
prefix = "":配置文件中下面的所有属性进行一一映射,一般@Component只有这个组件是容器中的组件,才能用容器提供的@ConfigurationProperties功能;

解决方法 1)直接把@Component注解注释掉



Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans,报错解决相关推荐

  1. Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans,....

    Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans, or us ...

  2. Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans, or us

    项目原来一直好好地,原来不怎么启动的模块,来了新任务,去启动了一下,发现报错 Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the c ...

  3. SpringBoot中提示:Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accept multipl

    场景 SpringBoot项目在启动时提示: Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accep ...

  4. 【报错解决】The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle:

    一.报错信息 *************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START ***************************Descriptio ...

  5. mysql报错:Duplicate entry ‘xx‘ for key ‘PRIMARY‘ 解决可行方案。已解决

    mysql报错:Duplicate entry 'xx' for key 'xxux1' 解决可行方案.已解决 web开发多次遇到Duplicate entry 'xx' for key 'PRIMA ...

  6. 【Java报错】多数据源mapper异常more than one `primary` bean found among candidates: [sqlSessionFactory] 问题分析解决

    1. 报错分析 项目使用了多个数据源,但是没有使用持久层框架,后期加入了 mybatis-plus 插件,启动项目时报错,信息如下: 2021-08-19 09:16:20 ERROR [,,,] [ ...

  7. 报错 org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException

    2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 一.问题背景: spring mvc eclipse启动报错:org.springframework.beans.factor ...

  8. SpringBoot报错:Could not autowire. No beans of ‘DiscussantMapper‘ type found

    SpringBoot报错:Could not autowire. No beans of 'DiscussantMapper' type found 一.资源 @Mapper和@Repository注 ...

  9. [解决方法] spring-data-mongo 配置报错org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException

    [解决方法] spring-data-mongo 配置报错org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException 参考文章: (1)[解决方法] ...


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