixed a case where command line arguments may conflict

Misc: removed an invalid key binding option

Misc: Added screenshot shortcuts to rebindable input (default is F12 for normal screenshot and shift+F12 for hi-res screenshot, also local screenshots now go to gameUserFolder/Screenshots) Steam screenshot feature is untouched and still the preferred method to take screenshots

Misc: Info views panel added to the Escape chain so the last Escape press will close the info views now

Misc: Save map does not show builtin and workshop maps any longer

UI: Fixed arrows sprites not showing feedback when interacted with

UI: Fixed color picker color not displaying in the right color space

No more duplicate name error for identical names coming from different packages

Paths can not be built inside elevated roads anymore

Elevated roads can now be upgraded or changed direction if one-ways

.ccs files displayed in red can now be selected in the load panel when trying to recover a failed save (when a save fails and attempt to preserve itself generating a .ccs file)

French localization improved

General audio improvements (should help address the sound stuttering issue with some sound cards)

We'd like to thank you all for being patient with us in these times of post-launch funsies (we promise that's the professional term) and hope that we can continue working together to better Cities: Skylines one update at a time!

by thegfw

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