Access BlueCore I/O lines.
/访问BlueCore I/O线/


BlueCore variants from BlueCore2 onwards have twelve Programmable Input/Output(PIO) pins
蓝牙内核2代有12个可编程的PIO PIN脚
and a further three
or four pins (dependant on BlueCore variant)
may be available ,if they are not being used as AIO pins.
来选择取,他们(3或4PIN )是否作为PIO PIN脚


Some BlueCore variants from BlueCore5-MM onwards have 16 PIO pins and can also control some of the
chips UART/PCM lines by mapping them in as PIO pins 16 and greater.
Mapping a UART/PCM line as a PIO line stops the line performing its original function,
so these lines should only be used as PIOs when these interfaces are not required.
一些蓝牙,例如 蓝牙内核5代,有16个pin 脚可以作为GPIO也可以作为分时复用控制芯片的UART/PCM功能。


Attempts to configure the upper 16 PIOs will be rejected if these pins have not been mapped first.


Persistent Store keys may be set to hand control of certain PIO pins over to the BlueCore firmware.
长期存储的键值可以通过蓝牙的内核的固件设定为手动控制(PS Tool)



In such configurations the VM should not attempt to use these pins.




Function Documentation

bool PioSetAuxDac ( bool enabled, uint8 level )

Enables or disables the auxiliary DAC on BlueCore, setting the output level to the requested value

蓝牙内核 开启或者关闭辅助DAC,用于设定输出值为你需要的值


enabled TRUE or FALSE.

level The output level to use.


TRUE if the request succeeded;

FALSE if it could not be honoured because the DAC is in use by other parts of the firmware(固件).

Note that the auxiliary(辅助) DAC level drops(减少) to 0V when BlueCore enters deep sleep(深度睡眠) for power-saving(节能).


Various other hardware and software configurations make use of specific PIO pins.


Examples include:
Pio[1:0] Used to control external hardware on Class 1 modules.
外输入硬件控制用于Class 1 modules
Pio[7:6] Used for I2C.


uint32 PioDebounce32 (uint32 mask, uint16 count, uint16 period )

Configure PIO monitoring.//配置PIO的监控文件。(按键消除抖动处理)
mask Bitmask indicating which pins to monitor.
Setting this to zero disables PIO monitoring.

count How many times the monitored pins’ state must be observed to be consistent before it is considered stable.
Zero and one have special significance. (0和1都有特别的意义)
If count is 1, then no debouncing is performed - any perceived change of the pins will raise the event.
If count is 0, any transition raises the event, even if no change in pin state can be detected;
in this case, the “state” members of MessagePioChanged may show no change in state.
在这个情况下,这个状态属于( MessagePioChanged –信息PIO改变)可以显示着状态没有变化

MessagePioChanged Struct Reference
MESSAGE_PIO_CHANGED: Message type received when the PIO state has changed.
/ /当PIO状态发生改变是,随时接收信息。

period The delay in milliseconds between successive reads of the pins.

A 32 bit mask.
If any bit in this mask is high then monitoring could not be set up for that PIO;
no action will have been taken on any PIOs (any previously set up monitoring will remain in force).
The most likely reasons for a non-zero return are attempting to debounce nonexistent PIOs, or attempting to debounce unmapped PIOs.
最有可能的原因, 返回值非0,是由于试着去除不存在的IO口消除抖动,或者试着给映射的IO口消抖动
See the PioSetMapPins32() documentation for information on which PIOs can be mapped.

****This function configures a simple debounce engine for PIO input pins.
It can detect transitions on PIOs and return stabilised readings for them, filtering out glitches.

When the engine detects a change in state of one or more of the monitored pins, it repeatedly reads the pin state.
If the state of all the monitored pins remains unchanged for count successive samples,
it is considered stable and a MESSAGE_PIO_CHANGED message is sent to the task registered with MessagePioTask().
他将会被认为是稳定并且MESSAGE_PIO_CHANGED 函数会把消息注册发送给函数 MessagePioTask().

***It is not possible to configure different debounce settings for different pins or groups of pins,
or to debounce pins independently of each other.*

It is not possible to configure different debounce settings for different pins or groups of pins,
or to debounce pins independently of each other.


   To enable events on PIO2 and PIO3, with 4 reads 2ms apart (6ms total):PIO2和PIO2开启,分4次读取,每次间隔2MS,,(6ms总数---感觉应该是8次)PioDebounce32(1u<<2 | 1u<<3, 4, 2);1左移2位,1左移3位,4,2mS的间隔To enable events on any transition on PIO5 with no debouncingPIO5,不要去抖动,不要时间间隔PioDebounce32(1u<<5, 1, 0);1左移5位,不需要去抖动,不要时间间隔


uint32 PioGet32 (void)

Returns the contents of the PIO data input register.


