
The Universal GameDev Challenge tasked Unity developers to design a game for one of Universal’s beloved brands: Back to the Future, Jaws, Battlestar Galactica, Voltron Legendary Defender, or Turok.

Universal GameDev Challenge要求Unity开发人员为Universal钟爱的品牌之一设计游戏:《回到未来》,《大白鲨》,《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》,《 Voltron Legendary Defender》或《 Turok》。

The prize? A once in a lifetime opportunity for developers of any size to design a game with Universal brands, discover Intel, Microsoft, and Unity resources, and a have a shot at winning part of a massive $250,000 prize pool! To ensure our judges were as diverse and skilled as our amazing developer community, we brought together a team of experts on games, brands, and the industry!

奖项? 对于各种规模的开发人员来说,这是一次千载难逢的机会,可以使用Universal品牌设计游戏,发现Intel,Microsoft和Unity资源,并有机会赢得25万美元的巨额奖池! 为了确保我们的评委与惊人的开发者社区一样多才多艺,我们召集了一个游戏,品牌和行业专家团队!

Over the course of six weeks, we received over 500 entries on Unity Connect from contestants in over 60 countries! Fantastic pitches, original game designs, and incredible passion shined through in each submission, making it a difficult task for our judges to pick a favorite.

在六周的时间里,我们收到了来自60多个国家/地区的参赛者提供的500多个关于Unity Connect的参赛作品! 奇妙的音调,原始的游戏设计和令人难以置信的激情在每次提交时都闪耀出来,这使我们的评委难以挑选喜欢的人。


Great Scott! Back to the Future inspired 26% of entries, followed closely by fan favorites Jaws, Turok, Voltron Legendary Defender and Battlestar Galactica

伟大的斯科特! 回到未来启发了26%的参赛作品,紧随其后的是粉丝最爱的大白鲨,图洛克,Voltron传奇后卫和太空堡垒卡拉狄加

We started by screening all entries by both submission and eligibility criteria, to ensure our judges were only reviewing viable candidates. Then the hard part began, with a panel of staff judges diligently began applying our contest judging criteria to each and every entry. Finally, our guest judges rigorously applied the final scores, from which the average for each category was calculated.

我们首先按照提交和资格标准筛选所有参赛作品,以确保我们的法官仅审核可行的候选人。 然后,困难的部分开始了,由一组评审团成员勤奋地开始将我们的比赛评审标准应用于每个参赛作品。 最后,我们的客座法官严格应用最终分数,从中得出每个类别的平均值。

“As I participated in the judging process for the Universal GameDev Challenge, I was assessing the entrants based on four primary factors: their creative use of the chosen brand, the core gameplay experience (narrative, art, audio, etc.), the capability of the team to actually deliver the proposed game, and their successful integration of available tools. Overall, I was incredibly impressed by the creative vision of all the finalists as expressed in their submitted pitch videos and game design documents. We have a really great group of talented game creators in this competition, and I’m anxious to see their ideas come to life.”

“当我参加Universal GameDev Challenge的评审过程时,我基于四个主要因素评估参赛者:他们对所选品牌的创造性使用,核心游戏体验(叙述,艺术,音频等),能力团队实际交付建议的游戏,以及他们成功整合可用工具。 总体而言,所有决赛入围者在提交的投稿视频和游戏设计文档中所表现出的创造力使我印象深刻。 在这场比赛中,我们有一群非常有才华的游戏创作者,我很想看到他们的想法变成现实。”

– Kate Edwards


“The Universal GameDev challenge is a fantastic approach to ‘get it right.’ Instead of just selling a license to a high bidder and hoping for the best, Universal went directly to passionate game designers and gave them the opportunity to choose a property that got them excited as a jumping off point to work their magic. And magic happened! The submissions were full of creativity, imagination, and originality, along with respect and love for the underlying IP. I only wish we could have had a dozen winners because there were so many intriguing proposals.”

