A Revolutionary Idea That Can Change The Way You Carry Your Mask


This is genius! I thought to myself as I came across this innovative idea. Wearing a mask has become mandatory in many countries and it has been proven its effectiveness in slowing the spread of the Coronavirus. However, as we are all taking this burden of wearing one, how do we ensure that we are wearing it the right way. How many times have you left the house forgetting your mask and how many times have you wondered if the mask you are wearing for a few hours is clean enough?

这是天才! 当我遇到这个创新想法时,我心想。 在许多国家/地区,戴口罩已成为强制性措施,事实证明它能有效减缓冠状病毒的传播。 但是,由于我们都肩负着这种佩戴的重担,因此我们如何确保以正确的方式佩戴它。 您离开屋子多少次忘记了面具,又想知道您戴了几个小时的面具是否足够干净?

I personally come across this problem every time I’m at the gym. Carrying my mask around while working out is a real hassle. Leaving it on the treadmill and then having to wear it again is worrying. Walking around the gym while having it wrapped around my arm is for sure not the most hyenic way to carry a mask. And I’m sure you have come across very similar situations.

每次我在健身房时,我个人都会遇到这个问题。 锻炼时随身携带口罩真是麻烦。 令人担忧的是,将其留在跑步机上,然后不得不再次佩戴。 将它包裹在手臂上时,在体育馆中走来走去肯定不是最有趣的方式来戴口罩。 而且我敢肯定,您遇到过非常相似的情况。

Not to mention that as students are getting ready to get back to schools and universities, we need to convince them that a mask is now something compulsory that has been added to their uniforms.


Long story short, a group of university students from different parts of the United States came up with a brilliant idea, a smart case for our masks which they called uvCLEAN. The idea of the product is to promote wearing a mask in public places and revolutionize the way we carry and sanitize our masks. The uvCLEAN has two components to it, the first component is a physical case used to carry the mask, the second is a mobile app which connects your case to your mobile device.

长话短说,一群来自美国各地的大学生提出了一个绝妙的主意,这是我们口罩的聪明案例,他们称之为uvCLEAN。 该产品的想法是促进在公共场所佩戴口罩,并彻底改变我们携带和消毒口罩的方式。 uvCLEAN有两个组件,第一个组件是用于携带口罩的物理保护套,第二个组件是将您的保护套连接到移动设备的移动应用程序。

The Case


A trendy, affordable, and lightweight portable device with a technology used to sanitize the mask against most viruses and bacteria. The case uses the ultraviolet-C (UV-C) light to disinfect itself and the mask it is carrying. Generally, ultraviolet light is a type of naturally present electromagnetic radiation that exists in the sunlight and makes up approximately 10% of the total light generated by the sun. UV light is electromagnetic energy with wavelengths shorter than the visible light but longer than x-rays. The wavelength of the Ultraviolet light ranges from 10nm to 400nm and is classified into three sub-bands; UV-A (near), UV-B (middle), and UV-C (far).

一种时尚,价格适中且轻巧的便携式设备,具有用于对口罩进行消毒以抵抗大多数病毒和细菌的技术。 该案例使用紫外线C(UV-C)灯对自身和所携带的口罩进行消毒。 通常,紫外线是一种自然存在的电磁辐射,存在于太阳光中,约占太阳产生的总光的10%。 紫外线是电磁能量,其波长短于可见光,但长于X射线。 紫外光的波长范围从10nm到400nm,分为三个子带。 UV-A(近),UV-B(中)和UV-C(远)。

When the wavelengths are less than 290nm, the lights are considered to have “germicidal” properties. Germicidal means that the light can kill (inactivate) pathogens. This Germicidal UV-C light is commonly used to inactivate or kill microbes on surfaces, in air, and in water. When implemented properly, UV-C lighting can kill up to 99.9% of pathogens. Unfortunately, the earth’s atmosphere absorbs ultramagnetic radiation with wavelengths less than 290nm, meaning that most of the UV-C and UV-B generated by the sun are blocked by our planet’s ozone.

当波长小于290nm时,灯被认为具有“杀菌”特性。 杀菌是指光线可以杀死(灭活)病原体。 这种杀菌的UV-C光通常用于灭活或杀死表面,空气和水中的微生物。 如果实施得当,UV-C照明可以杀死多达99.9%的病原体。 不幸的是,地球大气层吸收的波长小于290nm的超电磁辐射,这意味着太阳产生的大部分UV-C和UV-B被我们星球的臭氧所阻挡。

The case has the capability to generate the UV-C light in order to disinfect any germs and bacteria within it.


But how effective can this case be in killing the Coronavirus? A recent study carried out by researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center showed that 99.9% of coronaviruses can be killed when exposed to far-ultraviolet C (UVC) light, a wavelength that is safe for humans and has the capability to kill coronaviruses that are found present in airborne droplets.

但是这种情况在杀死冠状病毒方面有多有效? 哥伦比亚大学欧文医学中心研究人员最近进行的一项研究表明,当暴露于远紫外线C(UVC)光线下时,可以杀死99.9%的冠状病毒,该波长对人类是安全的,并且具有杀死冠状病毒的能力。发现存在于空气中的飞沫中。

As for the design of the case, the exterior will be made of solid polycarbonate material and the interior of an anti-static Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) which is a strong, tough, waxy, nonflammable material. The case will have a magnetic hinged lid and a LED power button.

