


一 广播

1.1 从设备





指令详细介绍参看:蓝牙核心卷 5.2 , Vol 4, Part E, 7.8.7

  • OpCode,0x0008,两个字节
  • parameter Total Length,一个字节,也就是Advertising_Data_Length,根据Advertising_Data计算得来
  • Advertising_Data, 由HCI 以上层传下来


详细介绍参看:蓝牙核心卷 5.2 , Vol 3, Part C, 11

可以看到广播数据可能有多个元素:AD Structure 1,AD Structure 2 … AD Structure N,每一个AD Structure的格式为,1个字节长度,一个字节AD Type,n个字节的AD Data。广播数据包也遵循一定的格式,广播包的数据格式参看:AD Type和Core Specification Supplement


详细介绍参看:蓝牙核心卷 5.2 , Vol 6, Part B, 2.3

  1. 用户设置广播参数和广播内容
uint32_t sd_ble_gap_adv_set_configure(uint8_t *p_adv_handle, ble_gap_adv_data_t const *p_adv_data, ble_gap_adv_params_t const *p_adv_params)
  • 设置广播参数,ocf=0x006,ogf=0x08


  • 设置广播数据,ocf=0x0008,ogf=0x08

  1. 开启广播

    gap层提供的函数接口:uint32_t sd_ble_gap_adv_start(uint8_t adv_handle, uint8_t conn_cfg_tag)

  2. 广播的具体数据

  • aa, 前导码

  • d6 be 89 8e,接入地址:0x8e89bed6。(蓝牙传输均使用小端模式)

  • 40 19,报头

    • 0000b,PDU Type,ADV_IND,普通广播. 详见:Vol 6, Part B, 2.3, Table 2.3
    • 0b, RFU,未使用
    • 0b, ChSel, 通道选择,未使用
    • 1b,TxAdd,广播者的mac地址类型,1表示随机地址
    • 0b,RxAdd, 扫描者mac地址类型,未知
    • 19,数据长度,指的是Payload的长度
  • 8b 89 e6 26 c9 4c: 0x4cc926e6898b mac地址, Payload的一部分

  • 02 01 1a , AD Structure 1,广播报文的第一个元素

    • 02,长度
    • 01,类型,«Flags»
    • 1a,数据
  • 02 0a 0c

    • 02, 长度
    • 0a,类型,«Tx Power Level»
    • 0x,数据
  • 0c ff 4c 00 10 07 57 1f 6c 06 2f 1d 98

    • 0c,长度
    • 0xff,自定义类型
    • 4c 00 10 07 57 1f 6c 06 2f 1d 98 ,数据
      • 4c 00, 前两个字节代表厂商,0x004c代表Apple, Inc.厂商定义

