
You might have noticed when you send an email from your iPhone or iPad, your messages are appended with a “Sent from” signature. You’re not stuck with this however; here is how to change it to something else, or nothing at all.

当您从iPhone或iPad发送电子邮件时,您可能已经注意到,您的消息会附加“发送自”签名。 但是,您并不为此而烦恼; 这是如何将其更改为其他内容,或完全不更改任何内容。

The “Sent from my iPhone” tagline is nothing more than a default signature. A lot of people still send emails with this appended to to their messages. Not everyone wants to announce to the world that they’re using an iPhone or iPad for email, or they want something more appropriate to their personality or business.

“从我的iPhone发送”标语仅是默认签名。 许多人仍然在发送带有此信息的电子邮件。 并非每个人都想向全世界宣布他们正在使用iPhone或iPad收发电子邮件,或者不是每个人都想要更适合自己的个性或业务的东西。

There are also a number of other valuable settings you can alter, such as if you want to adjust the preview length, alter the flag style, or any number or other mail-related features. We want to talk about all these briefly including the all-important signature setting, so let’s dive right in.

您还可以更改许多其他有价值的设置,例如是否要调整预览长度,更改标志样式或任何数量或其他与邮件相关的功能。 我们想简短地讨论所有这些,包括所有重要的签名设置,因此让我们直接进行研究。

邮件设置 (The Mail Settings)

Mail, along with Contacts and Calendars, can be configured in the same settings group “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”. In this example, we see all the accounts we’ve set up on our iPad.

邮件以及联系人和日历可以在同一设置组“邮件,联系人,日历”中进行配置。 在此示例中,我们看到在iPad上设置的所有帐户。

You can add accounts, and adjust their settings, or delete ones you don’t want or use.


For just a regular Gmail account, you can sync mail, contact, calendars, and notes.

Scrolling down let’s briefly cover the general mail settings. More than a few of these should be pretty self-explanatory. You can increase or decrease the number of lines in previews, ask before deleting messages, and organize your inbox by threads.

向下滚动,让我们简要介绍一下常规邮件设置。 其中不止几个应该是不言自明的。 您可以增加或减少预览中的行数,在删除邮件之前询问,以及按主题组织收件箱。

The “Swipe Options” are an interesting place to stop and have a look at because you can decide what actions occur when you swipe either left or right.


If you use flags, there are two options to select whether it’s a shape or color.


The second group of Mail settings contain options concerned in large with message composition.


It is here where we’ll find our signature option. First, note that if you want to automatically blind carbon copy (BCC) yourself or increase the indent level when you quote messages, then you can make those minor adjustments here.

在这里我们可以找到签名选项。 首先,请注意,如果您要自己自动盲抄(BCC)或增加引用消息时的缩进级别,则可以在此处进行这些较小的调整。

Tap the “Signature” button and you’ll see that pesky “Sent from” text. Tap that area and you can delete it or create something more appropriate to your personal or professional needs.

点击“签名”按钮,您会看到讨厌的“发送自”文本。 点击该区域,您可以将其删除或创建更适合您的个人或专业需求的区域。

Note, you can assign signatures per account or use an umbrella signature for all of them. This is all going to depend upon the purpose of each account, i.e. personal vs. business.

请注意,您可以为每个帐户分配签名,也可以对所有签名使用伞形签名。 这全都取决于每个帐户的目的,即个人与业务。

Finally, there’s a particularly important setting nestled in the settings right at the bottom. You can use any account on your device as the default, which means that every email you send will be sent from that account.

最后,在底部的设置中有一个特别重要的设置。 您可以使用设备上的任何帐户作为默认帐户,这意味着您发送的每封电子邮件都会从该帐户发送。

You can do this per message by tapping the “From” field, but setting up your preferred default account means you won’t have to change it every time you send a message.


It’s a great idea to set up your accounts and tweak them all to your liking. If you have a business account that you want to append with your contact details, or a personal one with an inspirational or funny quote, then you can banish the “Sent from” signature forever.

设置您的帐户并根据自己的喜好调整它们是一个好主意。 如果您有一个要附加联系方式的企业帐户,或者是一个带有鼓舞性或有趣的报价的个人帐户,则可以永久取消“发件人”签名。

If you have any comments or questions you would like to contribute, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/220091/how-to-change-the-“sent-from-my-iphone”-signature-other-mail-settings/



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