官方文档ConstrainedBox class

ConstrainedBox class

A widget that imposes additional constraints on its child.

ConstrainedBox 可以为它的子控件强制加上一个约束条件。

For example, if you wanted child to have a minimum height of 50.0 logical pixels, you could use const BoxConstraints(minHeight: 50.0) as the constraints.

比如你希望子控件拥有最小50像素的高度,你就可以使用const BoxConstraints(minHeight: 50.0)


This snippet makes the child widget (a Card with some Text) fill the parent, by applying BoxConstraints.expand constraints:

ConstrainedBox(constraints: const BoxConstraints.expand(),child: const Card(child: Text('Hello World!')),

The same behavior can be obtained using the new SizedBox.expand widget.

See also:

  • BoxConstraints, the class that describes constraints.

  • UnconstrainedBox, a container that tries to let its child draw without constraints.

  • SizedBox, which lets you specify tight constraints by explicitly specifying the height or width.

  • FractionallySizedBox, which sizes its child based on a fraction of its own size and positions the child according to an Alignment value.

  • AspectRatio, a widget that attempts to fit within the parent’s constraints while also sizing its child to match a given aspect ratio.

  • The catalog of layout widgets.

  • Inheritance

    Object-> Diagnosticable-> DiagnosticableTree-> Widget-> RenderObjectWidget-> SingleChildRenderObjectWidget-> ConstrainedBox

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