

Name: SetupIPPrinter (set up Local TCP/IP printer)

Created: May 14, 2010

Updated: Dec 12, 2010


This program set up TCP/IP printer on a local PC for all users who logged in.

It is used on the following 3 situation but not limited:

School has no server.

School has a Mac server.

School has a PC server, but some AD user groups have to use local TCP/IP printer.


In a PC server school, student printing is managed on server and teachers can put network printer connection easily too. In a none-PC server school, school tech may have to set up TCP/IP printer on each PC for teachers and/or students manually for now. Doing this manual setup is a time consuming task, especially for a number of computers. The purpose of this program is to fill the gap to provide a simple and easy way for school tech to set up printer on PCs.

On a PC server, we manage menus$ share and put a printer list file in "location" folders which is defined in computers' Location field on AD. This program does the similar way and provides more options.

Printer Configuration:

Setup a local printer is different from a network printer connection, it asks for

model, driver, TCP/IP port, and others. So we must define each printer configuration first. All printer configuration information is stored in a file called PrinterConfig.ini file.

Note : if you put /c option in command line, this file name will be changed, for example, /c 212, the file name will be 212_PrinterConfig.ini

Define a Printer Configuration file:

This file is a standard DOS text file. Each line defines one and only one printer. Each line has the following format:

Permission, PrinterName, IP, DriverInfFile, PrinterModel, Location, Comment

A comma separates each field. The maximum number of printers is 500.

Lines starting with # are comments. Spaces before and behind each field will be ignored.

Specification of each field:

Permission : either A or S

1.     A = All users can print

2.     S = Staff only can print

PrinterName :

The printer name shows in the Printers and Faxes list in XP.

IP :

A valid IP address or the Printer name which is defined in DNS.

Driver's Inf File :

The UNC name of a printer driver INF file, it must be in the driver path.

If this field="", then system will not install any driver, it assumes

The driver exists in system printer cab.

Printer Model :

The printer model driver name. This name is listed on printer driver list.

Locations :

Optional, the printer location in the printer Property's Location field.

Comment :

Optional, the printer comment in the printer Property's Comments field.

For example:

A, P241LAB1,,  ./HPUPD/hpcu109c.inf, HP Universal Printing PCL 6, Computer Lab, For All students and Staff

It defines a "P241LAB1" printer, whose IP address is, the printer driver INF file is in a subfolder "HPUPD", of current folder,   file name is hpcu109c.inf, the printer model driver name is "HP Universal Printing PCL 6", the location is "Computer Lab", the comment is "For All students and Staff", and all users(staff and students) can print to it.

Location List file:

What printers are set up on a computer is determined by it’s location. A computer’s location can be defined in AD, or in a Location List file. A location List file is a standard DOS text file and each line defines a computer’s location. The file name is Locations.ini .

Note : if you put /c option in command line, this file name will be changed, for example, /c 212, the file name will be 212_Locations.ini

The format of each line is:

Location, ComputerName

A comma separates each field. Lines starting with # are comments. Spaces before and behind each field will be ignored.


The location name. this name is a location file name.


The computer name.

For example:

Office, W999-001

Library, W999-004

Lab, w999-201

What it does?

Location Printer List file:

Each location of a computer can have a list of printers and a default printer.

This file’s format is simple. It lists all the printers that this location’s computers can access. The file name is the location name, for example, location Library has a location printer list file named “Library.txt”.

Each printer occupies one line. The printer name must be same as the one in Printer Configuration file. The first printer on the list is the default printer. Spaces before and behind will be ignored.

There’s a special Location List file, Default.txt . All the computers which doesn’t have a location defined, will get printer list from this file.

Example of Location Printer list file:




Run it, SetupIPPrinter.vbs

How it works?

It gets computer name, find the computer’s location from Locations.ini file, for example, lab; and make the location name as file name to open the location printer list file, lab.txt, and read the printer list, for each printer, read printer configuration PrinterConfig.ini , and then set it up.


cscript PrinterSetup.vbs [options….]

/c: define school code, this code is used for configuration files name only.

/l [0|1|2]: log message level.

Log Level:

0: only system info

1: Error only

2: Error and warning messages

3: All messages

/d: Delete all TCP/IP ports and printers first.

/p: the full path of configuration files. Default=the same as script’s.

/?: online help.

Please put SetACL.exe file with this script.

Put all together:

Best practice:

1. Collect all school computers name with locations.

2. Collect all printers and what locations computer will printer to it.

3. Define a location name for each group of computers which have same printers

to print.

4. Create printer configuration file, named "PrinterConfig.ini ", and add printers.

5. Update computer location in AD, or add all computers location to "Locations.ini " file, and remember which method you chose. File ot AD?

6. Decide where to save these configuration files, ie. *.txt and *.ini files:

On school server share folder? write down the share folder's URL.

On a folder on each location machine? write down the location.

Save these files to the destination folder.

7. Test it with debug log level to 2 or 3. Check the info messages. Go back to make changes if program reports warnings or errors.

8. Set log level to 0 or 1 when you decide to run program in product environment.

9. Deploy it in WDS or run it on a computer.

A complete example:

PrinterConfig.ini file:

S, P999CPY1,,  ./HPUPD/hpcu109c.inf,       HP Universal Printing PCL 6,      WorkRoom near Office, For All Staff only

S, P999MFP1,, ./Ricoh/oemsetup.inf,      PCL6 Driver for Universal Print,  Copier Room,          For All Staff only

S, P999OFF1,,  ./HPUPD/hpcu109c.inf,       HP Universal Printing PCL 6,      WorkRoom near Office, For All Staff only

A, P999LAB1,,  ./HPUPD/hpcu109c.inf,       HP Universal Printing PCL 6,      WorkRoom near Office, For All Staff only

Locations.ini file:

Office, W999-001

Office, W999-002

Lab, w999-101

Room01, W999-501

Lib, w999-690









Put all these files in a folder, c:/IPPrinter.

Run the program command line:

cscript c:/IPPrinter/setupIPPrinter.vbs /l 3 /d

原文链接: http://blog.csdn.net/afatgoat/article/details/6073216


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