For PIOs set as outputs, this function will return the value last written using PioSet32().


uint32 PioSet32 (uint32 mask, uint32 bits)

Modifies the contents of the PIO data output register.
PIO pins must be set to outputs via PioSetDir32()
PIO Pin脚位 设定必须使用PioSetDir32()函数

before they can be driven high or low through this trap.
This trap also sets pull direction for PIOs used as inputs.



      mask  Each bit in the mask corresponds to a PIO line. 每个标志位,PIO对应一个位Bits set to 1 in this mask will be modified.需修改数据,该标志位置1,Bits set to 0 in this mask will not be modified.不许需修改数据,该标志位置0,bits  Each bit in the "bits" value corresponds to a PIO line. 每个位的值都有对应PIO口。Bits set to 1 in this value will result in that PIO line being driven high.该位置1.对应的PIO口,输出拉高Bits set to 0 in this value will result in that PIO line being driven low.该位置0.对应的PIO口,输出拉低

A 32 bit mask. (32位个标志位)
If any bit in this mask is high then that PIO could not be driven to the level specified;
note that no action will have been taken on any PIOs.
Note that the upper 16 PIOs must be mapped in before they can be used.
See the PioSetMapPins32() documentation for information on valid PIO directions and PIO mapping.
BlueCore has internal resistors which can be configured to either pull-up or pull-down the pins used for input.
This is controlled by the value written to the output register using PioSet32().
如果要写值用于输出请使用 PioSet32()函数。
The resistors pull-down if the value is zero, and pull-up otherwise,
so the following fragment sets pins 1 and 2 to inputs with pin 1 configured to pull-up and pin 2 configured to pull-down.
下面例子设置 PIN脚1和PIN脚2设定为输入 IN脚1设定为上拉 IN脚2设定为下拉

PioSet32(2|4, 2); //IO2和PIO4,,输出高
PioSetDir32(2|4, 0);//PIO2和PIO4,作为输入


uint32 PioGetDir32 ( void )

Read whether PIOs are set as inputs or outputs.

Each bit in the return value corresponds to a PIO line.
Bits set to 1 mean that PIO line is configured as an output.
Bits set to 0 mean it is configured as an input.


uint32 PioSetDir32 ( uint32 mask, uint32 dir )

Set PIOs as inputs or outputs.

mask Each bit in the mask corresponds to a PIO line.
Bits set to 1 in this mask will be modified.
Bits set to 0 in this mask will not be modified.
dir Each bit in the “dir” value corresponds to a PIO line.
Bits set to 1 in this value will result in that PIO line being configured as an output.
Bits set to 0 in this value will result in that PIO line being configured as an input.
A 32 bit mask.
If any bit in this mask is high then that PIO could not be set to the direction specified;
note that no action will have been taken on any PIOs.
Note that the upper 16 PIOs must be mapped in before they can be used.
See the PioSetMapPins32() documentation for information on valid PIO directions and PIO mapping.


uint32 PioGetStrongBias32 ( void )

Read whether PIOs are set to use strong or weak pull.



uint32 PioSetStrongBias32 ( uint32 mask, uint32 bits )

Set PIOs to use strong or weak pull when used as inputs.
mask Each bit in the mask corresponds to a PIO line.
Bits set to 1 in this mask will be modified.
Bits set to 0 in this mask will not be modified.

      bits      Each bit in the "bits" value corresponds to a PIO line. Bits set to 1 in this value will result in that PIO line being configured as having strong bias.强上拉Bits set to 0 in this value will result in that PIO line being configured as not having strong bias.弱上拉


                 A 32 bit mask. If any bit in this mask is high then that PIO could not be set to use strong bias;note that no action will have been taken on any PIOs.BlueCore includes weak internal pull-ups or pull-downs on pins which are being used as inputs (see PioSet32()). 蓝牙芯片PIO脚位作为输入时候选择有弱上拉还是弱下拉可以直接通过see PioSet32()函数操作。This function allows the pull-up or pull-down to be made stronger on a per-pin basis.这个功能允许在脚位上升为为强上拉还是强下拉。

So to set pin 4 and 5 as inputs, 4 pulled up weakly, 5 pulled down strongly

PioSetDir32((1<<4)|(1<<5), 0);// 设定蓝牙芯片PIO4和PIO5为输入脚
PioSet32((1<<4)|(1<<5), (1<<4));//POI4,内部弱上拉
PioSetStrongBias32((1<<4)|(1<<5), (1<<5));//POI4,内部强上拉


uint32 PioGetMapPins32 ( void )

