
DWA算法全称为dynamic window approach,其原理主要是在速度空间(v,w)中采样多组速度,并模拟这些速度在一定时间内的运动轨迹,再通过一个评价函数对这些轨迹打分,最优的速度被选择出来发送给下位机。
1 原理分析

2 速度采样

(二) 移动机器人受电机性能的影响:由于电机力矩有限,存在最大的加減速限制,因此移动机器人軌迹前向模拟的周期sim_period内,存在一个动态窗口,在该窗口内的速度是机器人能够实际达到的速度:
(三) 基于移动机器人安全的考虑:为了能够在碰到障碍物前停下来, 因此在最大减速度条件下, 速度有一个范围。


function varargout = Simulate(varargin)
SamplingPeriod = 0.1;
time = 0;
timer1 = [];
txt_timer = [];
FuzzyLoaded = 0;
Z1 = [];
Z2 = [];
W_Zone = 20;
H_Zone = 20;data = importdata ('fuzzytabledata.mat');
OUT1 = data.OUT1;
OUT2 = data.OUT2;
Z1 = reshape(OUT1(102:end,1)',101,[]);
Z2 = reshape(OUT2(102:end,1)',101,[]);
FuzzyLoaded = 1;scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');% Create a figure that will have a uitable, axes and checkboxes
figure('Position',[15*scrsz(3)/100 70 scrsz(3)-2*(15*scrsz(3)/100) scrsz(4)-100],...'WindowStyle', 'normal',...'CloseRequestFcn',{@CloseFcn},...'Name', '具有动态障碍物的DWA仿真',...  % Title figure'NumberTitle', 'off') % Do not show figure number% figure('Position',[15*scrsz(3)/100 70 scrsz(3)-2*(15*scrsz(3)/100) scrsz(4)-100],...
%        'WindowStyle', 'normal',...
%        'CloseRequestFcn',{@CloseFcn},...
%        'Name', '具有动态障碍物的DWA仿真',...  % Title figure
%        'NumberTitle', 'off',... % Do not show figure number
%        'MenuBar', 'none');      % Hide standard menu bar menus% Create an axes set x and y limits to the value extremes, and format labels
W_Zone = ceil(W_Zone/10)*10;
H_Zone = ceil(H_Zone/10)*10;
haxes = axes('Units', 'normalized',...'Position', [.25 .05 0.75 0.9],...'XLim', [-W_Zone/2 W_Zone/2],...'YLim', [-H_Zone/2 H_Zone/2],...'XLimMode', 'manual',...'YLimMode', 'manual',...'XTick',-W_Zone/2:1:W_Zone/2,...'YTick',-H_Zone/2:1:H_Zone/2);%,...
%              'XTickLabel',...
%              {'-10 m','-5 m','0','5 m','10 m'},...
%              'YTickLabel',...
%              {'-10 m','-5 m','0','5 m','10 m'});
set(haxes,'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1]);
title(haxes, '移动机器人动态避障仿真')   % Describe data set
% Prevent axes from clearing when new lines or markers are plotted
hold(haxes, 'all')
grid on;uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton',...'Units', 'normalized',...'Position', [.02 .86 .2 .05],...'String', '开始仿真',...'Value', 0,...'Callback', {@StartSimulation});uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton',...'Units', 'normalized',...'Position', [.02 .81 .2 .05],...'String', '重新仿真',...'Value', 0,...'Callback', {@ResetSimulation});% % Create a text to show timer;
txt_timer = uicontrol('Style', 'text',...'Units', 'normalized',...'Position', [.02 .915 .2 .035],...'FontWeight', 'bold',...'ForegroundColor', [0 .2 .8],...'fontname', 'Helvetica',...'fontsize', 14,...'BackgroundColor', 'w', 'String','00:00 00');% % Create some texts to monitor variables;
txt_inp1 = uicontrol('Style', 'text', 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.05 .54 .08 .035],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'ForegroundColor', [0 0 0], 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 12, 'BackgroundColor', [0.9 0.9 0.9]);
txt_inp2 = uicontrol('Style', 'text', 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.14 .54 .08 .035],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'ForegroundColor', [0 0 0], 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 12, 'BackgroundColor', [0.9 0.9 0.9]);
txt_out1 = uicontrol('Style', 'text', 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.05 .47 .08 .035],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'ForegroundColor', [0 0 0], 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 12, 'BackgroundColor', [0.9 0.9 0.9]);
txt_out2 = uicontrol('Style', 'text', 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.14 .47 .08 .035],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'ForegroundColor', [0 0 0], 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 12, 'BackgroundColor', [0.9 0.9 0.9]);uicontrol('Style', 'text','Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.05 .61 .15 .025],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 10,...'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'String', 'DWA权值调整');uicontrol('Style', 'text','Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.00 .55 .05 .02],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 9,...'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'String', 'INPs :');
uicontrol('Style', 'text','Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.00 .48 .05 .02],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 9,...'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'String', '误差值 :');
