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  • useradd 命令可以创建新的Linux用户同时可以指定用户所属组
  • useradd创建用户时。如果同名组不存在,则会同时创建同名用户组


  • 创建下列用户、组和组成员资格:
  1. 名为sysmgrs 的组
  2. 用户natasha ,作为次要组从属于sysmgrs
  3. 用户harry ,作为次要组还从属于sysmgrs
  4. 用户sarah ,无权访问系统上的交互式shell 且不是sysmgrs 的成员
  5. natasha 、harry 和sarah 的密码应当都是redhat


groupadd sysmgrs
useradd -G sysmgrs natasha
useradd -G sysmgrs harry
useradd -s /sbin/nologin sarah
for i in natasha harry sarah; do echo redhat | passwd --stdin $i; done


  • useradd常用参数
|Options| Discretion|
| -b, --base-dir BASE_DIR       | base directory for the home directory of the new account
| -c, --comment COMMENT         | GECOS field of the new account
| -d, --home-dir HOME_DIR       | home directory of the new account
| -D, --defaults                | print or change default useradd configuration
| -e, --expiredate EXPIRE_DATE  | expiration date of the new account
| -f, --inactive INACTIVE       | password inactivity period of the new account
| -g, --gid GROUP               | name or ID of the primary group of the new account
| -G, --groups GROUPS           | list of supplementary groups of the new account
| -h, --help                    | display this help message and exit
| -k, --skel SKEL_DIR           | use this alternative skeleton directory
| -K, --key KEY=VALUE           | override /etc/login.defs defaults
| -l, --no-log-init             | do not add the user to the lastlog and faillog databases
| -m, --create-home             | create the user's home directory
| -M, --no-create-home          | do not create the user's home directory
| -N, --no-user-group           | do not create a group with the same name as the user
| -o, --non-unique              | allow to create users with duplicate (non-unique) UID
| -p, --password PASSWORD       | encrypted password of the new account
| -r, --system                  | create a system account
| -R, --root CHROOT_DIR         | directory to chroot into
| -P, --prefix PREFIX_DIR       | prefix directory where are located the /etc/* files
| -s, --shell SHELL             | login shell of the new account
| -u, --uid UID                 | user ID of the new account
| -U, --user-group              | create a group with the same name as the user
| -Z, --selinux-user SEUSER     | use a specific SEUSER for the SELinux user mapping


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