A simple yet effective baseline for 3d human pose estimation






1. Introduction

将姿势估计分为这两个问题,可以利用现有的2d姿势估计系统,该系统已经为上述因素提供了不变性。此外,我们可以使用在受控环境中捕获的大量3D Mocap数据来训练2D至3D问题的数据渴望算法,同时使用可处理大量数据的低维表示形式。

2. Previous work


3. Solution methodology

我们的目标是在给定二维输入的情况下估计3维空间中的人体关节位置。形式上,我们的输入是一系列2d点 x∈R2nx∈\R^{2n}x∈R2n,而我们的输出是3d空间 y∈R3ny∈\R^{3n}y∈R3n 中的一系列点。我们旨在学习一个函数 f∗:R2n→R3nf ^∗:\R^{2n}→\R^{3n}f∗:R2n→R3n,该函数可将NNN个姿势的数据集上的预测误差最小化:
loss函数:f∗=min⁡f∑i=1NL(f(xi)−yi)f^∗= \displaystyle\min_f\sum_{i=1}^{N}L(f(x_i)−y_i)f∗=fmin​i=1∑N​L(f(xi​)−yi​)

xix_ixi​: 实际上,可以在已知摄像机参数下或使用2d关节检测器将 xix_ixi​ 作为ground truth 2d关节位置获得。通常会相对于其根关节预测相对于固定全局空间的3d位置,从而产生较小尺寸的输出(?)。

3.1. Our approach – network design


  • 2d/3d positions:将2d和3d点坐标用为输入和输出,尽管二维检测所携带的信息较少,但它们的维数较低,使其非常有吸引力。例如,在训练网络时,可以轻松地将整个Human3.6M数据集存储在GPU中,这减少了总体训练时间,并且极大地允许我们加快对网络设计和训练超参数的搜索。
  • Linear-RELU layers:由于我们将低维点作为输入和输出进行处理,因此可以使用更简单且计算开销较小的线性层。 RELU是在深度神经网络中添加非线性的标准选择。
  • Residual connections:我们发现残差连接最近被提出来作为一种很深的卷积神经网络的训练技术,它改善了泛化性能并减少了训练时间。(当网络很深的时候,可能会发生梯度消失,导数接近于0,参数无法更新,残差网络可以使导数在1附近浮动)在我们的案例中,它们帮助我们将误差减少了大约10%。
  • Batch normalization and dropout:尽管具有上述三个组件的简单网络在ground truth 2d位置上训练时在2d到3d姿态估计上获得了良好的性能,但我们发现,在2d检测器的输出上进行训练或在2d ground truth并在嘈杂的二维观测中进行测试,其效果不佳。在这两种情况下,批处理规范化和丢弃改善了我们系统的性能,同时导致训练和测试时间略有增加。
  • Max-norm constraint:我们还对每层的权重施加了约束,以使它们的最大范数小于或等于1。结合批归一化,我们发现当训练和测试示例之间的分布不同时,这可以稳定训练并提高通用化。(???)

