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  • trunk port



Requires many VLANs to be trunked onto a single port. 《Openstack Operation Guide setup and manage your openstack cloud》

Human: trunk这个单词怎么衍生出骨干网的?
AI: Trunk was originally a nautical term used to refer to the main and largest rope on a sailing ship that connected all of the other lines. Over time, this term has come to be used as a metaphor for the main line or the backbone of a system. In the context of networks, a trunk can refer to the main communication line, or “backbone” of a network.
Human: 你参考了哪些资料?
AI: 我参考了来自不同网络的信息,包括从字典和有关航海的资料。此外,我还读了一些关于网络骨干的文章和书籍,以便更好地了解这个概念。



《An Advanced Guide to OpenStack Networking》
Q:here “Physical networking infrastructure will still be required for the OpenStack nodes, IP addresses will still need to be allocated, VLANs will need to be trunked, and switch ports will need to be configured to trunk the VLANs”, the word trunk was used as verb. what’s meaning of trunk?

A:In networking, the term “trunking” refers to the process of aggregating multiple physical links into a single logical link in order to increase bandwidth and provide redundancy. This is accomplished by bundling multiple Ethernet links into a single, virtual link that appears as a single link to the network layer. The virtual link is often referred to as a trunk.

In the context of VLANs, trunking refers to the process of allowing multiple VLANs to traverse a single physical link. This allows a single physical link to carry traffic for multiple virtual networks, increasing the flexibility and efficiency of the network. When a switch port is “configured to trunk the VLANs,” it is configured to allow multiple VLANs to traverse the port, effectively making the port a trunk port.

trunk port

A switchport that is configured to pass frames from all VLANs and tag them with
the VLAN IDs is called a trunk port.

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