
Happy New Year! I hope you had a relaxing end to 2014, and great start to 2015.

新年快乐! 希望您在2014年有个轻松的结尾,并在2015年有个好的开始。

If you're working in Excel at the beginning or end of a year, dates can be a problem. Usually, you can enter the day and month, then press Enter, and Excel will add the year.

如果您是在年初或年底在Excel中工作,则日期可能会成为问题。 通常,您可以输入日期和月份,然后按Enter键,Excel将添加年份。

Most of the time that works well, but if you're doing December month end reports in January, Excel will add 2015 – the current year. Remember to manually enter the year to the date, if it's not the current year – 12/31/14. And that means typing 3 extra characters! Who has time for that?

在大多数情况下,效果很好,但如果您要在一月份进行12月的月末报告,则Excel将添加2015年-当前年份。 如果不是当前年份,请记住手动输入日期的年份– 14/31/14。 这意味着要再输入3个字符! 谁有时间?

On my wish list for Excel, I'd like to have an automatic year detector, similar to the century settings that we already have. You'll find that option in the Windows Regional Settings:

在我的Excel愿望清单上,我想要一个自动年检测器,类似于我们已经拥有的世纪设置。 您可以在Windows区域设置中找到该选项:

The new setting could let you pick months in which the previous or next year should be applied. For example,

新的设置可以让您选择应该应用上一年或下一年的月份。 例如,

  • If it's December, and you enter a January date, use the next year. 如果是十二月,并且您输入一月日期,请使用下一年。
  • If it's January, and you enter a December date, use the previous year 如果是一月,而您输入十二月日期,则使用上一年

Date entry should be back to normal by the end of this month, and in the meantime, I'll try to remember to include the year, when necessary.


语境帖子 (Contextures Posts)

Here’s what I posted recently:


  • Use Excel to count hotel guests in a date range, based on their arrival and departure dates.

    使用Excel根据到达和离开的日期对日期范围内的酒店客人进行计数 。

  • December 27th was day 42000 in the Excel calendar. Were you geeky enough to notice that?

    12月27日是Excel日历中的第42000天 。 您是否足够讨厌,注意到了吗?

  • For a humorous peek at what other people are saying about spreadsheets, read the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog.

    要幽默地窥视其他人对电子表格的看法,请在我的Excel Theater博客上阅读最新的Excel推文集 。

其他Excel文章 (Other Excel Articles)

Here are a few of the Excel articles that I read recently, that you might find useful.


  • Collaborate with Bill Jelen (Mr. Excel), to create a book with the 40 greatest Excel tips

    与Bill Jelen(Excel先生)合作,制作一本包含40条Excel最佳技巧的书

  • Winston Snyder shows how to use names in a workbook, and asks if you ever abuse the INDIRECT function..

    温斯顿·斯奈德(Winston Snyder)演示了如何在工作簿中使用名称 ,并询问您是否滥用了间接函数。

  • The Power BI team at Microsoft announced new Excel 2013 BI stability and usability improvements in the December update..

    Microsoft的Power BI团队在12月的更新中宣布了新的Excel 2013 BI稳定性和可用性改进 。

  • Finally – a use for 3-D charts. Gregory Long uses a 3-D column chart in Excel to create a background cityscape for illustrations. There are no audio instructions, so you can turn down the sound, if the music gets annoying.

    最后–用于3-D图表。 Gregory Long 在Excel中使用3-D柱形图来创建插图的背景景观 。 没有音频说明,因此,如果音乐令人讨厌,您可以调低声音。

  • The Excel Support Team at Microsoft has an update on the "Form Controls stop working" problem, that was caused by a security update. They're still working to find a better solution

    Microsoft的Excel支持团队已对“表单控件停止工作”问题进行了更新,该问题是由安全更新引起的。 他们仍在努力寻找更好的解决方案

  • Wilson Peng uses the Concatenate function to help with market research and data analysis.

    Wilson Peng使用连接功能来帮助进行市场研究和数据分析。

  • On Microsoft's SMB blog, they posted 5 ultimate Excel productivity tips. Do you know all of them? If you do, the blog promises, "we'll eat our hat"

    在Microsoft的SMB博客上,他们发布了5个Excel终极生产力提示 。 你们都认识吗 如果您愿意,博客将承诺“我们会吃掉帽子”

  • Richard Baker, Professor of Clinical Gait Analysis at the University of Salford, shows how to create a Movement Analysis Profile in Excel, by overlapping 2 column charts

    索尔福德大学临床步态分析教授Richard Baker通过重叠2个柱形图展示了如何在Excel中创建运动分析曲线

  • Diane Poremsky shares her Outlook macro that creates messages from data in an Excel file.

    Diane Poremsky共享她的Outlook宏,该宏根据Excel文件中的数据创建消息 。

  • Jeff Bennion shows how to use Excel for law firm billing, and you can apply these tips in other businesses too.

    杰夫·本尼翁(Jeff Bennion)展示了如何使用Excel进行律师事务所计费 ,您也可以在其他业务中应用这些技巧。

Excel公告 (Excel Announcements)

Here are some upcoming events, courses, recently published books, and other new items, related to Excel.


Data Analysis: Take It to the MAX()


Registration is open for Felienne Hermans' MOOC Course: "Using video lectures and hands-on exercises, we will teach you cutting-edge techniques and best practices that will boost your data analysis and visualization skills."

Felienne Hermans的MOOC课程现已开放注册:“通过视频讲座和动手练习,我们将教您可以提高数据分析和可视化技能的尖端技术和最佳实践。”

You can audit this 8-week course for free, and classes start Apr. 6, 2015.


分享您的活动和文章 (Share Your Events and Articles)

If you read or wrote any other interesting Excel articles recently, or have upcoming Excel events, please let me know. Thanks!

如果您最近阅读或撰写了其他有趣的Excel文章,或者即将举行Excel活动,请告诉我。 谢谢!

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/01/05/excel-roundup-20150105/




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