
Accelerated C++

  • Chapter 6 Using library algorithms
    • 6.1 Analyzing strings
      • 6.1.1 Another way to split
      • 6.1.2 Palindromes 回文
      • 6.1.3 Finding URLs
    • 6.2 Comparing grading schemes
      • 6.2.1 Working with student records
      • 6.2.2 Analyzing the grades
      • 6.2.3 Grading based on average homework grade
      • 6.2.4 Median of the completed homework
      • 6.3 Classifying students, revisited
      • 6.3.1 A two-pass solution
      • 6.3.2 A single-pass solution
    • 6.4 Algorithms, containers, and iterators
    • 6.5 Details
    • Tips
      • Tip 6-3
      • Tip 6-4

Chapter 6 Using library algorithms

6.1 Analyzing strings

  • generic algorithm 范型算法
  • postfix 后缀 i++
  • prefix 前缀 ++i
  • iterator adaptors 迭代器适配器

6.1.1 Another way to split


6.1.2 Palindromes 回文

// Created by Zach on 2022/9/3.
//  #include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;  bool is_palindromes(const string &s){  return equal(s.begin(), s.end(), s.rbegin());
}  int main(){  cout << "Please enter a word: " << endl;  string s;  cin >> s;  if(is_palindromes(s))  cout << s << " is a palindrome." << endl;  else        cout << s << " is not a palindrome." << endl;  return 0;


6.1.3 Finding URLs

// Created by Zach on 2022/9/3.
//  #include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>  using namespace std;  bool not_url_char(char c){  static const string url_ch = "~;/?:@=&$-_.+!*'(),";  return !(isalnum(c) || find(url_ch.begin(), url_ch.end(), c) != url_ch.end());
}  string::const_iterator url_end(string::const_iterator b, string::const_iterator e){  return find_if(b, e, not_url_char);
}  string::const_iterator url_beg(string::const_iterator b, string::const_iterator e){  static const string sep = "://";  typedef string::const_iterator iter;  iter i = b;  while((i = search(i,e,sep.begin(), sep.end())) != e) {  if(i != b && i + sep.size() != e) {  iter beg = i;  while(beg != b && isalpha(beg[-1]))  --beg;  if(beg != i && !not_url_char(i[sep.size()]))  return beg;  }  i += sep.size();  }  return e;
}  vector<string> find_urls(const string& s){  vector<string> ret;  typedef string::const_iterator iter;  iter b = s.begin(), e = s.end();  while(b != e){  b = url_beg(b,e);  if(b != e) {  iter after = url_end(b,e);  ret.push_back(string(b,after));  b = after;  }  }  return ret;
}  int main(){  string s;  cout << "Please enter a string: " << endl;  getline(cin, s);  vector<string> urls = find_urls(s);  vector<string>::const_iterator iter = urls.begin();  if(urls.size() == 0) {  cout << "no url in the string!" << endl;  }  while(iter != urls.end()) {  cout << *iter << endl;  ++iter;  }  return 0;

6.2 Comparing grading schemes

6.2.1 Working with student records

It is a better idea to use this function to check for an empty container than it is to compare the size with 0, because for some kinds of containers, it might be more efficient to check whether the container has any elements than to figure out exactly how many elements there are.


6.2.2 Analyzing the grades

auxiliary function 辅助函数的用法


6.2.3 Grading based on average homework grade

#include <numeric> 数值计算头文件

6.2.4 Median of the completed homework

6.3 Classifying students, revisited

6.3.1 A two-pass solution

6.3.2 A single-pass solution

注意一下 partition 和 stable_partition 的区别,一个会打乱组内顺序,一个不会打乱组内顺序。

6.4 Algorithms, containers, and iterators

Algorithms act on container elements—they do not act on containers.


students.erase(remove_if(students.begin(), students.end(), fgrade),



6.5 Details


accumulate(b, e, t)

Creates a local variable and initializes it to a copy of t (with the same type as t, which means that the type of t is crucially important to the behavior of accumulate), adds each element in the range [b, e) to the variable, and returns a copy of the variable as its result. Defined in <numeric>.



Tip 6-3

// Created by Zach on 2022/9/4.
//  #include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>  using namespace std;  int main(){  vector<int> u(10, 100);  vector<int> v;  copy(u.begin(), u.end(), v.begin());  vector<int>::const_iterator iter = v.begin();  cout << v.size();  while(iter != v.end()){  cout << *(iter++) << endl;  }  return 0;


Tip 6-4


// Created by Zach on 2022/9/4.
//  #include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>  using namespace std;  int main(){  vector<int> u(10, 100);  vector<int> v;  //    copy(u.begin(), u.end(), back_inserter(v));  copy(u.begin(), u.end(), inserter(v, v.begin()));  vector<int>::const_iterator iter = v.begin();  while(iter != v.end()){  cout << *(iter++) << endl;  }  return 0;

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