
Chapter 5 The Link Layer and Local Area Network

1.A ( ) protocol is used to move a datagram over an individual link.

A application-layer

B transport-layer

C network-layer

D link-layer

2.The units of data exchanged by a link-layer protocol are called ( ).

A datagrams

B frames

C segments

D messages

3.Which of the following protocols is not a link-layer protocol? ( )

A Ethernet




4.In the following four descriptions, which one is not correct? ( )

A link-layer protocol has the node-to-node job of moving network-layer datagrams over a single link in the path.

B The services provided by the link-layer protocols may be different.

C A datagram must be handled by the same link-layer protocols on the different links in the path.

D The actions taken by a link-layer protocol when sending and receiving frames include error detection, flow control and random access.

5.Which of the following services can not offered by a link-layer protocol? ( )

A congestion control

B Link Access

C Error control

D Framing

6.( ) protocol serves to coordinate the frame transmissions of the many nodes when multiple nodes share a single broadcast link.





7.In the following four descriptions about the adapter, which one is not correct? ( )

A The adapter is also called as NIC.

B The adapter is a semi-autonomous unit.

C The main components of an adapter are bus interface and the link interface.

D The adapter can provide all the link-layer services.

8.Consider CRC error checking approach, the four bit generator G is 1011, and suppose that the data D is 10101010, then the value of R is( ).

A 010

B 100


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