uicontrol('Style', 'text','Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.05 .58 .08 .02],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 9,...'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'String', '目标航向角');
uicontrol('Style', 'text','Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.14 .58 .08 .02],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 9,...'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'String', '障碍物');
uicontrol('Style', 'text','Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.05 .51 .08 .02],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 9,...'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'String', '左偏离');
uicontrol('Style', 'text','Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.14 .51 .08 .02],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 9,...'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'String', '右偏离');uicontrol('Style', 'text','Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.09 .78 .12 .025],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 10,...'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'String', 'X             Y');
uicontrol('Style', 'text','Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.02 .74 .06 .03],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 10,...'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'String', '起始点坐标:');
uicontrol('Style', 'text','Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.02 .7 .06 .03],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 10,...'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'String', '  目标点坐标:');% % Create a text get Robot X0 Pos;
edit_robot_x0 = uicontrol('Style', 'edit',...'Units', 'normalized',...'Position', [.09 .74 .06 .035],... %'String',... %'Use Plot check boxes to graph columns',...'FontWeight', 'bold',...'fontname', 'Helvetica',...'fontsize', 12);
% % Create a text get Robot Y0 Pos;
edit_robot_y0 = uicontrol('Style', 'edit',...'Units', 'normalized',...'Position', [.16 .74 .06 .035],... %'String',... %'Use Plot check boxes to graph columns',...'FontWeight', 'bold',...'fontname', 'Helvetica',...'fontsize', 12);% % Create a text get Goal X Pos;
edit_goal_x = uicontrol('Style', 'edit',...'Units', 'normalized',...'Position', [.09 .7 .06 .035],... %'String',... %'Use Plot check boxes to graph columns',...'FontWeight', 'bold',...'fontname', 'Helvetica',...'fontsize', 12);
% % Create a text get Goal Y Pos;
edit_goal_y = uicontrol('Style', 'edit',...'Units', 'normalized',...'Position', [.16 .7 .06 .035],... %'String',... %'Use Plot check boxes to graph columns',...'FontWeight', 'bold',...'fontname', 'Helvetica',...'fontsize', 12);uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton',...'Units', 'normalized',...'Position', [.09 .655 .13 .04],... %'TooltipString', 'Update Values Independently',...'String', '更新',...'Value', 0,...'Callback', {@UpdateParams});slider_x = uicontrol('Style', 'slider','Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.02 .41 .2 .025],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 10,...'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8],'Min',0,'Value',1,'Max',2,'SliderStep',[0.01 0.1]);slider_y = uicontrol('Style', 'slider','Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.02 .37 .2 .025],...'FontWeight', 'bold', 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'fontsize', 10,...'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8],'Min',0,'Value',1,'Max',2,'SliderStep',[0.01 0.1]);% uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton',...
%           'Units', 'normalized',...
%           'Position', [0.35 .95 .25 .05],... %'TooltipString', 'Update Values Independently',...
%           'String', 'Save Data',...
%           'Value', 0,...
%           'Callback', {@SaveData});% % Create an invisible marker plot of the data and save handles
% % to the lineseries objects; use this to simulate data brushing.
% % hmkrs = plot([1:10],[1:10].^2, 'LineStyle', 'none',...
% %                     'Marker', 'o',...
% %                     'MarkerFaceColor', 'y',...
% %                     'HandleVisibility', 'off',...
% %                     'Visible', 'on');% Create three check boxes to toggle plots for columns
% uicontrol('Style', 'checkbox',...
%           'Units', 'normalized',...
%           'Position', [.10 .96 .09 .035],...
%           'TooltipString', 'Check to plot column 1',...
%           'String', 'Col 1',...
%           'Value', 0,...
%           'Callback', {@plot_callback,1});
% % Create a text label to say what the checkboxes do
% uicontrol('Style', 'text',...
%           'Units', 'normalized',...
%           'Position', [.025 .955 .06 .035],...
%           'String', 'Plot',...