"""Simple model to regress 3d human poses from 2d joint locations"""from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_functionfrom tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope as vsimport os
import numpy as np
from six.moves import xrange  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
import tensorflow as tf
import data_utils
import cameras as camdef kaiming(shape, dtype, partition_info=None):"""Kaiming initialization as described in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.01852.pdfArgsshape: dimensions of the tf array to initialize     /tf数组初始化的尺寸dtype: data type of the array                       /数组的数据类型partition_info: (Optional) info about how the variable is partitioned.  /(可选)关于变量如何分区的信息See https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/ops/init_ops.py#L26Needed to be used as an initializer.    /需要作为初始化器使用ReturnsTensorflow array with initial weights   /具有初始权重的Tensorflow数组""""""truncated_normal函数:从截断的正态分布输出随机值。生成的值遵循一定的均值和标准差的正态分布,但对其幅度大于均值2个标准差的值进行丢弃和重新挑选。"""return(tf.truncated_normal(shape, dtype=dtype)*tf.sqrt(2/float(shape[0])))class LinearModel(object):""" A simple Linear+RELU model """def __init__(self,linear_size,num_layers,residual,batch_norm,max_norm,batch_size,learning_rate,summaries_dir,predict_14=False,dtype=tf.float32):"""Creates the linear + relu modelArgslinear_size: integer. number of units in each layer of the model  /整数。模型每一层的单元数num_layers: integer. number of bilinear blocks in the model     /整数。模型中双线性块的数目residual: boolean. Whether to add residual connections          /布尔。是否添加剩余连接batch_norm: boolean. Whether to use batch normalization         /布尔。是否使用批处理标准化max_norm: boolean. Whether to clip weights to a norm of 1       /布尔。是否将权重修剪为1batch_size: integer. The size of the batches used during training   /整数。训练期间使用的批次的大小learning_rate: float. Learning rate to start with               /浮点数。学习率summaries_dir: String. Directory where to log progress          /字符串。记录进程的目录predict_14: boolean. Whether to predict 14 instead of 17 joints /布尔。是否预测14个关节而不是17个关节dtype: the data type to use to store internal variables         /用于存储内部变量的数据类型"""# There are in total 17 joints in H3.6M and 16 in MPII (and therefore in stacked# hourglass detections). We settled with 16 joints in 2d just to make models# compatible (e.g. you can train on ground truth 2d and test on SH detections).# 在H3.6M内共有17个关节,在MPII内有16个关节(因此在堆叠沙漏检测中)。我们在2d中使用了16个关节,只是为了使模型兼容# (例如,你可以在2d的地面真相训练和SH探测测试)。# This does not seem to have an effect on prediction performance.# 这似乎对预测性能没有影响self.HUMAN_2D_SIZE = 16 * 2# In 3d all the predictions are zero-centered around the root (hip) joint, so# we actually predict only 16 joints. The error is still computed over 17 joints,# because if one uses, e.g. Procrustes alignment, there is still error in the# hip to account for!# There is also an option to predict only 14 joints, which makes our results# directly comparable to those in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.09010.pdf# 在3d中,所有的预测都是以根关节(髋关节)为中心的# 所以我们实际上只能预测16个关节。误差仍然是计算超过17个关节# 因为如果一个人使用,例如Procrustes对齐,仍然有误差在髋关节的解释!# 还有一种预测只有14个关节的方法# 这使得我们的结果可以直接与https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.09010.pdf中的结果进行比较self.HUMAN_3D_SIZE = 14 * 3 if predict_14 else 16 * 3self.input_size  = self.HUMAN_2D_SIZEself.output_size = self.HUMAN_3D_SIZEself.isTraining = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name="isTrainingflag")self.dropout_keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="dropout_keep_prob")# Summary writers for train and test runs   /编写训练和测试的摘要(总结)self.train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( os.path.join(summaries_dir, 'train' ))self.test_writer  = tf.summary.FileWriter( os.path.join(summaries_dir, 'test' ))self.linear_size   = linear_sizeself.batch_size    = batch_sizeself.learning_rate = tf.Variable( float(learning_rate), trainable=False, dtype=dtype, name="learning_rate")self.global_step   = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name="global_step")decay_steps = 100000  # empiricaldecay_rate = 0.96     # empiricalself.learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(self.learning_rate, self.global_step, decay_steps, decay_rate)# === Transform the inputs ===    /对输入数据进行转换with vs.variable_scope("inputs"):   # inputs的变量作用域# in=2d poses, out=3d poses   /输入2d姿态,输出3d姿态enc_in  = tf.placeholder(dtype, shape=[None, self.input_size], name="enc_in")dec_out = tf.placeholder(dtype, shape=[None, self.output_size], name="dec_out")self.encoder_inputs  = enc_inself.decoder_outputs = dec_out# === Create the linear + relu combos ===   /创建 线性层+ relu激活函数 组合with vs.variable_scope( "linear_model" ):# === First layer, brings dimensionality up to linear_size ===    /第一层,将维度提升到linear_sizew1 = tf.get_variable( name="w1", initializer=kaiming, shape=[self.HUMAN_2D_SIZE, linear_size], dtype=dtype )# w1有HUMAN_2D_SIZE,linear_size列,改变张量大小b1 = tf.get_variable( name="b1", initializer=kaiming, shape=[linear_size], dtype=dtype )w1 = tf.clip_by_norm(w1,1) if max_norm else w1    # max_norm: 是否将权重修剪为1y3 = tf.matmul( enc_in, w1 ) + b1   # y = x * w + bif batch_norm:    # 是否使用批处理标准化y3 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(y3,training=self.isTraining, name="batch_normalization")   # 对y3实行 (x - u)/std的归一化操作y3 = tf.nn.relu( y3 )   # 激活函数y3 = tf.nn.dropout( y3, self.dropout_keep_prob )# === Create multiple bi-linear layers ===    /创建多个双线性层for idx in range( num_layers ):     # 重复创建num_layers个线性层y3 = self.two_linear( y3, linear_size, residual, self.dropout_keep_prob, max_norm, batch_norm, dtype, idx )# === Last linear layer has HUMAN_3D_SIZE in output ===   /最后一个线性层的输出是HUMAN_3D_SIZEw4 = tf.get_variable( name="w4", initializer=kaiming, shape=[linear_size, self.HUMAN_3D_SIZE], dtype=dtype )b4 = tf.get_variable( name="b4", initializer=kaiming, shape=[self.HUMAN_3D_SIZE], dtype=dtype )w4 = tf.clip_by_norm(w4,1) if max_norm else w4y = tf.matmul(y3, w4) + b4  # y是最终的三维姿态输出结果# === End linear model ===    /线性模型结束# Store the outputs here  /存储输出self.outputs = yself.loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - dec_out))    # 定义损失函数: (y'-y)^2。