keras Layer

Simple Introduction


Core 核心层


class Layer(object):'''Abstract base layer class.All Keras layers accept certain keyword arguments:trainable: boolean. Set to "False" before model compilationto freeze layer weights (they won't be updated furtherduring training).input_shape: a tuple of integers specifying the expected shapeof the input samples. Does not includes the batch size.(e.g. `(100,)` for 100-dimensional inputs).batch_input_shape: a tuple of integers specifying the expectedshape of a batch of input samples. Includes the batch size(e.g. `(32, 100)` for a batch of 32 100-dimensional inputs).'''def __init__(self, **kwargs):allowed_kwargs = {'input_shape','trainable','batch_input_shape','cache_enabled'}for kwarg in kwargs:assert kwarg in allowed_kwargs, 'Keyword argument not understood: ' + kwargif 'input_shape' in kwargs:self.set_input_shape((None,) + tuple(kwargs['input_shape']))if 'batch_input_shape' in kwargs:self.set_input_shape(tuple(kwargs['batch_input_shape']))if 'trainable' in kwargs:self._trainable = kwargs['trainable']if not hasattr(self, 'params'):self.params = []self._cache_enabled = Trueif 'cache_enabled' in kwargs:self._cache_enabled = kwargs['cache_enabled']@propertydef cache_enabled(self):return self._cache_enabled@cache_enabled.setterdef cache_enabled(self, value):self._cache_enabled = valuedef __call__(self, X, mask=None, train=False):# set temporary inputtmp_input = self.get_inputtmp_mask = Noneif hasattr(self, 'get_input_mask'):tmp_mask = self.get_input_maskself.get_input_mask = lambda _: maskself.get_input = lambda _: XY = self.get_output(train=train)# return input to what it wasif hasattr(self, 'get_input_mask'):self.get_input_mask = tmp_maskself.get_input = tmp_inputreturn Ydef set_previous(self, layer, connection_map={}):'''Connect a layer to its parent in the computational graph.'''assert self.nb_input == layer.nb_output == 1, 'Cannot connect layers: input count and output count should be 1.'if hasattr(self, 'input_ndim'):assert self.input_ndim == len(layer.output_shape), ('Incompatible shapes: layer expected input with ndim=' +str(self.input_ndim) +' but previous layer has output_shape ' +str(layer.output_shape))if layer.get_output_mask() is not None:assert self.supports_masked_input(), 'Cannot connect non-masking layer to layer with masked output.'self.previous = build(self):'''Instantiation of layer weights.Called after `set_previous`, or after `set_input_shape`,once the layer has a defined input shape.Must be implemented on all layers that have weights.'''pass@propertydef trainable(self):if hasattr(self, '_trainable'):return self._trainableelse:return True@trainable.setterdef trainable(self, value):self._trainable = value@propertydef nb_input(self):return 1@propertydef nb_output(self):return 1@propertydef input_shape(self):# if layer is not connected (e.g. input layer),# input shape can be set manually via _input_shape attribute.if hasattr(self, 'previous'):return self.previous.output_shapeelif hasattr(self, '_input_shape'):return self._input_shapeelse:raise Exception('Layer is not connected. Did you forget to set "input_shape"?')def set_input_shape(self, input_shape):if type(input_shape) not in [tuple, list]:raise Exception('Invalid input shape - input_shape should be a tuple of int.')input_shape = tuple(input_shape)if hasattr(self, 'input_ndim') and self.input_ndim:if self.input_ndim != len(input_shape):raise Exception('Invalid input shape - Layer expects input ndim=' +str(self.input_ndim) +', was provided with input shape ' + str(input_shape))self._input_shape = input_shapeself.input = K.placeholder(shape=self._input_shape) output_shape(self):# default assumption: tensor shape unchanged.return self.input_shapedef get_output(self, train=False):return self.get_input(train)def get_input(self, train=False):if hasattr(self, 'previous'):# to avoid redundant computations,# layer outputs are cached when possible.if hasattr(self, 'layer_cache') and self.cache_enabled:previous_layer_id = '%s_%s' % (id(self.previous), train)if previous_layer_id in self.layer_cache:return self.layer_cache[previous_layer_id]previous_output = self.previous.get_output(train=train)if hasattr(self, 'layer_cache') and self.cache_enabled:previous_layer_id = '%s_%s' % (id(self.previous), train)self.layer_cache[previous_layer_id] = previous_outputreturn previous_outputelif hasattr(self, 'input'):return self.inputelse:raise Exception('Layer is not connected' +'and is not an input layer.')def supports_masked_input(self):'''Whether or not this layer respects the output mask of its previouslayer in its calculations.If you try to attach a layer that does *not* support masked_input toa layer that gives a non-None output_mask(), an error will be raised.'''return Falsedef get_output_mask(self, train=None):'''For some models (such as RNNs) you want a way of being able to marksome output data-points as "masked",so they are not used in future calculations.In such a model, get_output_mask() should return a maskof one less dimension than get_output()(so if get_output is (nb_samples, nb_timesteps, nb_dimensions),then the mask is (nb_samples, nb_timesteps),with a one for every unmasked datapoint,and a zero for every masked one.If there is *no* masking then it shall return None.For instance if you attach an Activation layer (they support masking)to a layer with an output_mask, then that Activation shallalso have an output_mask.If you attach it to a layer with no such mask,then the Activation's get_output_mask shall return None.Some layers have an output_mask even if their input is unmasked,notably Embedding which can turn the entry "0" intoa mask.'''return Nonedef set_weights(self, weights):'''Set the weights of the layer.weights: a list of numpy arrays. The numberof arrays and their shape must matchnumber of the dimensions of the weightsof the layer (i.e. it should match theoutput of `get_weights`).'''assert len(self.params) == len(weights), ('Provided weight array does not match layer weights (' +str(len(self.params)) + ' layer params vs. ' +str(len(weights)) + ' provided weights)')for p, w in zip(self.params, weights):if K.get_value(p).shape != w.shape:raise Exception('Layer shape %s not compatible with weight shape %s.' % (K.get_value(p).shape, w.shape))K.set_value(p, w)def get_weights(self):'''Return the weights of the layer,as a list of numpy arrays.'''weights = []for p in self.params:weights.append(K.get_value(p))return weightsdef get_config(self):'''Return the parameters of the layer, as a dictionary.'''config = {'name': self.__class__.__name__}if hasattr(self, '_input_shape'):config['input_shape'] = self._input_shape[1:]if hasattr(self, '_trainable'):config['trainable'] = self._trainableconfig['cache_enabled'] =  self.cache_enabledreturn configdef get_params(self):consts = []updates = []if hasattr(self, 'regularizers'):regularizers = self.regularizerselse:regularizers = []if hasattr(self, 'constraints') and len(self.constraints) == len(self.params):for c in self.constraints:if c:consts.append(c)else:consts.append(constraints.identity())elif hasattr(self, 'constraint') and self.constraint:consts += [self.constraint for _ in range(len(self.params))]else:consts += [constraints.identity() for _ in range(len(self.params))]if hasattr(self, 'updates') and self.updates:updates += self.updatesreturn self.params, regularizers, consts, updatesdef count_params(self):'''Return the total number of floats (or ints)composing the weights of the layer.'''return sum([K.count_params(p) for p in self.params])