%           'FontWeight', 'bold');% Subfuntions implementing the two callbacks
% ------------------------------------------%     function plot_callback(hObject, eventdata, column)
%     % hObject     Handle to Plot menu
%     % eventdata   Not used
%     % column      Number of column to plot or clear
%     colors = {'b','m','r'}; % Use consistent color for lines
%     colnames = get(htable, 'ColumnName');
%     colname = colnames{column};
%     if get(hObject, 'Value')
%         % Turn off the advisory text; it never comes back
%         set(hprompt, 'Visible', 'off')
%         % Obtain the data for that column
%         ydata = get(htable, 'Data');
%         set(haxes, 'NextPlot', 'Add')
%         % Draw the line plot for column
%         plot(haxes, ydata(:,column),...
%             'DisplayName', colname,...
%             'Color', colors{column});
%     else % Adding a line to the plot
%         % Find the lineseries object and delete it
%         delete(findobj(haxes, 'DisplayName', colname))
%     end
%     endw = 0.5;l = 0.6;D = 0.4;x0 = -8;y0 = -8;teta0 = 0;Vr0 = 0;Vl0 = 0;x = x0;y = y0;teta = teta0;Vr = Vr0;Vl = Vl0;V_MAX = 5;x_Goal = 8.;y_Goal = 8;n_of_obs = 6;x_obs0(1) = 3;y_obs0(1) = 3;x_obs(1) = x_obs0(1);y_obs(1) = y_obs0(1);w_obs(1) = 2.5;h_obs(1) = 2.5;n_obs(1) = 50;%teta_obs(1) = pi/4; x_obs0(2) = -1;y_obs0(2) = 0.5;x_obs(2) = x_obs0(2);y_obs(2) = y_obs0(2);w_obs(2) = 0.5;h_obs(2) = 3;n_obs(2) = 50;%teta_obs(2) = pi/4; x_obs0(3) = 5;y_obs0(3) = -3;x_obs(3) = x_obs0(3);y_obs(3) = y_obs0(3);w_obs(3) = 5;h_obs(3) = 1;n_obs(3) = 50;%teta_obs(3) = pi/4; x_obs0(4) = -3;y_obs0(4) = 5;x_obs(4) = x_obs0(4);y_obs(4) = y_obs0(4);w_obs(4) = 2;h_obs(4) = 1;n_obs(4) = 50;%teta_obs(4) = pi/4; x_obs0(5) = -3;y_obs0(5) = -5;x_obs(5) = x_obs0(5);y_obs(5) = y_obs0(5);w_obs(5) = 2;h_obs(5) = 2;n_obs(5) = 2;%teta_obs(5) = pi/4; x_obs0(6) = -5;y_obs0(6) = 1;x_obs(6) = x_obs0(6);y_obs(6) = y_obs0(6);w_obs(6) = 1;h_obs(6) = 1;n_obs(6) = 2;%teta_obs(6) = pi/4; counter = 0;trace_x = [];trace_y = [];if(abs(y_obs(jj)-y_obs0(jj)) < get(slider_y,'Value'))y_obs(jj) = y_obs(jj) + (cos(time*4+rand(1)*3)*rand(1)*3)*SamplingPeriod;elsey_obs(jj) = y_obs(jj) + (y_obs0(jj)-y_obs(jj))*0.2*SamplingPeriod;endss(jj)= max(ss);[ss_min,jj] = min(ss);if(abs(x_obs(jj)-x_obs0(jj)) < get(slider_x,'Value'))x_obs(jj) = x_obs(jj) + ((sin(time*3+rand(1)*2)+0.2*(x-x_obs(jj)))*rand(1)*3)*SamplingPeriod;elsex_obs(jj) = x_obs(jj) + (x_obs0(jj)-x_obs(jj))*0.2*SamplingPeriod;endif(abs(y_obs(jj)-y_obs0(jj)) < get(slider_y,'Value'))y_obs(jj) = y_obs(jj) + (cos(time*4+rand(1)*3)*rand(1)*3)*SamplingPeriod;elsey_obs(jj) = y_obs(jj) + (y_obs0(jj)-y_obs(jj))*0.2*SamplingPeriod;end%Check Obstaclesray_i = 1;ray_x = []; ray_y = []; ray_s = []; ray_teta = [];rayplot_x = []; rayplot_y = []; rayplot_i = 1;for dir = linspace(-pi/4,pi/4,16)Obstacle_Found = 0;s = 0;while(Obstacle_Found==0)s = s + 0.02;ray_pos = [x + s*sin(teta+dir), y + s*cos(teta+dir)];for i = 1:n_of_obsif( (2*(ray_pos(1)-x_obs(i))/w_obs(i))^n_obs(i)+(2*(ray_pos(2)-y_obs(i))/h_obs(i))^n_obs(i) < 1 )Obstacle_Found = 1;endendif( (2*ray_pos(1)/W_Zone)^100+(2*ray_pos(2)/H_Zone)^100>1 || s>3)Obstacle_Found = 1;endif(Obstacle_Found==1)ray_x(ray_i) = ray_pos(1); ray_y(ray_i) = ray_pos(2);ray_s(ray_i) = s;ray_teta(ray_i) = dir;rayplot_x(rayplot_i:rayplot_i+2) = [x ray_pos(1) x];rayplot_y(rayplot_i:rayplot_i+2) = [y ray_pos(2) y];endendray_i = ray_i + 1;rayplot_i = rayplot_i + 3;endj=0;if(mod(counter,1)==0)cla(haxes);            robot_extents = [cos(teta) sin(teta) x; -sin(teta) cos(teta) y] * [-w/2,-l/2,1; w/2,-l/2,1; w/2,l/2,1; -w/2,l/2,1; -w/2,-l/2,1; w/2,-l/2,1]';        plot(haxes,robot_extents(1,:),robot_extents(2,:), 'LineWidth' ,3,'Color',[0 0 1]);robot_tyre = [cos(teta) sin(teta) x; -sin(teta) cos(teta) y] * [-w/2-0.1,-l/2-l/4,1; -w/2-0.1,-l/2+l/4,1; w/2+0.1,-l/2-l/4,1; w/2+0.1,-l/2+l/4,1; -w/2-0.1,l/2-l/4,1; -w/2-0.1,l/2+l/4,1; w/2+0.1,l/2-l/4,1; w/2+0.1,l/2+l/4,1; 0,l/2,1; 0,l/2+l/2,1]';plot(haxes,robot_tyre(1,1:2),robot_tyre(2,1:2), 'LineWidth' ,4,'Color',[0 0 0]); plot(haxes,robot_tyre(1,3:4),robot_tyre(2,3:4), 'LineWidth' ,4,'Color',[0 0 0]);plot(haxes,robot_tyre(1,5:6),robot_tyre(2,5:6), 'LineWidth' ,4,'Color',[0 0 0]); plot(haxes,robot_tyre(1,7:8),robot_tyre(2,7:8), 'LineWidth' ,4,'Color',[0 0 0]);plot(haxes,robot_tyre(1,9:10),robot_tyre(2,9:10), 'LineWidth' ,1,'Color',[0.4 0.4 0.4]);s = linspace(0,2*pi,360);for i = 1:n_of_obsx_o = (1./((sin(s)/(h_obs(i)/2)).^n_obs(i) + (cos(s)/(w_obs(i)/2)).^n_obs(i)).^(1/n_obs(i))).*cos(s) + x_obs(i);y_o = (1./((sin(s)/(h_obs(i)/2)).^n_obs(i) + (cos(s)/(w_obs(i)/2)).^n_obs(i)).^(1/n_obs(i))).*sin(s) + y_obs(i);plot(haxes,x_o,y_o, 'LineWidth' ,2,'Color',[0 0 0]);%if(gca == haxes), fill(x_o,y_o,[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LineWidth' ,2); endendplot(haxes,[-W_Zone/2 W_Zone/2 W_Zone/2 -W_Zone/2 -W_Zone/2],[-H_Zone/2 -H_Zone/2 H_Zone/2 H_Zone/2 -H_Zone/2], 'LineWidth' ,4,'Color',[0 0 0]);plot(haxes, rayplot_x, rayplot_y, 'LineWidth' ,1,'Color',[1 0.8 0]);plot(haxes, trace_x, trace_y, ':', 'LineWidth' ,2,'Color',[0.4 0.4 0.7]);plot(haxes, x_Goal, y_Goal,'*','MarkerSize',15,'MarkerEdgeColor','g','LineWidth',3);if(j>0)plot(haxes, ray_x(j), ray_y(j),'s','MarkerSize',8,'MarkerEdgeColor','r','LineWidth',3); end%plot(haxes, [x x_Goal], [y y_Goal],'-.', 'LineWidth' ,1,'Color',[0.8 0.95 0.2]);endend%% create and start timer1 to execute the function Command sequentially.timer1 = timer('TimerFcn', @Command, 'Period', SamplingPeriod, 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate');



1 matlab版本

2 参考文献
[1] 包子阳,余继周,杨杉.智能优化算法及其MATLAB实例(第2版)[M].电子工业出版社,2016.

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