(reduce_mean: 不算均值)self.loss_summary = tf.summary.scalar('loss/loss', self.loss)# To keep track of the loss in mm   /用毫米记录损失值self.err_mm = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, name="error_mm" )self.err_mm_summary = tf.summary.scalar( "loss/error_mm", self.err_mm )# Gradients and update operation for training the model.   /训练模型的梯度和更新操作opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( self.learning_rate )    # 优化器,梯度下降,设置学习率update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)     # 收集参数,参数更新with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):# Update all the trainable parameters   /更新所有可训练参数gradients = opt.compute_gradients(self.loss)self.gradients = [[] if i==None else i for i in gradients]self.updates = opt.apply_gradients(gradients, global_step=self.global_step)# Keep track of the learning rate   /记录学习率self.learning_rate_summary = tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate/learning_rate', self.learning_rate)# To save the model   /保存模型self.saver = tf.train.Saver( tf.global_variables(), max_to_keep=10 )def two_linear( self, xin, linear_size, residual, dropout_keep_prob, max_norm, batch_norm, dtype, idx ):"""Make a bi-linear block with optional residual connectionArgsxin: the batch that enters the blocklinear_size: integer. The size of the linear unitsresidual: boolean. Whether to add a residual connectiondropout_keep_prob: float [0,1]. Probability of dropping something outmax_norm: boolean. Whether to clip weights to 1-normbatch_norm: boolean. Whether to do batch normalizationdtype: type of the weigths. Usually tf.float32idx: integer. Number of layer (for naming/scoping)Returnsy: the batch after it leaves the block"""with vs.variable_scope( "two_linear_"+str(idx) ) as scope:  # two_linear+第index层,变量名作用域input_size = int(xin.get_shape()[1])# Linear 1w2 = tf.get_variable( name="w2_"+str(idx), initializer=kaiming, shape=[input_size, linear_size], dtype=dtype)b2 = tf.get_variable( name="b2_"+str(idx), initializer=kaiming, shape=[linear_size], dtype=dtype)w2 = tf.clip_by_norm(w2,1) if max_norm else w2y = tf.matmul(xin, w2) + b2if  batch_norm:y = tf.layers.batch_normalization(y,training=self.isTraining,name="batch_normalization1"+str(idx))y = tf.nn.relu( y )y = tf.nn.dropout( y, dropout_keep_prob )# Linear 2w3 = tf.get_variable( name="w3_"+str(idx), initializer=kaiming, shape=[linear_size, linear_size], dtype=dtype)b3 = tf.get_variable( name="b3_"+str(idx), initializer=kaiming, shape=[linear_size], dtype=dtype)w3 = tf.clip_by_norm(w3,1) if max_norm else w3y = tf.matmul(y, w3) + b3if  batch_norm:y = tf.layers.batch_normalization(y,training=self.isTraining,name="batch_normalization2"+str(idx))y = tf.nn.relu( y )y = tf.nn.dropout( y, dropout_keep_prob )# Residual every 2 blocksy = (xin + y) if residual else yreturn ydef step(self, session, encoder_inputs, decoder_outputs, dropout_keep_prob, isTraining=True):"""Run a step of the model feeding the given inputs.  /运行模型的一个步骤,提供给定的输入。Argssession: tensorflow session to use    /使用tensorflowencoder_inputs: list of numpy vectors to feed as encoder inputs   /作为编码器输入提供的numpy向量的列表decoder_outputs: list of numpy vectors that are the expected decoder outputs    /预期解码器输出的numpy向量的列表dropout_keep_prob: (0,1] dropout keep probability   /(0,1]保持退出概率isTraining: whether to do the backward step or only forward / 做反向传播还是只做前向传播Returnsif isTraining is True, a 4-tuple    /如果做反向传播,返回一个四元组loss: the computed loss of this batch   /这一批次的损失值loss_summary: tf summary of this batch loss, to log on tensorboard  /此批次损失值的tf摘要记录learning_rate_summary: tf summary of learnign rate to log on tensorboard    /此批次的学习率记录outputs: predicted 3d poses   /预测的3d姿势if isTraining is False, a 3-tuple   /如果只做前馈,返回一个三元组(就没有学习率了,因为不需要反馈更新)(loss, loss_summary, outputs) same as above"""input_feed = {self.encoder_inputs: encoder_inputs,self.decoder_outputs: decoder_outputs,self.isTraining: isTraining,self.dropout_keep_prob: dropout_keep_prob}# Output feed: depends on whether we do a backward step or not. /取决于是否做反馈if isTraining:output_feed = [self.updates,       # Update Op that does SGD  /更新执行梯度下降的操作self.loss,self.loss_summary,self.learning_rate_summary,self.outputs]outputs = session.run( output_feed, input_feed )return outputs[1], outputs[2], outputs[3], outputs[4]else:output_feed = [self.loss,   # Loss for this batch.  /这批次的损失self.loss_summary,self.outputs]outputs = session.run(output_feed, input_feed)return outputs[0], outputs[1], outputs[2]  # No gradient normdef get_all_batches( self, data_x, data_y, camera_frame, training=True ):"""Obtain a list of all the batches, randomly permutted    /获取随机排列的所有批次的列表Argsdata_x: dictionary with 2d inputs   /带有2d输入的字典data_y: dictionary with 3d expected outputs   /具有3d预期输出的字典camera_frame: whether the 3d data is in camera coordinates    /3d数据是否为相机坐标training: True if this is a training batch. False otherwise.  /是否是训练批次Returnsencoder_inputs: list of 2d batches  /2d批次的列表decoder_outputs: list of 3d batches /3d批次的列表"""# Figure out how many frames we have  /算出我们有多少帧n = 0for key2d in data_x.keys():n2d, _ = data_x[ key2d ].shapen = n + n2dencoder_inputs  = np.zeros((n, self.input_size), dtype=float)decoder_outputs = np.zeros((n, self.output_size), dtype=float)# Put all the data into big arrays    /将所有数据放入大数组中idx = 0for key2d in data_x.keys():(subj, b, fname) = key2d# keys should be the same if 3d is in camera coordinates  /如果3d是在摄像机坐标中,键应该是相同的???????key3d = key2d if (camera_frame) else (subj, b, '{0}.h5'.format(fname.split('.')[0]))key3d = (subj, b, fname[:-3]) if fname.endswith('-sh') and camera_frame else key3dn2d, _ = data_x[ key2d ].shapeencoder_inputs[idx:idx+n2d, :]  = data_x[ key2d ]decoder_outputs[idx:idx+n2d, :] = data_y[ key3d ]idx = idx + n2dif training:# Randomly permute everything   /随机排列一切idx = np.random.permutation( n )  # 生成长度为n的随机排列,返回一个索引encoder_inputs  = encoder_inputs[idx, :]decoder_outputs = decoder_outputs[idx, :]# Make the number of examples a multiple of the batch size    /将示例数量设置为批大小的倍数n_extra  = n % self.batch_sizeif n_extra > 0:  # Otherwise examples are already a multiple of batch size  /取模结果大于0,则说明不是批处理大小的倍数。否则,示例已经是批大小的倍数encoder_inputs  = encoder_inputs[:-n_extra, :]  # 减去多余的数量decoder_outputs = decoder_outputs[:-n_extra, :]n_batches = n // self.batch_size    # 做整数除法,计算有多少批次encoder_inputs  = np.split( encoder_inputs, n_batches )   # 进行切割decoder_outputs = np.split( decoder_outputs, n_batches )return encoder_inputs, decoder_outputs


