nest keyword

If you don’t want to turn on the A/C in your house, but want to at least keep the air flowing for a bit to reduce any stuffiness, here’s how to use the Nest Thermostat to manually run the fan from your HVAC system.

如果您不想打开房屋中的空调,但又想至少保持空气流通一点以减少闷气,请按照以下方法使用Nest Thermostat从HVAC系统手动运行风扇。

Most thermostats have a setting where you can run the HVAC fan only, but the customizations are rather limited, and you likely can only turn it on and off. There’s also usually an “auto” mode that turns it on whenever the A/C or heat is turned on. However, the Nest Thermostat comes with a lot more control when it comes to the system fan: you can manually turn it on from your smartphone, and even specify how long you want it on for.

大多数恒温器都有一个设置,您只能运行HVAC风扇,但是自定义设置相当有限,您可能只能将其打开和关闭。 通常还存在一种“自动”模式,只要打开A / C或加热,就可以将其打开。 但是,Nest Thermostat在系统风扇方面具有更多控制权:您可以从智能手机手动将其打开,甚至可以指定打开电源的时间。

来自Nest应用 (From the Nest App)

Open up the Nest app on your phone and select your Nest Thermostat on the main screen.

在手机上打开Nest应用,然后在主屏幕上选择Nest Thermostat。

At the bottom, tap on “Fan”.


From here, you can get quick access to the fan timer and set it for a specific amount of time to be on. There are different intervals to choose from and you can have it on for up to 12 hours straight.

从这里,您可以快速访问风扇计时器,并将其设置为打开特定时间。 您可以选择不同的时间间隔,最多可以连续使用12个小时。

If you want more finer control of the system fan, tap on the settings gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen.


Tap on “Fan”.


You’ll have two options to choose from: “Every day” and “Timer duration”.


First, you can tap on “Every day”, which will allow you to set a schedule for the system fan. You can set a time limit and a time window when the fan will turn on and off. This will happen every day.

首先,您可以点击“每天”,这将为您设置系统风扇的时间表。 您可以设置风扇开启和关闭的时间限制和时间窗口。 这将每天发生。

For “Timer duration”, it’s actually the same thing as the shortcut on the main screen, where you can turn on the fan and have it automatically turn off after a specified amount of time.


在巢温控器 (On the Nest Thermostat)

You can do the same thing on the Nest Thermostat itself if you don’t want to use your phone. Start by pushing on the unit to bring up the main menu.

如果您不想使用手机,可以在Nest Thermostat本身上做同样的事情。 首先按下设备以调出主菜单。

Use the silver scroll wheel and navigate to “Fan”. Push on the unit to select it.

使用银色滚轮并导航至“风扇”。 按下设备将其选中。

You’ll have three options to choose from: “Automatically” (which is what it’s set to by default), “Every Day”, and “Start Now”.


Selecting “Every Day” will do the same thing as the “Every day” setting in the app, where you can choose how long the fan will run, as well as select a time frame of when that will happen. When you’re done with that, select “Done”.

选择“每天”将执行与应用程序中“每天”设置相同的操作,您可以在其中选择风扇运行多长时间,以及选择何时运行。 完成后,选择“完成”。

From there, your Nest Thermostat will show what your settings are for the fan on the main menu.

从那里,您的Nest Thermostat会在主菜单上显示您对风扇的设置。

With “Start Now”, it’s the same as “Timer duration” in the Nest app, so this allows you to manually turn the system fan on and have it automatically turn off after a specified amount of time that you’ve set for it. Select “Done” when you set a time and the fan will turn on.

使用“立即开始”,它与Nest应用程序中的“计时器持续时间”相同,因此,您可以手动打开系统风扇,并在为其设置指定的时间后自动将其关闭。 设置时间后,选择“完成”,风扇将打开。

Whether you set all of this up from within the Nest app or on the Nest Thermostat unit itself, the changes will appear on both, so you can set it up on the unit and change it within the app, and vice versa.

无论您是在Nest应用程序中还是在Nest Thermostat装置本身上进行所有设置,更改都将同时显示在两者上,因此您可以在装置上进行设置并在应用程序中进行更改,反之亦然。


nest keyword

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