
1. 听力策略

2. 第一二讲笔记

3. 听力原文复现





扩展业务         expand business

4. 重点词汇

1. 听力策略

2. 第一二讲笔记

3. 听力原文复现


our guest is Molly Sundas, a university student

a  successful young entrepreneur


Tell us about your business.

I sell specialty clothes through a website mainly for women, who have trouble finding suitable clothes in main street shops. Because of their height or weight. But I do some man's clothes too.

How did you get started in this business at such a young age? Are you studying fashion design?

Actually, I majored in finance, but I've always loved clothes. And I started making my own at 14.

Did you have any sort of training in design or sewing or was it a natural ability?

I'd have to say no to both, no one taught me to make clothes.

And most of the things I made at first were disasters.


Why did you persevere? I think most people would give up if they kept failing.

Especially at that age.

I kept on out of necessity as you can see I'm very tall.

I couldn't find clothes that fit me in ordinary shops.


So what are your plans for the future?

Do you intend to open a physical store?

No, I'll keep things online to costs down, but I will add more clothes for children both girls and boys, and possibly even for infants, and I hope to add to my range of designs for men.

扩展业务         expand business

4. 重点词汇

persevere                   / ˌpɜːrsəˈvɪr /                v.坚持

entrepreneur           / ˌɑːntrəprəˈnɜːr /        n.企业家,创业者;主办者,提倡者

specialty                  / ˈspeʃəlti /
n.专业,专长;特色食品,特产;特产, 专卖店;(律)盖印的书面合同

out of necessity       出于必要

necessity                  / nəˈsesəti /


physical store        实体店

cost down               降低成本;成本降低;成本下降


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