If you prefer to use the keyboard rather than the mouse to accomplish tasks in Windows and applications, we have a handy tip that allows you to get a list of the keyboard shortcuts available in Word.


One method of doing this is to print out (either on paper or to a PDF file) a list of the key assignments for the currently active document and template. To generate this list, click the “File” tab.

一种执行此方法的方法是(在纸上或在PDF文件中)打印出当前活动文档和模板的键分配列表。 要生成此列表,请单击“文件”选项卡。

On the backstage screen, click “Print” in the list of options on the left.


On the “Print” screen, click on the first drop-down list under “Settings.” It’s most likely labeled with the first option available (“Print All Pages”), unless you’ve selected a different option while Word has been open.

在“打印”屏幕上,单击“设置”下的第一个下拉列表。 除非您在打开Word时选择了其他选项,否则很有可能用第一个可用选项(“打印所有页面”)标记。

Scroll down under the “Document Info” section of the popup menu and select “Key Assignments.”


Select a printer from the “Printer” drop-down list, or select a PDF printer, such as Foxit Reader PDF Printer, if you want to print to a PDF file.

如果要打印为PDF文件,请从“打印机”下拉列表中选择打印机,或者选择PDF打印机,例如Foxit Reader PDF打印机。

Click “Print” to print your list of key assignments.


If you chose to print to a PDF file, enter a name for the file and select a location for the file. Click “Save.”

如果您选择打印到PDF文件,请输入文件名并选择文件位置。 点击“保存”。

NOTE: This method only generates key assignments that have been reassigned from their defaults in the current document and template.


For a more comprehensive list that includes all the default key assignment set up by Word, you need to run a built-in macro available in Word.


To access the macros, press “Ctrl + F8”. On the “Macros” dialog box, select “Word commands” from the “Macros in” drop-down list.

要访问宏,请按“ Ctrl + F8”。 在“宏”对话框中,从“宏中”下拉列表中选择“ Word命令”。

A long list of built-in macros displays. Scroll down, select the “ListCommands” macro, and click “Run.”

将显示一长串内置宏。 向下滚动,选择“ ListCommands”宏,然后单击“运行”。

The “List Commands” dialog box displays. Select whether you want to generate a list of all the “Current keyboard settings” or a list of “All Word commands.” Note that if you select “All Word commands,” it could be a very long list. Our list of all the word commands was 76 pages.

显示“列表命令”对话框。 选择您要生成所有“当前键盘设置”的列表还是“所有Word命令”的列表。 请注意,如果选择“所有Word命令”,则该列表可能会很长。 我们所有的单词命令列表都是76页。

A new Word file is generated containing the list of Word keyboard commands, sorted alphabetically, as pictured at the beginning of this article. You can save this Word file so you always have a handy list of Word keyboard commands.

生成一个新的Word文件,其中包含Word键盘命令的列表,按字母顺序排序,如本文开头所示。 您可以保存此Word文件,以便始终有一个方便的Word键盘命令列表。

If you have any add-ins installed in Word, you might want to restart Word with no add-ins loaded. Add-ins may affect the shortcuts available in Word. To load Word with no add-ins loaded, press “Windows key + X” and select “Command Prompt” from the PowerUser, or Win+X, menu.

如果您在Word中安装了任何加载项,则可能要在没有加载任何加载项的情况下重新启动Word。 加载项可能会影响Word中可用的快捷方式。 要在不加载任何加载项的情况下加载Word,请按“ Windows键+ X”,然后从PowerUser或Win + X菜单中选择“命令提示符”。

We will need the path to the executable file for Word, so open a Windows Explorer window and navigate to the location of the Office executable files (usually the path listed on the image below). Click in the path bar in Windows Explorer to select the current path and press “Ctrl + C” to copy it.

我们将需要Word可执行文件的路径,因此打开Windows资源管理器窗口并导航到Office可执行文件的位置(通常在下图列出的路径)。 在Windows资源管理器中的路径栏中单击以选择当前路径,然后按“ Ctrl + C”将其复制。

Go back to the “Command Prompt” window and type an opening double quote. Then, right-click on that prompt line and select “Paste” from the popup menu.

返回到“命令提示符”窗口,然后键入一个双引号。 然后,在该提示行上单击鼠标右键,然后从弹出菜单中选择“粘贴”。

NOTE: We must put quotes around the full path with the executable because there are spaces in the path.


The path you copied is pasted at the prompt after the opening quote. Finish entering the command by typing the following and then press “Enter” to execute the command.

复制的路径会在引号后的提示符处粘贴。 通过键入以下命令完成输入命令,然后按“ Enter”执行命令。

\winword.exe” /a

\ winword.exe” / a

NOTE: There is a space between the quote and the forward slash in the line above.


Word opens with no add-ins loaded. Follow the steps above to run the ListCommand macro and generate a list of Word key assignments again.

Word将打开,没有加载加载项。 请按照上述步骤运行ListCommand宏,并再次生成Word键分配列表。

You don’t have to keep the “Command Prompt” window open while Word is running. To close the window while Word is still running, click the “X” button in the upper-right corner of the window. If you leave the “Command Prompt” window open until you exit Word, you are returned to the prompt in the “Command Prompt” window once Word closes.

在Word运行时,不必保持“命令提示符”窗口打开。 要在Word仍在运行时关闭窗口,请单击窗口右上角的“ X”按钮。 如果在退出Word之前一直保持“命令提示符”窗口打开,Word关闭后,您将返回到“命令提示符”窗口中的提示。

NOTE: If the prompt is available, you can also type “exit” (without the quotes) and press “Enter” to close the window.

注意:如果出现提示,也可以键入“ exit”(不带引号),然后按“ Enter”关闭窗口。

If you are having trouble with a shortcut key, there could be a conflict. The same shortcut key may be used for two or more purposes. When there is a conflict, Word follows a set of rules to determine which command to use with the shortcut in question. The following priority is followed:

如果您在使用快捷键时遇到麻烦,则可能存在冲突。 相同的快捷键可以用于两个或多个目的。 发生冲突时,Word会遵循一组规则来确定要对所涉及的快捷方式使用哪个命令。 遵循以下优先级:

  1. Shortcuts defined in the document itself文档本身中定义的快捷方式
  2. Shortcuts defined in the template attached to the document在文档所附模板中定义的快捷方式
  3. Shortcuts defined in the Normal template普通模板中定义的快捷方式
  4. Shortcuts defined in additional global templates, in alphabetical order在其他全局模板中按字母顺序定义的快捷方式
  5. Shortcuts defined in add-ins, in alphabetical order加载项中定义的快捷方式,按字母顺序
  6. Default shortcuts defined in WordWord中定义的默认快捷方式

For example, if you want “Ctrl + Shift + F” to open a particular folder from within any Word document, you must assign that keyboard shortcut to a macro that resides either in the Normal template or a global template and not in any specific document or template attached to a document.

例如,如果要“ Ctrl + Shift + F”打开任何Word文档中的特定文件夹,则必须将该键盘快捷方式分配给驻留在“普通”模板或全局模板而不是任何特定文档中的宏。或附加到文档的模板。

Also, global shortcut keys assigned in the Windows operating system take precedence over any shortcuts assigned by any application, including Word.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/213498/how-to-create-a-list-of-keyboard-shortcuts-available-in-word-2013/

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