

  • 前言
  • 一、dijkstra算法是什么?
  • 二、Dijkstra算法路径规划matlab程序
  • 总结




Dijkstra’s algorithm,可译为迪杰斯特拉算法,亦可不音译而称为Dijkstra算法,是由荷兰计算机科学家Edsger W. Dijkstra 在1956年发现的算法,并于3年后在期刊上发表。Dijkstra算法使用类似广度优先搜索的方法解决赋权图的单源最短路径问题,但需要注意绝大多数的Dijkstra算法不能有效处理带有负权边的图。Dijkstra算法在计算机科学的人工智能等领域也被称为均一开销搜索,并被认为是最良优先搜索的一个特例。


debug.m :为运行程序,里面定义了起始点和终止点以及其他必要的准备,并将规划出的路线在栅格地图上画出来。

close all;
start=[1 100]%起点的坐标
goal=[100 1]%终点的坐标
[x y]=Get_xy(distance,route,map);%将具体路线用栅格坐标表示出来

creMap.m :创造地图矩阵

function [Map]=creMap()
for i=1:randi([19 21]) %障碍物个数
p=randi([1 90]);
q=randi([1 90]);
j1=randi([2 4]);
j2=randi([3 4]);


function W=G2D(map)
for i=1:l(1)for j=1:l(2)if map(i,j)==1for m=1:l(1)for n=1:l(2)if map(m,n)==1im=abs(i-m);jn=abs(j-n);if im+jn==1||(im==1&&jn==1)W((i-1)*l(2)+j,(m-1)*l(2)+n)=(im+jn)^0.5;endendendendendend
endW(W==0)=Inf;     %不相邻栅格距离值为Inf(无穷大),将对角元素也设置为了Inf,在Dijkstra算法中使用无影响。

Get_xy.m: 由dijkstra算法生成的路径点和地图计算出具体的栅格地图路线。

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%根据栅格标识,得到相应的x,y坐标%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function [x y]=Get_xy(distance,path,map)
% distance 路径长度 若不可达路径不执行该函数程序
% path 路径节点向量
% map  栅格地图信息
if(distance~=Inf)                %判断路径是否可达n = size(map);N = size(path,2);for(i=1:N)     %根据栅格标识,得到相应的x,y坐标if rem(path(i),n(2))==0x(i)=n(2);y(i)= floor(path(i)/n(2));elsex(i)= rem(path(i),n(2));y(i)= floor(path(i)/n(2))+1;endend
elsex = 0;y = 0;

Plot.m :画出具体的路线

function  Plot(distance,x,y)
if(distance~=Inf)            %判断路径是否可达plot(x+0.5,y+0.5,'r');axis image xyhold on
elsedisp('路径不可达');hold on

Dijkstra.m:算法的核心,利用基于图的Dijkstra算法计算两点之间的最短路径,函数输入起始点,终止点以及邻接矩阵输出两点之间最短距离以及路径点,需要注意的是这里输入的起始点为转化成图后的点,在本算法中为按照列的顺序排列,及起始点在栅格地图中若为[1 100]则对应第9901个节点。