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_functionimport torch.nn as nndef weight_init(m):     # 权重初始化if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):    # 判断和线性层类型是否相同nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight)    # kaiming正态分布初始化权重:https://blog.csdn.net/VictoriaW/article/details/73166752class Linear(nn.Module):    # 一个单元def __init__(self, linear_size, p_dropout=0.5):super(Linear, self).__init__()self.l_size = linear_size   # 线性层大小self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)   # 激活函数self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p_dropout)    # 丢弃比例self.w1 = nn.Linear(self.l_size, self.l_size)   # 矩阵大小[l_size, l_size]self.batch_norm1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(self.l_size)  # 批处理正则化大小self.w2 = nn.Linear(self.l_size, self.l_size)self.batch_norm2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(self.l_size)def forward(self, x):y = self.w1(x)y = self.batch_norm1(y)y = self.relu(y)y = self.dropout(y)y = self.w2(y)y = self.batch_norm2(y)y = self.relu(y)y = self.dropout(y)out = x + yreturn outclass LinearModel(nn.Module):   # 训练模型def __init__(self,linear_size=1024,num_stage=2,p_dropout=0.5):super(LinearModel, self).__init__()self.linear_size = linear_size  # 输入1024self.p_dropout = p_dropout  # 丢弃0.5比例的参数self.num_stage = num_stage  # 两个重复单元# 2d jointsself.input_size = 16 * 2    # 2d关节点做输入的大小# 3d jointsself.output_size = 16 * 3   # 3d关节点做输出# process input to linear size  /将输入大小通过一个线性层变为1024维度self.w1 = nn.Linear(self.input_size, self.linear_size)self.batch_norm1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(self.linear_size)     # 批处理正则化self.linear_stages = []for l in range(num_stage):self.linear_stages.append(Linear(self.linear_size, self.p_dropout))    # 向列表里加入个数为num_stage = 2的Linear类型的的实例self.linear_stages = nn.ModuleList(self.linear_stages)      # 变为模型列表# post processing / 后面的过程self.w2 = nn.Linear(self.linear_size, self.output_size)  # 将线性层的大小1024变为输出关节点维度的大小self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)self.dropout = nn.Dropout(self.p_dropout)def forward(self, x):# pre-processing    /预处理数据y = self.w1(x)      # 维度变为1024y = self.batch_norm1(y)     # 批处理正则化y = self.relu(y)        # 激活函数y = self.dropout(y)     # 丢弃0.5比例的参数# linear layers /线性层for i in range(self.num_stage):     # 两个相同的模型单元y = self.linear_stages[i](y)    # 依次训练y = self.w2(y)  # 经过一个线性层改变输出维度,变为3d关节点的维度大小return y

