本文为英国伯恩茅斯大学(作者:Christiane Lemke)的博士论文,共139页。



Time series forecasting has a long trackrecord in many application areas. In forecasting research, it has beenillustrated that finding an individual algorithm that works best for allpossible scenarios is hopeless. Therefore, instead of striving to design asingle superior algorithm, current research efforts have shifted towards gaininga deeper understanding of the reasons a forecasting method may perform well insome conditions whilst it may fail in others. This thesis provides a number ofcontributions to this matter. Traditional empirical evaluations are discussedfrom a novel point of view, questioning the benefit of using sophisticatedforecasting methods without domain knowledge. An own empirical study focusingon relevant off-theshelf forecasting and forecast combination methodsunderlines the competitiveness of relatively simple methods in practicalapplications. Furthermore, meta-features of time series are extracted toautomatically find and exploit a link between application specific datacharacteristics and forecasting performance using meta-learning. Finally, theapproach of extending the set of input forecasts by diversifying functionalapproaches, parameter sets and data aggregation level used for learning isdiscussed, relating characteristics of the resulting forecasts to differenterror decompositions for both individual methods and combinations. Advancedcombination structures are investigated in order to take advantage of theknowledge on the forecast generation processes. Forecasting is a crucial factorin airline revenue management; forecasting of the anticipated booking,cancellation and no-show numbers has a direct impact on general planning ofroutes and schedules, capacity control for fareclasses and overbooking limits.In a collaboration with Lufthansa Systems in Berlin, experiments in the thesisare conducted on an airline data set with the objective of improving thecurrent net booking forecast by modifying one of its components, thecancellation forecast. To also compare results achieved of the methodsinvestigated here with the current state-of-the-art in forecasting research,some experiments also use data sets of two recent forecasting competitions,thus being able to provide a link between academic research and industrialpractice.

  1. 引言
  2. 航空公司收入管理与预测
  3. 我们需要时间序列预测专家吗?
  4. 航班数据的预测组合
  5. 元学习
  6. 航空公司应用的多样化战略
  7. 结论与展望
    附录A 设计软件的详细描述



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