至于表壳的设计,其外部将由固体聚碳酸酯材料制成,而内部将由一种坚固,坚韧,蜡状,不易燃的材料制成的抗静电聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)。 外壳将具有一个磁性铰链盖和一个LED电源按钮。

The whole case can simply be installed on a key chain.


The App


The free app will be compatible with all types of smartphones. It will be designed to remind the users in case they have forgotten their cases behind. It will come with the location services that will have the capability to locate the case in case if it’s misplaced or ever lost.

该免费应用程序将与所有类型的智能手机兼容。 它旨在提醒用户,如果他们忘记了案件。 它将与定位服务一起提供,以便在箱子放错地方或遗失的情况下找到箱子。

Through the app, users can check the status of the mask’s sanitation cycle and also initiate sanitizers. The app can also notify the users if they have forgotten their cases at home, in the car, or anywhere. The app can detect when the case is out of rage and inform the users by using a notification service. It can also assist in locating the mask through its accurate GPS map.

通过该应用程序,用户可以检查口罩的卫生周期状态,也可以启动消毒剂。 如果用户忘记了在家里,在汽车中或在任何地方的情况,该应用程序还可以通知用户。 该应用程序可以检测出案件发生的时间,并使用通知服务通知用户。 它还可以通过其精确的GPS地图帮助定位遮罩。

The product so far is in its initial stages and requires a laboratory testing to see the efficiency of the UV-C light in disinfecting both the mask and the case. The product should still go through modifications until it is reached to its finalized design.

到目前为止,该产品尚处于初期阶段,需要进行实验室测试,以了解UV-C光对口罩和外壳消毒的效率。 在最终设计完成之前,产品仍应进行修改。

Once a fully functional prototype of the product is achieved, the product can then be tested on a focused group to see the feasibility of it in the market. The group of students will then be ready to reach out and pitch to existing companies in the field. The team is also planning to start a round of crowdfunding in order to fund a hard launch.

一旦获得了产品的功能齐全的原型,就可以在专门小组中对该产品进行测试,以了解其在市场上的可行性。 然后,这组学生将准备与该领域的现有公司联系。 该团队还计划开始一轮众筹,以资助艰难的启动。

The uvCLEAN will initially be designed to target the youth aged between 18 to 34 as studies showed that 76% of the population between this age group wear masks either very often or regularly. The majority of the people between this age group are also heavy users of social media and due to this high connection, the team is targeting to use digital marketing campaigns in order to reach its potential customers.

uvCLEAN最初将针对18至34岁的年轻人,因为研究表明,这个年龄段的76%的人口经常或定期戴口罩。 这个年龄段的大多数人也是社交媒体的重度用户,由于这种紧密的联系,该团队的目标是使用数字营销活动以吸引其潜在客户。

So what can we expect from the final product? If initially, the product is aiming to target the youth, then the product should -without a doubt -look good. Hence, the final design is planned to be sleek, trendy, and fashionable which will also help in increasing its popularity on social media. The product is also planned to come with a keychain addition for easy portability which will also increase its visibility in public. The product so far features a 6UV-C LED bulb placed strategically in order to maximize the range of sanitation and is planned to have a five-minute sanitation cycle followed by a five-minutes safety shutoff period.

那么我们对最终产品有什么期望? 如果该产品最初是针对年轻人的,那么该产品毫无疑问应该看起来不错。 因此,最终设计计划要时尚,新潮和时髦,这也将有助于增加其在社交媒体上的流行度。 该产品还计划增加钥匙扣以方便携带,这也将增加其在公众中的知名度。 迄今为止,该产品采用6UV-C LED灯泡进行了战略性放置,以最大程度地扩大卫生范围,并计划进行5分钟的卫生周期,然后进行5分钟的安全关闭。

This means the case will be able to sanitize your mask in just ten minutes.


It will have a power button, a Bluetooth which connects the case with your phone, an automatic shutoff for safe opening, and a USB-C port for universal charging capability along with a charging light indicator.



Many might not agree with the idea of the uvCLEAN mask and argue that there is no need for a sophisticated technology to be accompanied by a simple act of wearing a mask. But the more I dig deep into this, the more I realize how much of a necessity this product has the potential to become. The uvCLEAN product will promote a slogan that says “A Clean Mask is Never Forgotten”, but so is a clean technology and perhaps once the product is enforced on people, they will start realizing the value of it. As Steve Jobs once said: “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”

许多人可能不同意uvCLEAN面罩的概念,并认为不需要复杂的技术即可配戴简单的口罩。 但是,我越深入研究这个问题,就越能意识到该产品具有多少潜力。 uvCLEAN产品将宣传一个口号:“永远不会忘记一个干净的口罩”,但是一个干净的技术也是如此,也许一旦产品在人们身上使用后,他们就会开始意识到它的价值。 正如史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)曾经说过的那样:“人们不知道自己想要什么,除非您向他们展示。”

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/would-you-like-a-case-with-your-mask-9cf0c2cc567



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