
Whenever you plan a new purchase, you want to make sure you’re buying it at an ideal time—nobody wants to be the sucker who put a down payment on that brand new sports car a month before it was replaced with a new model. So it is with PC monitors…albeit on a slightly smaller scale. So, is now (summer 2017) a good time to purchase one or more for that perfect desktop setup?

每当您计划购买新车时,都希望确保在理想的时间购买它-没有人愿意成为在新车被替换之前一个月向该全新跑车支付首付的傻瓜。 PC显示器也是如此……尽管规模较小。 那么,现在(2017年夏季)是购买一个或多个完美桌面设置的好时机吗?

Short answer: Yes! There are a lot of options right now, from small and serviceable to huge and high-resolution, with plenty of deals to be had in all segments. The next big leaps forward in monitor technology, 8K resolution and OLED panels, are still several years away from widespread adoption.

简短的回答:是的! 当前有很多选择,从小型且易于使用到巨大的高分辨率,各个领域都有很多交易。 显示器技术,8K分辨率和OLED面板的下一个重大飞跃距离广泛采用还差几年。

显示器价格低且稳定 (Monitor Prices Are Low and Stable)

Monitors are always surprisingly fluid in price, even for consumer electronics. At the moment, there are plenty of new options to choose from, as well as older models (up to three years on the shelf) that can be found in new conditions for a discount. If even that’s not inexpensive enough, there’s a decent supply of refurbished options, though buying a refurbished monitor is more tricky than with other types of electronics, due to a higher likelihood of dead or “stuck” pixels on the display panel.

监视器的价格总是令人惊讶地波动,即使对于消费类电子产品而言。 目前,有很多新的选择可供选择,还有旧的型号(在货架上长达三年)可以在新的条件下以折扣价找到。 即使价格还不够便宜,也有大量的翻新选择,尽管与其他类型的电子产品相比,购买翻新的显示器要困难得多,原因是显示屏上像素出现坏或“卡住”的可能性更高。

There’s a lot of competition in the monitor space, too. Dell and Samsung seem to be the perennial picks for the best models available, including a wide range of price points and premium options like 4K resolution, ultrawide format, curved panels, and extreme color accuracy. Even so, there are plenty of alternatives from brands like ASUS, Acer, LG, and HP, often priced competitively to move against the larger players. Shop around on deal sites and daily bargain pages and you’ll be amazed at what you find—even larger panels at up to 30 inches can be had for under $300 USD.

显示器领域也有很多竞争。 戴尔和三星似乎一直是最好的机型的长期选择,其中包括各种价格点和高级选项,例如4K分辨率, 超宽幅面 , 曲面面板和极高的色彩准确性。 即便如此,华硕,宏cer,LG和惠普等品牌也提供了许多替代产品,它们的价格通常具有竞争力,可与大型企业竞争。 在交易网站和每日讨价还价页面上四处逛逛,您会为所发现的东西感到惊讶-甚至不到 30英寸的更大面板也可不到300美元 。

Remember, if you’re shopping for a multiple-monitor setup and you want to be able to use a custom stand or a permanent wall mount, you’ll want a monitor that’s compatible with a 100x100mm VESA mount.

请记住,如果您要购买多显示器设置,并且希望能够使用自定义支架或永久性壁挂支架 ,则需要与100x100mm VESA支架兼容的显示器。

当前技术为市场服务 (Current Technology Serves the Market Well)

At the moment there are monitors to fit just about every possible taste and application, from small and serviceable to big and bombastic. 20 to 23-inch 1080p panels, more than good enough for standard web surfing, office work, and HD video, can often be found hovering around the $100 mark. Larger panels with the same resolution and without fancy extras like a wide-angle IPS panel or USB 3.0 hubs are the “sweet spot” of the current market, offering big screen real estate at a fraction of what they used to cost.