设置previous layer, 使previous layer连接到当前的layer,同时会调用build方法初始化regularizers,weights等参数.




python property. 如果该layer是输入层,返回自身的input shape, 否则返回previous layer的input shape.


设置input shape(tuple, list), 并调用build方法初始化regularizers,weights等参数.


返回previous layer的output,如果当前层是输入层,则返回当前的输入.

Activation Layer

主要是计算经过激活函数后输出值,激活函数有softmax, softplus, relu, tanh, sigmoid, hard_sigmoid, linear.


class Activation(MaskedLayer):'''Apply an activation function to an output.# Input shapeArbitrary. Use the keyword argument `input_shape`(tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis)when using this layer as the first layer in a model.# Output shapeSame shape as input.# Arguments:activation: name of activation function to use(see: [activations](../,or alternatively, a Theano or TensorFlow operation.'''def __init__(self, activation, **kwargs):super(Activation, self).__init__(**kwargs)self.activation = activations.get(activation)def get_output(self, train=False):X = self.get_input(train)return self.activation(X)def get_config(self):config = {'name': self.__class__.__name__,'activation': self.activation.__name__}base_config = super(Activation, self).get_config()return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items()))

Lambda Layer

该layer的output是经过lambda计算,如果该layer是input layer,则lambda的input是当前layer 的input,否则是previous layer的input


kerasmodel.add_node(Lambda(lambda x:x.sum(2)), name='merge',inputs=['embedding','embedpoint'], merge_mode='mul')


class Lambda(Layer):'''Used for evaluating an arbitrary Theano / TensorFlow expressionon the output of the previous layer.# Input shapeArbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape(tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis)when using this layer as the first layer in a model.# Output shapeSpecified by `output_shape` argument.# Argumentsfunction: The function to be evaluated.Takes one argument: the output of previous layeroutput_shape: Expected output shape from function.Could be a tuple or a function of the shape of the input'''def __init__(self, function, output_shape=None, **kwargs):super(Lambda, self).__init__(**kwargs)py3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3if py3:self.function = marshal.dumps(function.__code__)else:assert hasattr(function, 'func_code'), ('The Lambda layer "function"'' argument must be a Python function.')self.function = marshal.dumps(function.func_code)if output_shape is None:self._output_shape = Noneelif type(output_shape) in {tuple, list}:self._output_shape = tuple(output_shape)else:if py3:self._output_shape = marshal.dumps(output_shape.__code__)else:self._output_shape = marshal.dumps(output_shape.func_code)super(Lambda, self).__init__()@propertydef output_shape(self):if self._output_shape is None:return self.input_shapeelif type(self._output_shape) == tuple:return (self.input_shape[0], ) + self._output_shapeelse:output_shape_func = marshal.loads(self._output_shape)output_shape_func = types.FunctionType(output_shape_func, globals())shape = output_shape_func(self.previous.output_shape)if type(shape) not in {list, tuple}:raise Exception('output_shape function must return a tuple')return tuple(shape)def get_output(self, train=False):func = marshal.loads(self.function)func = types.FunctionType(func, globals())if hasattr(self, 'previous'):return func(self.previous.get_output(train))else:return func(self.input)

Embedding Layer

使用keras实现word2Vector时,需要用到Embedding Layer

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