Returns a 32 bit value showing which PIO lines have been mapped to chip pins
(see documentation for PioSetMapPins32() for more detail).


uint32 PioSetMapPins32 ( uint32 mask, uint32 bits )

Cause the usual function of chip pins to be suppressed, and instead make them behave as PIOs.

mask Each bit in the mask corresponds to a PIO line. (每个标志位映射已PIO口)
Bits set to 1 in this mask will be modified.
Bits set to 0 in this mask will not be modified.

        bits    Each bit corresponds to a PIO line. A bit set to 1 will cause a (non-PIO) chip pin to be behave as the corresponding PIO.如果该引脚为1,这映射的芯片引脚不能作为PIO口。                   A bit set to 0 will result in any mapped pin being returned to its original function.如果该引脚为0,这映射的芯片引脚用于他原始的功能函数。

A 32 bit mask.
If any bit in this mask is high then that PIO could not be mapped or unmapped;
note that no action will have been taken on any PIOs.

or BC5-MM the PIO lines map to other pins as follows:

(PIO 0..15) have no mapping. They are always PIO 0..15.
They can be configured as inputs or outputs.

(PIO 16) maps to PCM_DATA. This can be configured as an input or an output.

(PIO 17) maps to PCM_SYNC. This can be configured as an input or an output.

(PIO 18) maps to UART_DATA_OUT. This can be configured as an input or an output.

(PIO 19) maps to PCM_CLK_OUT. Set this to output to the PCM_CLK pin. This line is output only.
PCM_CLK_OUT功能,只能作为PCM_CLK pin输出
Note that the PCM_CLK pin direction shadows PCM_SYNC direction and ignores directions set via PioSetDir32().
PCM_CLK pin 方向 shadows PCM_SYNC 方向 and 无方向 set via PioSetDir32()

(PIO 20) maps to AIO0. Mapping this PIO will overwrite the value set in PSKEY_AMUX_AIO0.
模拟输入 , 映射这个PIO口的值,在 PSKEY_AMUX_AIO0 设定。
Unmapping this PIO will restore the value set in PSKEY_AMUX_AIO0.
不映射这个PIO口将复位值,在 PSKEY_AMUX_AIO0 设定。
Note that on BC5-MM configuring AIO lines as PIO lines is not recommended due to the low voltage level.

(PIO 21) maps to AIO1. Mapping this PIO will overwrite the value set in PSKEY_AMUX_AIO1.
映射这个PIO口的值,在 PSKEY_AMUX_AIO1 设定。
Unmapping this PIO will restore the value set in PSKEY_AMUX_AIO1.
不映射这个PIO口将复位值,在 PSKEY_AMUX_AIO1 设定
Note that on BC5-MM configuring AIO lines as PIO lines is not recommended due to their low voltage level.

     PIO lines above 21 map to nothing and cannot be mapped or written.

For CSR8670 the PIO lines map to other pins as follows:

(PIO 0..12) have no mapping. 没有复用功能

        They are always PIO 0..12. They can be configured as inputs or outputs.// 可以配置PIO的作为输出与输入功能The smaller packages such as Chip Scale Package (CSP) does not have PIO8..12.小封装的没有PIO8-12脚位

(PIO 13..15) may be mapped if required.
The exact signal routing is dependent on which package is being used.
On smaller packages, such as CSP, you must map PIO13-15
if you want PIO instead of UART UART_RX, UART_TX and UART_CTS.
On the BGA package PIO13..15 have their own pins, but if mapped,
will be connected to the UART_RX, UART_TX and UART_CTS pins as well.
将要链接到UART_RX, UART_TX and UART_CTS 正确的脚位
Whether mapped or not, these PIO pins may be configured as inputs or outputs.
For each pin, if mapped and set as output, both (UART and PIO) pins are driven.
每一个脚位,如果映射为输出,将可以同时(使用UART and PIO)的功能。
If mapped and set as input, the UART pin is connected and the PIO pin is n/c.

(PIO 16) maps to the UART_RTS pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.
(PIO 17) maps to the PCM_IN pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.
(PIO 18) maps to the PCM_OUT pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.
(PIO 19) maps to the PCM_SYNC pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.
(PIO 20) maps to the PCM_CLK pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.
(PIO 21) maps to the SQIF Flash Clock pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.
(PIO 22) maps to the SQIF RAM Clock pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.
(PIO 23) maps to the SQIF Flash CS pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.
(PIO 24) maps to the SQIF RAM CS pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.
(PIO 25) maps to the SQIF DB0 pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.
(PIO 26) maps to the SQIF DB1 pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.
(PIO 27) maps to the SQIF DB2 pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.
(PIO 28) maps to the SQIF DB3 pin. This can be configured as an input or an output.