      • 10 07 57 1f 6c 06 2f 1d 98, 自定义的数据

  • 7b 53 ef,0xef537b CRC校验


1.2 主设备

  • 设置扫描参数
  • 开启扫描

/**@brief GAP scanning parameters. */
typedef struct
{uint8_t               extended               : 1; /**< If 1, the scanner will accept extended advertising packets.If set to 0, the scanner will not receive advertising packetson secondary advertising channels, and will not be ableto receive long advertising PDUs.@note Extended scanning is only supported as an experimental feature in thisSoftDevice. */uint8_t               report_incomplete_evts : 1; /**< If 1, events of type @ref ble_gap_evt_adv_report_t may have@ref ble_gap_adv_report_type_t::status set to@ref BLE_GAP_ADV_DATA_STATUS_INCOMPLETE_MORE_DATA.This parameter is ignored when used with @ref sd_ble_gap_connect@note This may be used to abort receiving more packets from an extendedadvertising event, and is only available for extendedscanning, see @ref sd_ble_gap_scan_start.@note This feature is not supported by this SoftDevice. */uint8_t               active                 : 1; /**< If 1, perform active scanning by sending scan requests.This parameter is ignored when used with @ref sd_ble_gap_connect. */uint8_t               filter_policy          : 2; /**< Scanning filter policy. @sa BLE_GAP_SCAN_FILTER_POLICIES.@note Only @ref BLE_GAP_SCAN_FP_ACCEPT_ALL and@ref BLE_GAP_SCAN_FP_WHITELIST are valid when used with@ref sd_ble_gap_connect */uint8_t               scan_phys;                  /**< Bitfield of PHYs to scan on. If set to @ref BLE_GAP_PHY_AUTO,scan_phys will default to @ref BLE_GAP_PHY_1MBPS.- If @ref ble_gap_scan_params_t::extended is set to 0, the onlysupported PHY is @ref BLE_GAP_PHY_1MBPS.- When used with @ref sd_ble_gap_scan_start,the bitfield indicates the PHYs the scanner will use for scanningon primary advertising channels. The scanner will accept@ref BLE_GAP_PHYS_SUPPORTED as secondary advertising channel PHYs.- When used with @ref sd_ble_gap_connect, thebitfield indicates the PHYs on where a connection may be initiated.If scan_phys contains @ref BLE_GAP_PHY_1MBPS and/or @ref BLE_GAP_PHY_2MBPS,the primary scan PHY is @ref BLE_GAP_PHY_1MBPS.If scan_phys also contains @ref BLE_GAP_PHY_CODED, the primary scanPHY will also contain @ref BLE_GAP_PHY_CODED. If the only scan PHY is@ref BLE_GAP_PHY_CODED, the primary scan PHY is@ref BLE_GAP_PHY_CODED only. */uint16_t              interval;                   /**< Scan interval in 625 us units. @sa BLE_GAP_SCAN_INTERVALS. */uint16_t              window;                     /**< Scan window in 625 us units. @sa BLE_GAP_SCAN_WINDOW. */uint16_t              timeout;                    /**< Scan timeout in 10 ms units. @sa BLE_GAP_SCAN_TIMEOUT. */ble_gap_ch_mask_t     channel_mask;               /**< Channel mask for primary and secondary advertising channels.At least one of the primary channels, that is channel index 37-39, must beset to 0.Masking away secondary channels is not supported. */
} ble_gap_scan_params_t;
/**@brief Data structure. */
typedef struct
{uint8_t     *p_data;  /**< Pointer to the data buffer provided to/from the application. */uint16_t     len;     /**< Length of the data buffer, in bytes. */
} ble_data_t;//用户调用该函数,进行设置扫描参数,同时开始扫描
uint32_t sd_ble_gap_scan_start(ble_gap_scan_params_t const *p_scan_params, ble_data_t const * p_adv_report_buffer);


  • 设置扫描参数

  • 开启扫描


二 连接

typedef struct
{uint8_t addr_id_peer : 1;       /**< Only valid for peer addresses.Reference to peer in device identities list (as set with @ref sd_ble_gap_device_identities_set) when peer is using privacy. */uint8_t addr_type    : 7;       /**< See @ref BLE_GAP_ADDR_TYPES. */uint8_t addr[BLE_GAP_ADDR_LEN]; /**< 48-bit address, LSB format. */
} ble_gap_addr_t;typedef struct
{uint16_t min_conn_interval;         /**< Minimum Connection Interval in 1.25 ms units, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/uint16_t max_conn_interval;         /**< Maximum Connection Interval in 1.25 ms units, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/uint16_t slave_latency;             /**< Slave Latency in number of connection events, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/uint16_t conn_sup_timeout;          /**< Connection Supervision Timeout in 10 ms units, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/
} ble_gap_conn_params_t;
p_peer_addr: 对端设备地址
uint32_t sd_ble_gap_connect(ble_gap_addr_t const *p_peer_addr, ble_gap_scan_params_t const *p_scan_params, ble_gap_conn_params_t const *p_conn_params, uint8_t conn_cfg_tag)






aa d6 be 89 8e c5 22 81 1b f2 8e 55 68 d0 a3 1a d7 7b d0 cf c5 ca 6a e6 c7 ee 02 16 00 28 00 00 00 f4 01 ff ff ff ff 1f 26 2a de cc

