
Apple’s HomeKit home control and automation system is largely plug, play, and enjoy, but sometimes stubborn devices need a nudge to play nice. Read on as we show you how to reset both devices and the general HomeKit configuration.

苹果的HomeKit家庭控制和自动化系统主要是即插即用和娱乐性,但有时顽固的设备需要轻推才能发挥出色。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何重置设备和常规HomeKit配置。

In most cases, setting up your HomeKit equipment is pretty easy stuff. But if the company’s companion app crashes, if the HomeKit device gets added to the wrong device in your household, or there is some electronic gremlin you can’t quite pin down, then it’s time to tinker with your HomeKit configuration.

在大多数情况下,设置HomeKit设备非常简单。 但是,如果公司的配套应用程序崩溃,或者将HomeKit设备添加到家中的错误设备上,或者有一些电子小玩意儿您无法完全确定,那么该是时候来完善HomeKit配置了。

There are two types of resets you can perform with HomeKit devices: you can press the physical reset button on the device itself, if available, or you can reset of the HomeKit configuration on your controlling iOS device. Let’s take a look at both now and highlight when you would use them.

您可以使用HomeKit设备执行两种类型的重置:可以按设备本身上的物理重置按钮(如果有),或者可以在控制iOS设备上重置HomeKit配置。 让我们现在看看它们,并突出显示何时使用它们。

For demonstration purposes, we’ll be using the Philips Hue Bridge 2.0, the HomeKit enabled update to the original Hue Bridge system. (Note: We’re not using the Hue system because it is problem prone, but because it was a popular HomeKit-enabled system we had on hand that had a proper hardware reset button.)

出于演示目的,我们将使用飞利浦Hue Bridge 2.0(启用了HomeKit的对原始Hue Bridge系统的更新)。 (注意:我们不使用Hue系统,因为它容易出现问题,而是因为它是一个流行的支持HomeKit的系统,并且具有适当的硬件重置按钮。)

选项一:重置您的HomeKit设备 (Option One: Reset Your HomeKit Device)

The vast majority of home automation and networking products have a physical reset button located somewhere on the device. You’ll need to check the product documentation but generally the reset process is as simple as pressing the small button with a pen or paper clip for 3 to 5 seconds and releasing it. Some products may require that you press the button while the device is unplugged and then plug it in while still pressing the reset button (or some variation like that).

绝大多数家庭自动化和网络产品在设备上的某个位置都有一个物理重置按钮。 您需要检查产品文档,但是通常,重置过程非常简单,只需用笔或回形针按下小按钮3至5秒钟,然后松开即可。 某些产品可能要求您在拔下设备电源时按下按钮,然后在仍然按下复位按钮的情况下将其插入(或类似的变化)。

The downside to performing a factory reset on your hardware is that any settings stored on the device itself (and not the companion application)–like Wi-Fi credentials, schedules, configuration files, and so on–will be wiped back to their factory state. In the case of our example product, the Hue Bridge, performing a factory wipe removes all the lights and will require you manually add them to the hub again. As such, factory resets shouldn’t be your first choice unless the device is seriously malfunctioning, like it fails to pair or restarts itself.

对硬件执行出厂重置的不利之处在于,设备本身(而非配套应用程序)上存储的所有设置(例如Wi-Fi凭据,日程表,配置文件等)都将被抹回到出厂状态。 对于我们的示例产品Hue Bridge,执行工厂擦拭将删除所有灯光,并且需要您再次将它们手动添加到集线器中。 因此,除非设备严重失灵,例如无法配对或重新启动,否则恢复出厂设置不是您的第一选择。

The one situation where you will almost always need to perform a factory reset is when you purchase secondhand HomeKit equipment (or move into a home with HomeKit-enabled components) as the devices will likely be still linked the previous owner. Save yourself the troubleshooting headache and just reset them right out of the box.

您几乎总是需要恢复出厂设置的一种情况是,您购买了二手HomeKit设备(或带支持HomeKit的组件搬入家庭),因为这些设备仍可能与以前的所有者联系在一起。 不必为排除故障而烦恼,只需立即将它们重置即可。

选项二:重置您的HomeKit配置 (Option Two: Resett Your HomeKit Configuration)

On the other side of things, sometimes it isn’t the device firmware or hardware malfunctioning but some sort of hiccup with your HomeKit system itself. If you find that a factory reset of an individual device doesn’t resolve your issue, you may need to reset your HomeKit configuration on the controlling iOS device.

另一方面,有时不是设备固件或硬件故障,而是HomeKit系统本身出现某种故障。 如果发现单个设备的出厂重置无法解决问题,则可能需要在控制iOS设备上重置HomeKit配置。

The release of iOS 10 and the sweeping HomeKit update that came with it completely changed almost everything about how HomeKit is handled on the iOS level–including the location and naming of the reset function. In iOS 9, the reset function was located under Settings > Privacy > HomeKit–while that might not have been the most intuitive location for it, it was at least very clearly labeled as “Reset HomeKit Configuration”

iOS 10的发行版及其随附的全面更新的HomeKit几乎完全改变了有关如何在iOS级别上处理HomeKit的所有方面,包括重置功能的位置和命名。 在iOS 9中,重置功能位于“设置”>“隐私”>“ HomeKit”下-虽然它可能不是最直观的位置,但至少非常清楚地标记为“重置HomeKit配置”

In order to reset your HomeKit home in iOS 10, you need to launch the Home app, the new HomeKit dashboard. Further, this routine only works if you’re on an iOS device logged into the same iCloud account as the person who set up and administrates the HomeKit home. In almost every case that would be your own device, but be forewarned that the first time we had to reset our HomeKit home, we had to do so because we accidentally set up the HomeKit with a child’s iPad and linked the HomeKit system to their iCloud account. As such, we had to use their iPad to reset the system.

为了在iOS 10中重置HomeKit主页,您需要启动Home应用,即新的HomeKit仪表板。 此外,此例程仅在您使用与设置和管理HomeKit主页的用户登录到同一iCloud帐户的iOS设备上有效。 在几乎每种情况下,这都是您自己的设备,但是请注意,这是我们第一次必须重置HomeKit家庭时,我们之所以这样做,是因为我们不小心用孩子的iPad设置了HomeKit,并将HomeKit系统链接到他们的iCloud帐户。 因此,我们不得不使用他们的iPad重置系统。

Within the Home app, tap on the small arrow icon in the upper left to access the settings menu. If you’re in the relatively unusual position of having multiple HomeKit homes, you’ll be prompted to select which home you want to edit when you click on the settings icon.

在家庭应用程序中,点击左上方的小箭头图标以访问设置菜单。 如果您处于拥有多个HomeKit家庭的相对不寻常的位置,则在单击设置图标时,系统会提示您选择要编辑的家庭。

Within the settings menu scroll down to the very bottom. There you’ll find the entry “Remove Home”.

在设置菜单中,向下滚动至最底部。 在那里您可以找到条目“ Remove Home”。

Select the entry and then, in the following pop up menu, confirm the removal by selecting “Delete”.


At this point, your HomeKit home will be wiped and you’ll need to repeat the entire setup process including adding the accessories, creating scenes, and inviting family members.

此时,您的HomeKit主页将被擦除,您将需要重复整个设置过程,包括添加配件,创建场景以及邀请家庭成员 。

That’s all there is to it. Whether by manual hardware reset or software reset through your iOS device, there are very few issues that can’t be overcome with a little configuration wrangling.

这里的所有都是它的。 无论是通过手动的硬件重置还是通过iOS设备的软件重置,只有很少的配置争执都无法解决。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/230906/how-to-reset-your-homekit-devices-and-configuration/



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