Reels is a new feature on Instagram that allows people to create 15-second videos á la Vine and TikTok. But is Instagram Reels just a TikTok clone?

Reels是Instagram一项新功能,可让人们创建15秒的视频,例如Vine和TikTok。 但是Instagram Reels只是TikTok的克隆吗?

Easily-digestible, short video clips are certainly not new on social media. TikTok is the latest platform to use it, and it’s become incredibly popular. Now, Instagram has jumped on the bandwagon with Reels. Let’s take a look at how the two apps compare.

易于消化的短视频片段在社交媒体上肯定不是新事物。 TikTok是使用它的最新平台,并且变得非常流行。 现在,Instagram已与Reels成为潮流。 让我们看一下这两个应用程序的比较。

什么是Instagram卷轴? (What Is Instagram Reels?)

First and foremost, Reels is a video-creation tool. It’s a new mode you can access through the Instagram Stories camera. You can make a Reel from a single or series of clips, but it can only be a maximum of 15 seconds.

首先,Reels是一个视频创作工具。 这是您可以通过Instagram Stories相机访问的新模式。 您可以使用单个或一系列剪辑制作卷轴,但最多只能进行15秒。

Instagram expects most Reels to include multiple clips, though. There’s even a handy tool for aligning a new clip with the previous one to create a seamless transition.

Instagram希望大多数卷轴包括多个剪辑。 甚至还有一个方便的工具,用于将新剪辑与前一个剪辑对齐以创建无缝过渡。

The Instagram Reels editing tools.

Like an Instagram Story, there are a number of editing tools available for Reels. You can add music, adjust playback speed, and use Instagram’s existing library of augmented reality effects. Reels also has a timer and countdown for recording videos hands-free. After you record a clip, you can add stickers, text, and doodles.

就像Instagram故事一样,Reels提供了许多编辑工具。 您可以添加音乐,调整播放速度,以及使用Instagram现有的增强现​​实效果库。 Reels还具有计时器和倒计时功能,可免提录制视频。 录制剪辑后,您可以添加贴纸,文本和涂鸦。

Sharing a Reel is mostly the same as sharing anything else on Instagram. Accounts set to public can share Reels to a dedicated space in the “Explore” tab. Private accounts can simply share the Reel to their feed. You can also share a Reel as your Instagram Story.

共享卷轴与在Instagram上共享其他内容几乎相同。 设置为公开的帐户可以在“浏览”选项卡中将卷轴共享到专用空间。 私人帐户可以简单地将Reel共享到其供稿。 您还可以共享一个Reel作为您的Instagram故事。

Once you create a Reel, a new “Reels” tab will appear on your profile, and they’ll also appear in your main profile grid.


You can browse and share Instagram Reels the same as any other post.

Again, Reels can also be posted to the public “Discover” tab, so you can browse through videos from accounts you might not follow. You can scroll through and Like, Comment, or Share the same as you would with any Instagram post.

同样,转盘也可以发布到公共“发现”选项卡上,以便您可以浏览可能不关注的帐户中的视频。 您可以像浏览任何Instagram帖子一样浏览和点赞,评论或共享。

You might think Reels sounds a lot like Instagram Stories. While both creation tools function similarly, they serve different purposes. Stories are intended to be more of a social feature that allow people to share short videos or photos, which are only visible for 24 hours. Reels are more about creation and entertainment.

您可能会认为Reels听起来很像Instagram故事。 尽管两个创建工具的功能相似,但它们的目的不同。 故事旨在成为一种社交功能,使人们可以共享仅在24小时内可见的短片或照片。 卷轴更多地是关于创造和娱乐。

卷轴是TikTok克隆吗? (Is Reels a TikTok Clone?)

Reels immediately garnered comparisons to TikTok. After all, TikTok is a popular 15- to 60-second video platform. Is it fair to say Reels is nothing more than a TikTok clone, though?

卷轴立即获得与TikTok的比较。 毕竟,TikTok是一个受欢迎的15到60秒的视频平台。 可以说Reels仅是TikTok克隆吗?

While the interfaces of the two tools are quite different, it’s true that the functionality is mostly the same. The majority of TikTok clips are under 15 seconds, but they can last up to 60.

虽然这两个工具的界面完全不同,但确实功能基本相同。 大多数TikTok剪辑不到15秒,但最多可以持续60秒。

There are a handful of editing tools available, including playback speed, beauty and photo filters, and augment reality effects. After a clip is recorded, you can add text, sounds, stickers, and further edit your clip.

有几种编辑工具可用,包括播放速度,美感和照片滤镜,以及增强现实效果。 录制剪辑后,您可以添加文本,声音,贴纸,并进一步编辑剪辑。

TikTok’s editing tools are more robust.

At this writing, though, TikTok has a wider selection of editing tools. For example, you can add voice-changing effects, or even a voice-over, to clips after they’re recorded. TikTok also has a few templates for sharing photos in a creative way. TikTok is the more mature platform, and it feels like it when you’re editing.

不过,在撰写本文时,TikTok拥有更多的编辑工具。 例如,您可以在录制剪辑后向剪辑添加变声效果,甚至添加画外音。 TikTok还提供了一些模板,用于以创意方式共享照片。 TikTok是更成熟的平台,在编辑时感觉就像它。

The biggest difference, however, is in the platforms themselves. Reels is just a feature in the Instagram app, not a stand-alone platform.

但是,最大的区别在于平台本身。 Reels只是Instagram应用程序中的功能,而不是独立平台。

TikTok is a social media network designed exclusively for short video clips. When you open the app, you’re immediately greeted with a scrolling feed of clips.

TikTok是专门为短视频片段设计的社交媒体网络。 当您打开该应用程序时,会立即看到剪辑的滚动提要。

The posting and browsing options on TikTok.

While the process of creating Reels and TikTok clips might be similar, people use the apps in very different ways. If you follow someone on Instagram, you see their regular feed posts, Stories, and Reels.

尽管创建Reels和TikTok剪辑的过程可能相似,但是人们以不同的方式使用这些应用程序。 如果您在Instagram上关注某人,则会看到他们的常规供稿,故事和卷轴。

If you follow someone on TikTik, you’ll just see their video clips. Reels is just one of a growing list of Instagram features, while TikTok is its own thing.

如果您在TikTik上关注某人,则只会看到他们的视频剪辑。 Reels只是Instagram功能中越来越多的功能之一,而TikTok是它自己的东西。

Of course, Reels wouldn’t exist if TikTok wasn’t popular. Just as Instagram Stories was inspired by Snapchat Stories, Reels was inspired by TikTok. However, deciding which one is for you is more about what each platform offers and the content you prefer.

当然,如果TikTok不受欢迎,卷轴将不存在。 正如Instagram Stories受到Snapchat Stories的启发一样,Reels受到TikTok的启发。 但是,确定哪个平台适合您更多是关于每个平台提供的内容以及您喜欢的内容。



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