




  在讲CoreMark之前,必须要先提EEMBC(Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium)即嵌入式微处理器基准评测协会,它是一个非盈利性组织,该组织目前为止(2018.03)共发布了46个性能测试基准,有了这些性能基准参考,嵌入式设计人员可以快速有效地选择处理器。
  EEMBC发展势头很好,其很有可能发展成为嵌入式系统开发人员进行处理器和编译器性能比较的工业标准。关于EEMBC的更多介绍可移步它的官方网站 http://www.eembc.org/


  CoreMark是由EEMBC的Shay Gla-On于2009年提出的一项基准测试程序,其主要目标是测试处理器核心性能。

2.1 获取程序


核心程序下载 http://www.eembc.org/coremark/download.php
平台移植示例 http://www.eembc.org/coremark/ports.php


\coremark_v1.0\barebones            --移植到裸机下需要修改的文件\core_portme.h    -- 移植平台工程具体配置信息\core_portme.c    -- 计时以及板级初始化实现  \cvt.c\ee_printf.c      -- 打印函数串口发送实现\cygwin               --移植到cygwin下需要修改的文件\linux                --移植到linux下需要修改的文件\linux64              --移植到linux64下需要修改的文件\simple               --基本移植需要修改的文件core_main.c           --主程序入口core_state.c          --状态机控制子程序core_list_join.c      --列表操作子程序core_matrix.c         --矩阵运算子程序core_util.c           --CRC计算子程序coremark.h            --工程配置与数据结构定义\docs                 --设计文档coremark.md5LICENSE.txtMakefilereadme.txt            --基本介绍release_notes.txt     --版本说明

  如果是移植到ARM Cortex-M平台下裸系统运行,一般只需要修改\barebones目录下的文件即可(仅需改动三个函数portable_init()、barebones_clock()、uart_send_char()以及core_portme.h中若干宏定义),其余代码文件不需要修改。关于\barebones下的文件修改,EEMBC上有如下4个示例平台可参考:

2.2 配置参数


解释 示例
HAS_FLOAT Define to 1 if the platform supports floating point 1
HAS_TIME_H Define to 1 if platform has the time.h header file and implementation of functions thereof 0
USE_CLOCK Define to 1 if platform has the time.h header file and implementation of functions thereof 0
HAS_STDIO Define to 1 if the platform has stdio.h. 0
HAS_PRINTF Define to 1 if the platform has stdio.h and implements the printf function. 0
COMPILER_VERSION Please put compiler version here (e.g. gcc 4.1) "IAR EWARM v8.20.2"
COMPILER_FLAGS Please put compiler flags here (e.g. -o3) "High - Speed - No size constraints"
MEM_LOCATION Please put the mem location of code execution here (e.g STACK) "STACK"
CORETIMETYPE Define type of return from the timing functions. ee_u32
SEED_METHOD Defines method to get seed values that cannot be computed at compile time. SEED_VOLATILE
MEM_METHOD Defines method to get a block of memry. MEM_STATIC
MULTITHREAD Define for parallel execution 1
MAIN_HAS_NOARGC Needed if platform does not support getting arguments to main. 1
MAIN_HAS_NORETURN Needed if platform does not support returning a value from main. 0


#if !defined(PROFILE_RUN) && !defined(PERFORMANCE_RUN) && !defined(VALIDATION_RUN)
#if (TOTAL_DATA_SIZE==1200)
#define PROFILE_RUN 1
#elif (TOTAL_DATA_SIZE==2000)


/* Configuration: TOTAL_DATA_SIZEDefine total size for data algorithms will operate on
#define TOTAL_DATA_SIZE 2*1000

2.3 程序解析


a. Matrix multiply (allow for use of MAC operations, common math use)
b. Linked list search/sort/read (common pointer use)
c. State machine (common use of data dependent branches)
d. CRC (common in embedded)


/* Function: mainMain entry routine for the benchmark.This function is responsible for the following steps:1 - Initialize input seeds from a source that cannot be determined at compile time.2 - Initialize memory block for use.3 - Run and time the benchmark.4 - Report results, testing the validity of the output if the seeds are known.Arguments:1 - first seed  : Any value2 - second seed : Must be identical to first for iterations to be identical3 - third seed  : Any value, should be at least an order of magnitude less then the input size, but bigger then 32.4 - Iterations  : Special, if set to 0, iterations will be automatically determined such that the benchmark will run between 10 to 100 secs*/
MAIN_RETURN_TYPE main(void) {int argc=0;char *argv[1];ee_u16 i,j=0,num_algorithms=0;ee_s16 known_id=-1,total_errors=0;ee_u16 seedcrc=0;CORE_TICKS total_time;core_results results[MULTITHREAD];// 系统板级初始化portable_init(&(results[0].port), &argc, argv);// ...// 设置PERFORMANCE_RUN的初始参数results[0].seed1=get_seed(1);  //0x0results[0].seed2=get_seed(2);  //0x0results[0].seed3=get_seed(3);  //0x66results[0].iterations=get_seed_32(4);  //ITERATIONS// execs参数为需要跑的算法使能位results[0].execs=get_seed_32(5);       //0x0if (results[0].execs==0) { /* if not supplied, execute all algorithms */results[0].execs=ALL_ALGORITHMS_MASK;}// ...results[0].memblock[0]=(void *)static_memblk;results[0].size=TOTAL_DATA_SIZE;results[0].err=0;/* Data init */ /* Find out how space much we have based on number of algorithms */// ...// 各算法子程序初始化(共LIST, MATRIX, STATE三种)for (i=0 ; i<MULTITHREAD; i++) {if (results[i].execs & ID_LIST) {results[i].list=core_list_init(results[0].size,results[i].memblock[1],results[i].seed1);}if (results[i].execs & ID_MATRIX) {core_init_matrix(results[0].size, results[i].memblock[2], (ee_s32)results[i].seed1 | (((ee_s32)results[i].seed2) << 16), &(results[i].mat) );}if (results[i].execs & ID_STATE) {core_init_state(results[0].size,results[i].seed1,results[i].memblock[3]);}}/* automatically determine number of iterations if not set */// ...// 开始跑CoreMark程序且记录累计消耗时间start_time();iterate(&results[0]);stop_time();total_time=get_time();// ...// 最终信息的打印// ...if (total_errors==0) {ee_printf("Correct operation validated. See readme.txt for run and reporting rules.\n");if (known_id==3) {ee_printf("CoreMark 1.0 : %f / %s %s",default_num_contexts*results[0].iterations/time_in_secs(total_time),COMPILER_VERSION,COMPILER_FLAGS);ee_printf("\n");}}// .../* And last call any target specific code for finalizing */portable_fini(&(results[0].port));return MAIN_RETURN_VAL;

