1. @Bean:

1.1 定义


@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})

1.2 spring文档中对 @Bean的说明

The @Bean annotation is used to indicate that a method instantiates, configures and initializes a new object to be managed by the Spring IoC container.

For those familiar with Spring’s <beans/> XML configuration the @Bean annotation plays the same role as the <bean/>element.

用@Bean注解的方法:会实例化、配置并初始化一个新的对象,这个对象会由spring IoC 容器管理。


public class AppConfig {@Beanpublic MyService myService() {return new MyServiceImpl();}}

相当于在 XML 文件中配置

<beans><bean id="myService" class="com.acme.services.MyServiceImpl"/>

1.3 生成对象的名字:默认情况下用@Bean注解的方法名作为对象的名字。但是可以用 name属性定义对象的名字,而且还可以使用name为对象起多个名字。

public class AppConfig {@Bean(name = "myFoo")public Foo foo() {return new Foo();}}

public class AppConfig {@Bean(name = { "dataSource", "subsystemA-dataSource", "subsystemB-dataSource" })public DataSource dataSource() {// instantiate, configure and return DataSource bean...}}

1.4 @Bean 一般和 @Component或者@Configuration 一起使用。


(1)This method of declaring inter-bean dependencies only works when the @Bean method is declared within a @Configurationclass. You cannot declare inter-bean dependencies using plain @Component classes.

在 @Component 注解的类中不能定义 类内依赖的@Bean注解的方法。@Configuration可以。

public class AppConfig {@Beanpublic Foo foo() {return new Foo(bar());}@Beanpublic Bar bar() {return new Bar();}}

2. @Configuration:

2.1 定义



2.2 spring 文档说明

@Configuration is a class-level annotation indicating that an object is a source of bean definitions. @Configuration classes declare beans via public @Bean annotated methods.


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