  • aa,前导码
  • d6 be 89 8e,0x8e89bed6接入地址
  • LL 报头 C5(1100 0101) 22
    • 0101b, 数据类型, CONNECT_IND,连接请求
    • 0b, RFU,未使用
    • 0b, ChSel, 通道选择,未使用
    • 1b,TxAdd,发起者的mac地址类型,1表示随机地址
    • 1b,RxAdd, 接收者的mac地址类型,1表示随机地址
    • 22, 0x22 Payload长度
  • Payload
    • 81 1b f2 8e 55 68, 发起者的Mac地址0x68558ef21b81
    • d0 a3 1a d7 7b d0,接受者的mac地址0xd07bd71aa3d0
    • cf c5 ca 6a,用于连接的计入地址0x6acac5cf
    • e6 c7 ee,CRC初始值0xeec7e6
    • 02,传输窗口大小,单位1.25ms
    • 16 00,传输窗口偏移,单位1.25ms
    • 28 00, 连接间隔,0x0028,单位1.25ms
    • 00 00, 从设备延时,0x0000
    • f4 01, 超时时间,0x01f4,单位10ms
    • ff ff ff ff 1f, 通道图,表示哪些信道是好的 0x1f ff ff ff ff,最高的3位保留,其余位表示通信的信道,1表示可用,0表示不可用。
    • 26(001 00110), SCA & Hope
      • 001b, 高三位SCA,主设备时钟精度
    • 00110b,低5位,hope值,6
    • 2a de cc,CRC校验,0xccde2a


三 发现服务

3.1 发现分组服务



uint32_t sd_ble_gattc_primary_services_discover(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t start_handle, ble_uuid_t const *p_srvc_uuid)


发送的数据aa cc c5 ca 6a 0e 0b 07 00 04 00 10 01 00 ff ff 00 28 cf 2d 83

  • aa: 前导码
  • cc c5 ca 6a: 接入地址,0x6acac5cc
  • 0e 0b,LL层报头
    • 10b,LLID,表示开始报文
    • 1b,NESE(预期序列号)
    • 1b,序列号(SN)
    • 0b,MD(更多数据)
    • 0b,CP(是否包含CTEinfo)
    • 最高两位,RFU保留
    • 0b,Payload长度
  • 07 00 04 00,L2CAP层报头
    • 07 00,Length,Information Payload长度,0x0007
    • 04 00,通道号,0x0004
  • 10 01 00 ff ff 00 28,ATT层数据
    • 01 00,开始Handle,0x0001
    • ff ff,结束Handle,0xffff
    • 00 28,UUID类型,0x2800,表示主要服务
  • cf 2d 83,CRC校验,0x832dcf

3.2 发现分组服务响应



aa cc c5 ca 6a 06 12 0e 00 04 00 11 06 01 00 09 00 00 18 0a 00 0a 00 01 18 a8 64 7c

四 数据交互

4.1 主设备写命令


typedef struct
{uint8_t        write_op;             /**< Write Operation to be performed, see @ref BLE_GATT_WRITE_OPS. */uint8_t        flags;                /**< Flags, see @ref BLE_GATT_EXEC_WRITE_FLAGS. */uint16_t       handle;               /**< Handle to the attribute to be written. */uint16_t       offset;               /**< Offset in bytes. @note For WRITE_CMD and WRITE_REQ, offset must be 0. */uint16_t       len;                  /**< Length of data in bytes. */uint8_t const *p_value;              /**< Pointer to the value data. */
} ble_gattc_write_params_t;
uint32_t sd_ble_gattc_write(uint16_t conn_handle, ble_gattc_write_params_t const *p_write_params)


  • 用户层设置连接句柄,以及需要发送的数据信息
  • ATT层获得L2CAP层的buffer指针,并填充发送消息类型,需要写的属性句柄,以及真实的数据。消息类型和句柄必须要占用3个字节的空间,因此有效数据长度不能大于MTU_SIZE - 3。调用L2CAP层的装载函数,并指明数据长度和通道ID
  • L2CAP层获取HCI层的数据buffer指针之后首先构建一个HCI的头,并把有效数据装载到buffer中

4.2 从设备发出通知


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