2.4 结果格式

  当移植好CoreMark程序后,便可以开始跑起来了,在跑程序的时候,EEMBC同时制定了必须要遵守规则(不遵守的话,跑分结果不被EEMBC所认可),详见 https://www.eembc.org/coremark/CoreMarkRunRules.pdf。

 CoreMark 1.0 : N / C [/ P] [/ M]N - Number of iterations per second with seeds 0,0,0x66,size=2000)C - Compiler version and flagsP - Parameters such as data and code allocation specifics- This parameter *may* be omitted if all data was allocated on the heap in RAM.- This parameter *may not* be omitted when reporting CoreMark/MHzM - Type of parallel execution (if used) and number of contextsThis parameter may be omitted if parallel execution was not used.e.g.> CoreMark 1.0 : 128 / GCC 4.1.2 -O2 -fprofile-use / Heap in TCRAM / FORK:2or> CoreMark 1.0 : 1400 / GCC 3.4 -O4If reporting scaling results, the results must be reported as follows:CoreMark/MHz 1.0 : N / C / P [/ M]P - When reporting scaling results, memory parameter must also indicate memory frequency:core frequency ratio.- If the core has cache and cache frequency to core frequency ratio is configurable, that must also be included.e.g.> CoreMark/MHz 1.0 : 1.47 / GCC 4.1.2 -O2 / DDR3(Heap) 30:1 Memory 1:1 Cache


2K performance run parameters for coremark. (Run type)
CoreMark Size       : 666                   (Buffer size)
Total ticks         : 25875                 (platform dependent value)
Total time (secs)   : 25.875000             (actual time in seconds)
Iterations/Sec      : 3864.734300           (Performance value to report)
Iterations          : 100000                (number of iterations used)
Compiler version    : GCC3.4.4              (Compiler and version)
Compiler flags      : -O2                   (Compiler and linker flags)
Memory location     : Code in flash, data in on chip RAM
seedcrc             : 0xe9f5                (identifier for the input seeds)
[0]crclist          : 0xe714                (validation for list part)
[0]crcmatrix        : 0x1fd7                (validation for matrix part)
[0]crcstate         : 0x8e3a                (validation for state part)
[0]crcfinal         : 0x33ff                (iteration dependent output)
Correct operation validated. See readme.txt for run and reporting rules.  (*Only when run is successful*)
CoreMark 1.0 : 6508.490622 / GCC3.4.4 -O2 / Heap                          (*Only on a successful performance run*)

2.5 跑分榜

  截止到目前(2018.03),EEMBC网站共记录535款微控制器的CoreMark跑分结果(注意并不是所有跑分结果都经过EEMBC核实),所有跑分结果可在这里查询 https://www.eembc.org/coremark/scores.php,下图是跑分榜部分结果(按提交日期排序)。如果是设计人员根据性能选型的话,可以选按得分高低排序。

2.6 结果示例

  在上节介绍的跑分榜里可点击微控制器型号查看具体结果,也可选择多个微控制器进行结果对比。最近两家ARM Cortex-M微控制器知名厂商恩智浦半导体和意法半导体在高性能微控制器上正一决雌雄,恩智浦推出的i.MX RT1050和意法半导体推出的STM32H743均是基于Cortex-M7内核,且都在2017.10实现初版量产,我们且来比比看这两款微控制器:

  从对比结果来看,i.MX RT1050在性能上完爆STM32H743,其3036的总得分在Cortex-M微控制器里独孤求败,这个跑分结果虽未经过EEMBC认证,但与恩智浦官方给的数据3020基本吻合。
  关于i.MX RT系列微控制器简介可详见我的另一篇文章 飞思卡尔i.MX RT系列微控制器介绍篇(1)- 概览,对于i.MX RT1050跑分结果的验证与复现可详见我的文章 飞思卡尔i.MX RT系列微控制器介绍篇(2)- 性能CoreMark。



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