Oracle Forms Error Messages 列表03

FRM-40361: Query operation not support for TIME data type.

Cause: You made a query with a % "like" operator in a time field, which is not supported.

Action: Try to restate your query without a time data type.

Level: 10

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40364: The data type of item '%s' does not match the corresponding column in the stored procedure.

Cause: The data type of the item is different from the data type of the corresponding column in the stored procedure.

Action: Make the data type of the item in the block and the column in the stored procedure the same.

Level: 20

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40367: Invalid criteria in field %s in example record.

Cause: Only simple clauses are allowed in restricted enter query mode.

Action: Re-enter the criteria.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40400: Transaction complete: %d records applied and saved.

Cause: Save complete.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5


FRM-40401: No changes to save.

Cause: No records were added or modified since the last apply or save. Caution: Unapplied database changes that were made through explicit sql (DML) are still applied, even when this message is displayed.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40402: Save cancelled.

Cause: You pressed CTRL-C (or the equivalent) while waiting for a lock.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 10


FRM-40403: A calling form has unapplied changes. Save not allowed.

Cause: A calling form has unapplied changes.

Action: Apply the changes or return to the calling form and retry the save.

Level: 15

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40404: Database apply complete: %d records applied.

Cause: Apply complete.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5


FRM-40405: No changes to apply.

Cause: No records were added or modified since the last apply or save.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40406: Transaction complete: %d records applied; all records saved.

Cause: You finished an apply that recorded your changes and saved previously applied changes.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5


FRM-40407: Transaction complete: applied records saved.

Cause: You finished a save that saved previously applied changes.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5


FRM-40408: database commit failure.

Cause: A database commit failed.

Action: Examine integrity constraints on the database tables that were updated. If any were violated, redo the updates without violating the constraints. If necessary, do the updates and the commit in sqlplus, and see if it issues an ORA-nnnnn message that will identify the constraint that was violated.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40501: ORACLE error: unable to reserve record for update or delete.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to select the record for update.

Action: Pressing [Display Error] provides more information, if it is available. You can also try to update or delete this record later. If necessary, contact your DBA.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40502: ORACLE error: unable to read list of values.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to read a list of values.

Action: Contact your system administrator. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40504: ORACLE error: unable to execute a %s trigger.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to execute a trigger.

Action: Contact your system administrator. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40505: ORACLE error: unable to perform query.

Cause: Processing error encountered. The table associated with the current block of the form might not exist, or your username might not have authority to perform the specified action on the table.

Action: Pressing [Display Error] provides more information, if it is available. You can also try to update or delete this record later. If necessary, contact your DBA.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40506: ORACLE error: unable to check for record uniqueness.

Cause: Processing error encountered while checking a record's primary key items for uniqueness. The table associated with the current block of the form does not exist, or you do not have authority to access the table.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40507: ORACLE error: unable to fetch next query record.

Cause: One of the following:

1. A fatal error occurred while trying to fetch the next query record.

2. If you are connected to an non-Oracle datasource through ODBC, the cursor loses its position in the result set after a commit.

Action: Requery if you are connected with a non-Oracle datasource. If not, contact your DBA.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40508: ORACLE error: unable to INSERT record.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to insert a record. The table associated with the current block of the form might not exist, your username might not have authority to perform the specified action on the table, or some other reason might have caused the fatal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40509: ORACLE error: unable to UPDATE record.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to update a record. The table associated with the current block of the form might not exist, your username might not have authority to perform the specified action on the table, or some other reason might have caused the fatal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40510: ORACLE error: unable to DELETE record.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to delete a record. The table associated with the current block of the form might not exist, your username might not have authority to perform the specified action on the table, or some other reason might have caused the fatal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40511: ORACLE error occurred while executing a %s trigger.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to execute a trigger. The table associated with the current block of the form might not exist, your username might not have authority to perform the specified action on the table, or some other reason might have caused the fatal error.

Action: Contact your DBA

Level: 99

Trigger: None

FRM-40512: ORACLE error: unable to issue SAVEPOINT command.

Cause: While attempting to call a new form or to commit, the issued SAVEPOINT command failed. This generally means that the module has run out of savepoints.

Action: Press [Display Error] to display the specific ORACLE error. You might be able to increase the maximum number of savepoints in the INIT.ORA file.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40513: ORACLE error: unable to get date/time from database.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to resolve a database date/time initial value.

Action: Connect if you have not already done so. Verify database status.

Level: 10

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40514: Operation requires a database connection.

Cause: You tried to perform an database operation without connecting to the database.

Action: Connect to the database and retry.

Level: 20

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40515: ORACLE error: unable to open cursor.

Cause: You reached the limit in the number of cursors you can open.

Action: Check the number of cursors you have open.

Level: 99

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40600: Record has already been inserted.

Cause: You attempted to insert or update a record, but uniqueness is enforced on the block's primary key items. The record, as inserted or updated, is not unique.

Action: Change the values in one or more primary key fields of the current record, making them unique. If the requirement of unique primary key fields creates difficulties, consider eliminating the constraint.

Level: 25

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40602: Cannot insert into or update data in a view.

Cause: You tried to modify the contents of a view in a manner that is not permitted.

Action: No action is necessary; you cannot perform the operation you have attempted.

Level: 20

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40603: Records no longer reserved for update. Re-query to make changes.

Cause: You committed your modifications in a block where you had previously entered an ENTER_QUERY or EXECUTE_QUERY packaged procedure with the FOR_UPDATE parameter. This action released all locks on the records in this block.

Action: If you want to modify the block, you will need to re-query.

Level: 99


FRM-40652: Cannot lock table in shared update mode.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You do not have access to this table.

2. Oracle Forms cannot lock the table in shared update mode.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: 15

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40653: Record not reserved for update or delete. Try again later.

Cause: You pressed CTRL-C (or the equivalent) to cancel. The operation that was attempting to update or delete the record was terminated.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 20


FRM-40654: Record has been updated by another user. Re-query to see change.

Cause: Another user has updated this record since you performed a query and has changed at least one field in the record. Your actions have not changed the record in memory.

Action: You can update or delete this record now only if another user has restored the field values back to the way they were when you performed the query. Otherwise, you must re-query to fetch and display the new record into the form before you can update or delete it.

Level: 20

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40655: SQL error forced rollback: clear form and re-enter transaction.

Cause: A deadlock or some other error has caused the current transaction to fail. Your changes were rolled back.

Action: Clear the form (or exit and re-enter the form) and re-enter the transaction. You might have to modify the form's design to prevent the error from recurring.

Level: 25

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40656: Update cannot be made due to prior rollback. Clear the record.

Cause: This record was already updated, but when you attempted to commit your changes, a serious error prevented this update or any further update or delete from being performed. The error might have occurred due to one of the following reasons:

1. A deadlock forced the loss of row locks.

2. The record had a database cluster key, and the previous attempt to update the record in the database was rolled back due to an error somewhere else in the form.

Action: You must clear this record before you can commit any other transactions in the form.

Level: 25

Trigger: ON-ERROR

FRM-40657: Record changed or deleted by another user.

Cause: Another user has deleted the record since the query was executed, or database access control does not allow the operation.

Action: You can clear this record from your screen, but you cannot update or delete it since it no longer exists in the database, or database access control does not allow the operation. Check database access control policy.

Level: 20


FRM-40659: Last row of query retrieved. Re-query to see remaining records.

Cause: A FOR_UPDATE query has been closed by executing a commit. Because the query was open prior to the commit, there may be more records to retrieve.

Action: Re-query to see remaining records.

Level: 5



D Forms Error Messages

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