
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {int n;scanf("%d", &n);string female, male;int femalescore = -1, malescore = 101;for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {string name, sex, num;int score;cin >> name >> sex >> num;scanf("%d", &score);if(sex == "F") {if(femalescore < score) {femalescore = score;female = name + " " + num;}} else if(malescore > score) {malescore = score;male = name + " " + num;}}if(femalescore != -1)cout << female << endl;elseprintf("Absent\n");if(malescore != 101)cout << male << endl;elseprintf("Absent\n");if(femalescore != -1 && malescore != 101)printf("%d", femalescore - malescore);elseprintf("NA");return 0;
using namespace std;
const int n=10001;;int main()
{int n;cin>>n;string girl_name,girl_id;int girl_score;string boy_name,boy_id;int boy_score;for(int i=0;i<n;i++){string name,sex,id;int score;cin>>name>>sex>>id>>score;if(sex=="F")//若当前同学是女生 {if(girl_name.empty()||girl_score<score){girl_name=name;girl_id=id;girl_score=score;}}else{if(boy_name.empty()||boy_score>score){boy_name=name;boy_id=id;boy_score=score;}} }if(girl_name.empty())cout<<"Absent"<<endl;else{cout<<girl_name<<" "<<girl_id<<endl;}if(boy_name.empty())cout<<"Absent"<<endl;else{cout<<boy_name<<" "<<boy_id<<endl;}if(girl_name.size()&&boy_name.size()){cout<<abs(girl_score-boy_score)<<endl;}else{cout<<"NA"<<endl;}return 0;

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