function [Cost, Route] = Dijkstras( Graph, SourceNode, TerminalNode )
%Dijkstras.m Given a graph with distances from node to node calculates the
%optimal route from the Source Node to the Terminal Node as defined by the
% Inputs:
% Graph - A graph of the costs from each node to each other also known as
% an adjacency matrix. In the context of this project it is a matrix of the
% distances from cities within North Carolina to each other. You can mark
% unconnected nodes as such by assigning them values of Inf. For instance,
% if nodes 3 & 5 are unconnected then Graph(3,5)=Graph(5,3)=Inf;
% SourceNode - The index of the node (city) which you wish to travel from
% TerminalNode - The index of the node (city) which you wish to travel to
% Outputs:
% Cost - The cost to travel from the source node to the terminal node.
% There are several metrics this could be but in the case of route planning
% which I am working on this is distance in miles.
% Route - A vector containing the indices of the nodes traversed when going
% from the source node to the terminal node. Always begins with the source
% node and will always end at the terminal node unless the algorithm fails
% to converge due to there not existing a valid path between the source
% node and the terminal node. % Check for valid parameters
if size(Graph,1) ~= size(Graph,2)fprintf('The Graph must be a square Matrix\n');return;
elseif min(min(Graph)) < 0fprintf('Dijkstras algorithm cannot handle negative costs.\n')fprintf('Please use Bellman-Ford or another alternative instead\n');return;
elseif SourceNode < 1 && (rem(SourceNode,1)==0) && (isreal(SourceNode)) && (SourceNode <= size(Graph,1))fprintf('The source node must be an integer within [1, sizeofGraph]\n');return;
elseif TerminalNode < 1 && (rem(TerminalNode,1)==0) && isreal(TerminalNode) && (TerminalNode <= size(Graph,1))fprintf('The terminal node must be an integer within [1, sizeofGraph]\n');return;
end% Special Case so no need to waste time doing initializations
if SourceNode == TerminalNodeCost = Graph(SourceNode, TerminalNode);Route = SourceNode;return;
end% Set up a cell structure so that I can store the optimal path from source
% node to each node in this structure. This structure stores the
% antecedents so for instance if there is a path to B through A-->C-->D-->B
% you will see [A,C,D] in cell{B} (as well as a bunch of filler 0's after
% that)
PathToNode = cell(size(Graph,1),1);% Initialize all Node costs to infinity except for the source node
NodeCost = Inf.*ones(1,size(Graph,1));
NodeCost(SourceNode) = 0;% Initialize the Current Node to be the Source Node
CurrentNode = SourceNode;% Initialize the set of Visited and Unvisited Nodes
VisitedNodes = SourceNode;
UnvisitedNodes = 1:size(Graph,2);
UnvisitedNodes = UnvisitedNodes(UnvisitedNodes ~= VisitedNodes);while (CurrentNode ~= TerminalNode)% Extract the Costs/Path Lengths to each node from the current nodeCostVector = Graph(CurrentNode, :);% Only look at valid neighbors ie. those nodes which are unvisitedUnvisitedNeighborsCostVector = CostVector(UnvisitedNodes);% Extract the cost to get to the Current NodeCurrentNodeCost = NodeCost(CurrentNode);% Extract the path to the current nodePathToCurrentNode = PathToNode{CurrentNode};% Iterate through the Unvisited Neighbors assigning them a new tentative costfor i = 1:length(UnvisitedNeighborsCostVector)if UnvisitedNeighborsCostVector(i) ~= Inf % Only Check for update if non-infinitetempCost = CurrentNodeCost + UnvisitedNeighborsCostVector(i); % The tentative cost to get to the neighbor through the current node% Compare the tentative cost to the currently assigned cost and% assign the minimumif tempCost < NodeCost(UnvisitedNodes(i))NewPathToNeighbor = [PathToCurrentNode(PathToCurrentNode~=0) CurrentNode]; % The new path to get to the neighborNewPath = [NewPathToNeighbor zeros(1,size(Graph,1)-size(NewPathToNeighbor,2))];PathToNode{UnvisitedNodes(i)}(:) = NewPath;NodeCost(UnvisitedNodes(i)) = tempCost;endendend% Search for the smallest cost remaining that is in the unvisited setRemainingCosts = NodeCost(UnvisitedNodes);[MIN, MIN_IND] = min(RemainingCosts);% If the smallest remaining cost amongst the unvisited set of nodes is% infinite then there is no valid path from the source node to the% terminal node. if MIN == Inffprintf('There is no valid path from the source node to the');fprintf('terminal node. Please check your graph.\n')return;end% Update the Visited and Unvisited NodesVisitedNodes = [VisitedNodes CurrentNode];CurrentNode = UnvisitedNodes(MIN_IND);UnvisitedNodes = UnvisitedNodes(UnvisitedNodes~=CurrentNode);
endRoute = PathToNode{TerminalNode};
Route = Route(Route~=0);
Route = [Route TerminalNode];
Cost = NodeCost(TerminalNode);


function PlotGrid(map,start,goal)
n = size(map,1);
b = map;
b(end+1,end+1) = 0;
colormap([0 0 0;1 1 1])
pcolor(b); % 赋予栅格颜色
set(gca,'XTick',10:10:n,'YTick',10:10:n);  % 设置坐标
axis image xy% displayNum(n);%显示栅格中的数值.text(start(1)+0.5,start(2)+0.5,'START','Color','red','FontSize',10);%显示start字符
text(goal(1)+0.5,goal(2)+0.5,'GOAL','Color','red','FontSize',10);%显示goal字符hold on
%pin strat goal positon
scatter(start(1)+0.5,start(2)+0.5,'MarkerEdgeColor',[1 0 0],'MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0], 'LineWidth',1);%start point
scatter(goal(1)+0.5,goal(2)+0.5,'MarkerEdgeColor',[0 1 0],'MarkerFaceColor',[0 1 0], 'LineWidth',1);%goal pointhold on




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