
Could someone explain why absolute paths not recommended to use in JSP (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA show me a warning)?

jsp intellij-idea
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asked Apr 2 '13 at 8:37


Because IntelliJ is smart enough to realize that you should always use a path that's relative to the root of your web context. – duffymo Apr 2 '13 at 8:40
So there is no strict rule to use only relative or context-based paths? – sidlejinks Apr 2 '13 at 8:45
There are no rules, my friend. Write it any way you want and live with the consequences. – duffymo Apr 2 '13 at 9:15
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1 Answer

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up vote 19 down vote accepted

Consider the following code in your JSP:

<script src="/path/to/script.js" />

And you deploy your application on www.example.com in servlet context myContext, your script will be looked up by the browser in


However, the browser will not find the script. The URL where it can actually be found containts the servlet context as well as part of the URL:


So you should change the URL in your JSP to:

<script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/path/to/script.js" />

Then the context path is also available in the URL and everything will work fine.

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answered Apr 2 '13 at 9:08


Thank you very much indeed for explanation! – sidlejinks Apr 2 '13 at 9:45
This didn't work at all for me. It just rendered files with the path looking something like: localhost:8080/profile/$%7BpageContext.request.context%7D/cs‌​s/profile/ – Matt Powell Jul 17 '13 at 20:36
@MattPowell seems like your expression ${...} did not get evaluated right. Some frameworks require to use #{...} instead, did you try that? – Uooo Jul 22 '13 at 5:46
@w4rumy Thanks. It turns out I was using an outdated version of JSP. Once I updated to the latest version, the syntax worked correctly. – Matt Powell Jul 22 '13 at 15:42
Probably we can just write path/to/script.js without any prepending slash or context variable, am I right? – ieXcept Apr 9 '16 at 18:17

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