PIO lines above 28 map to nothing and cannot be mapped or written.


bool PioSetRts ( bool level)

Controls the settings of the RTS line.//控制RTS线

level Set (TRUE) or Clear (FALSE).
TRUE on success, and FALSE if the operation could not be performed.

When the host transport is set to none,so that the UART is not being used,
the application has full control of the RTS line.
When the user transport is in use,
this function can be used to assert flow control
这个功能可以用于断言流 控制
when the firmware would not automatically do so.

However, the firmware may also force RTS low to assert incoming flow control
然而,这个软件也也可以把RTS强行拉低 断言 控制传入数据流控制,
even if PioSetRts(TRUE) has been called.
With other transports (including USB),
it is not possible to control the RTS line,and FALSE will be returned.


bool PioGetCts (void )

Lets the VM check the status of the Clear To Send UART pin.

TRUE if host transport is set to none and CTS input signal within the UART is set to active
, else returns FALSE.

uint32 PioGetKalimbaControl32 ( void )

Find out which pins are under kalimba control.
找出哪些脚位在kalimba 的控制之下。
Note: Only some BlueCore variants have access to more than 16 PIO lines.


uint32 PioSetKalimbaControl32 ( uint32 mask,uint32 value )

Modify which pins are under control of the Kalimba DSP.

在Kalimba DSP下修改Pin脚。

mask The bit mask to use.

        value   The pins to set.Aspects the DSP has control over include the direction (input or output) of a PIO, 在DSP方面控制PiO(输入或者输出)and the level driven when used as an output.电平驱动作为输出

A 32 bit mask. If any bit in that mask is high then control of
that PIO could not be given to Kalimba and the trap call failed.

Note: Only some BlueCore variants have access to more than 16 PIO lines.


bool PioSetFunction ( uint16 pin, pin_function_id function )

Sets a supported function for particular pio pin.

pin - pin that requires a function change the pin value ranges from (0..15) or (0..31) depending upon the package
function - Supported function that needs to be set for the specified pin. Refer pin_function_id
支持功能 需要设定 特别的脚

TRUE if successful, else FALSE.

if a pin can be mapped as UART_TX/UART_RX/PCM_IN etc,
then this function can be used to set the pin for one of the supported functions.
Consult the device’s data sheet to understand what functions are supported for each PIO pins.

A pin can support only few functions.
Trying to set a function which is NOT supported by the pin

will return FALSE without affecting/modifying the existing pin function.

If a pin supports only two functions i.e., PIO/UART_RX then PioSetMapPins32() is sufficient to map the pin as UART_RX/PIO.
假如一个Pin脚支持两个功能。IO/UART_RX,然后通过PioSetMapPins32() 函数去映射pin脚的功能作为UART_RX/PIO.

See the PioSetMapPins32() documentation for more information.

if a pin supports more than two functions and currently, it is mapped to a pio line,

then pin should be unmapped using PioSetMapPins32() and

then set the supported function for the corresponding pin by calling PioSetFunction().


Usage Example:

           if PIO[3] can be mapped to UART_RX/PCM_IN/PIO and currently PIO[3] is mapped as PIO, then VM App should call the PioSetMapPins32() to unmap it from VM来调用PioSetMapPins32()解除映射PIO脚PIO and then call PioSetFunction() to map to (UART_RX/PCM_IN) function.然后在调用PioSetFunction()选择UART_RX/PCM_IN)功能Unmap PIO[3] so that it can be mapped to a function PioSetMapPins32(1<<3, 0<<3);This will map PIO[3] line as UART_RX PioSetFunction(3, UART_RX);To map back the PIO[3] as a PIO, PioSetMapPins32() should be used. PioSetMapPins32(1<<3, 1<<3);


uint32 PioGetUnusedPins32 (void )
Determine which physically existing PIOs are currently not in use by firmware or VM apps.

Those PIOs which are available for use.
b31 = PIO31 thru b0 = PIO0.
A ‘1’ indicates available.显示A为显示可用

uint32 PioSetLcdPins ( uint32 mask, uint32 pins, uint16 common_pin )

Grabs PIOs for use by the LCD block.
使用 液晶显示
mask These are the required LCD segments. b0-PIO0, b31=PIO31.

        pins    These should be set to one.设置为1common_pin The PIO that will be connected to the LCD common.PIO的LCD链接

zero if successful, otherwise bad bits returned and nothing done.


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