3.2. Data preprocessing


  • Camera coordinates: 在我们看来,期望算法推断任意坐标空间中的三维关节位置是不现实的,因为任意坐标空间的平移或旋转都不会导致输入数据的变化。全局坐标系的自然选择是摄像机坐标系,因为这使得不同摄像机之间的2d到3d问题相似,隐式地为每个摄像机提供更多的训练数据,并防止对特定全局坐标系的过度拟合。在任意的全局坐标系下推导三维位姿的一个直接影响是不能回归到每个子节点的全局方向,从而导致所有关节产生较大的误差。注意,这个坐标系的定义是任意的,并不意味着我们在我们的测试中使用了位姿的groundtruth。
  • 2d detections: 我们的2d探测结果来自于最新的在MPII数据集上预训练的Newell的堆叠沙漏网络。与先前的工作一样,我们使用H3.6M提供的bounding boxes来估计图像中的人的中心。我们剪裁一个440x440大小的图像。
    我们还在Human3.6M数据集上微调了堆叠沙漏网络(在MPII上预训练过),这样使得2d关节点坐标检测更加精确,进而减少3d姿态估计的误差。因为GPU的内存限制,我们将原来的最小batch szie从6改成3。除此之外,我们对堆叠沙漏网络都使用默认的参数。我们设置学习率为2.5×10−42.5 \times 10^{-4}2.5×10−4,迭代训练40 000次。
  • Training details: 我们使用Adam训练我们的网络200 epochs,开始的学习率是0.001并且指数递减,最小的batch size 是64。初始时,我们的线性层的权值使用Kaiming初始化。我们用tensorflow实现,初一个前向和反向传播过程花费大约5ms,在Titan Xp GPU只要2ms。也就是说,与最新的实时地2d探测模块一起,我们的网络可以达到实时的效果。在整个Human3.6M的数据集上训练一个epoch需要大概2分钟,这使我们可以训练一些架构的变种和超参数。

4. Experimental evaluation

Datasets and protocols: 使用Human3.6M的1,5,6,7,8来训练,用9,11来评估。

4.1. Quantitative results

我们的方法,基于从2d关节位置的直接回归,自然依赖于2d位姿检测器输出的质量,并在使用ground-truth 2d关节位置时获得最佳性能。

我们的方法在所有噪声水平上都大大优于距离矩阵方法,在对ground truth 2d投影进行训练时,误差达到峰值37.10 mm。这比我们所知的地面真相2d关节的最佳结果要好43%。此外,请注意,这个结果也比Pavlakos等人报告的51.9mm好30%左右。我们所知Human 3.6M的最佳结果——然而,他们的结果没有使用ground truth 2d位置,这使得这种比较不公平。

4.2. Qualitative results


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