“ Universal GameDev挑战是一种'正确实现'的绝妙方法。” 环球影业不只是向高价竞标者出售许可证并希望获得最好的,而是直接与热情的游戏设计师接触,并为他们提供了选择让他们兴奋的财产的机会,以此作为激发魔术创作的起点。 魔术发生了! 提交的作品充满了创造力,想象力和原创性,以及对基础知识产权的尊重和热爱。 我只希望我们能有十几个获胜者,因为有很多有趣的提议。”

– Bob Gale


“During the Universal GameDev Challenge finalists selection process, I was amazed at the creativity exhibited by the competitors. Each pitch had its own unique vision and seeing such incredible creators who were inspired by these properties was a very rewarding experience. I look forward to meeting with all of our finalists in July.”

“在Universal GameDev Challenge决赛入围者甄选过程中,我对竞争对手所展示的创造力感到惊讶。 每个球场都有自己独特的视野,看到受这些特性启发的令人难以置信的创作者是一次非常有益的经历。 我期待着7月与所有决赛选手见面。”

– Lauren Montgomery


The six finalists will move on to Phase 2 of the challenge, where they will be invited to join the VIP Mentorship Summit: An exclusive, 3-Day event consisting of training and workshops at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California where they will meet with Universal leadership, Unity evangelists, and Intel and Microsoft developer mentors!


Check out the six finalists below!


“Backpack to the Future” – Mick Heijkens

“未来的背包” – Mick Heijkens

“Back to the Future IV – Time Anomalies” – Tom Breuer

“回到未来IV –时间异常” – Tom Breuer

“Battlestar Galactica Deception” – From the Future LLC

“太空堡垒卡拉狄加骗局” – 来自未来有限责任公司

“Turok: Legacy of Stone” – Alexander Ferguson

“ Turok:石头的遗产” – 亚历山大·弗格森

“Voltron: Cubes of Olkarion” – Gbanga, Millform Inc

“ Voltron:Olkarion多维数据集” – Millform Inc,Gbanga

“Turok: Escape from Lost Valley” – Max Snyder

“ Turok:从迷失的山谷中逃脱” – Max Snyder

跟随他们的旅程! (Follow their journey!)

These six developers have two and a half months to develop a working first playable build of their winning concepts! Along the way, they will be sharing their progress on Unity Connect, building relationships with the development teams at Microsoft, Intel, and Universal, and working towards the final reveal at Unite LA on October 23, 2018!

这六个开发人员有两个半月的时间来开发他们获奖概念的第一个可玩的游戏! 一路上,他们将分享他们在Unity Connect上的进展,与Microsoft,Intel和Universal的开发团队建立关系,并致力于2018年10月23日在Unite LA上的最终揭晓!

Stay tuned for more news, and follow along on Unity Connect by keeping an eye on #GamesAreUniversal!

请继续关注更多新闻,并关注#GamesAreUniversal,继续关注Unity Connect!


Legal Information Back to the Future is a trademark and copyright of Universal Studios and U-Drive Joint Venture. Licensed by Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. Battlestar Galactica is a copyright of Universal Cable Productions LLC. Licensed by Universal Studios 2018. All Rights Reserved. Jaws is a trademark and copyright of Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender © 2018 DreamWorks Animation LLC. TM World Events Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Turok Son of Stone TM & © 2018 by Penguin Random House, Inc. Under license to Classic Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

法律信息《回到未来》是环球影城和U-Drive合资企业的商标和版权。 由环球影城授权。 版权所有。 太空堡垒卡拉狄加是Universal Cable Productions LLC的版权。 由Universal Studios 2018许可。保留所有权利。 Jaws是环球影城的商标和版权。 由环球影城授权。 版权所有。 DreamFactoryVoltron传奇后卫©2018 DreamWorks Animation LLC。 TM世界活动制作有限公司。 版权所有。 Turok Son of Stone TM&©2018 by Penguin Random House,Inc.经Classic Media,LLC授权。 版权所有。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/05/31/universal-gamedev-challenge-finalists-see-the-six-winning-submissions/



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