目前,有适合各种可能的口味和应用的显示器,从小型的,易于使用的到大型的,爆炸性的。 20至23英寸的1080p面板通常足以在100美元左右徘徊,足以满足标准的网络冲浪,办公和高清视频的需求。 具有相同分辨率且没有花哨额外功能的大尺寸面板(例如,广角IPS面板或USB 3.0集线器)是当前市场的“最佳选择”,以其以往价格的一小部分提供大屏幕房地产。

Specific use case scenarios are also well-supported. Color accurate IPS panels are easy to find at any size, stylish slim-bezel and curved models are offered by the big manufacturers, larger panels with 4K resolution can be had for less and less money, and super-premium models that combine all of the above features aren’t especially hard to come by. Perhaps the most dramatic segment right now is the ultra-wide gaming monitor, typically 29-34 inches wide with a 21:9 aspect ratio. It’s possible to spend more than a thousand dollars on one of these behemoths…but discounted models can also be found for $400 or less.

特定用例场景也得到了很好的支持。 色彩精确的IPS面板很容易找到任何尺寸,大型制造商提供时尚的超薄边框和弯曲型号,可以用越来越少的钱购买具有4K分辨率的更大面板,并且结合了所有功能的超高端型号以上功能并不是很难实现的。 也许目前最具戏剧性的部分是超宽游戏显示器,通常为29-34英寸宽,纵横比为21:9。 在这些庞然大物之一上花费超过一千美元是可能的……但是打折的型号也可以在$ 400或以下的价格找到。

Premium gaming-specific features like G-SYNC or FreeSync and ultra-fast 144Hz refresh rates are still exclusive to “gaming” models, though, and anyone looking for an appropriate complement to a high-end gaming PC should be prepared to spend at least $400 on a new monitor.

不过,高级游戏特定功能( 例如G-SYNC或FreeSync和超快144Hz刷新率)仍然是“游戏”模型所独有的,并且任何寻求与高端游戏PC形成适当互补的人都应准备至少花费新显示器价格:400美元。

下一步的发展已经好几年了 (The Next Advancements Are Several Years Away)

There are two big shifts on the horizon for monitor technology: higher resolution and new panels. Organic Light-Emitting Diode display tech (OLED) is currently being perfected on premium televisions and smartphones, not to mention a few high-end laptops. But despite OLED’s vivid color reproduction and perfect black levels, it’s been slow to arrive to the monitor market, with only media industry models from Sony and one Dell model so far manufactured. Why isn’t particularly clear, but pundits speculate that a lack of immediate demand and problems with burn-in (an afterimage left following static screen elements like the taskbar) are making OLEDs less attractive for monitor manufacturers at the moment.

显示器技术有两个重大转变:更高的分辨率和新的面板。 有机发光二极管显示技术(OLED)目前在高端电视和智能手机上得到了完善,更不用说一些高端笔记本电脑了。 但是,尽管OLED具有生动的色彩还原和完美的黑色水平,但进入显示器市场的步伐却一直很缓慢,目前仅制造了索尼的媒体行业型号和一种戴尔型号 。 为什么不是特别清楚,但专家推测,缺乏即时需求和老化问题 (在任务栏等静态屏幕元素之后留下的残像)正在使OLED对显示器制造商的吸引力下降。

Dell’s only OLED monitor costs a staggering $5000 at the moment.


Ultra-high resolution models are likewise niche. 4K panels can be had startlingly cheap, but with the exception of professional photographers and graphic designers, 5K and 8K resolutions simply don’t have that much appeal. Aside from a surprising lack of video content to actually watch on those screens, current video game tech doesn’t perform well at these ultra-high resolutions, and Windows has trouble making basic programs and fonts look presentable even at 4K.

超高分辨率模型同样是利基市场。 4K面板的价格可能惊人得惊人,但是除了专业摄影师和图形设计师之外,5K和8K分辨率根本没有那么吸引人。 除了令人惊讶的缺乏在这些屏幕上实际观看的视频内容外 ,当前的视频游戏技术在这些超高分辨率下的性能也不佳,并且Windows无法使基本程序和字体即使在4K分辨率下也很美观。

Dell seems to be testing the waters in both of these areas, with a 30-inch OLED 5K monitor and a 32-inch 8K version with an older IPS panel. These Ultrasharp models are $3500 and $5000, respectively. So unless you’re planning on selling a kidney to get that new desktop display, odds are you’re unlikely to experience buyer’s remorse any time in the next two to three years.

戴尔似乎正在对这两个领域进行测试,分别使用30英寸OLED 5K显示器和32英寸8K版本以及较旧的IPS面板。 这些Ultrasharp型号分别为3500美元和5000美元。 因此,除非您打算出售肾脏以购买新的台式机显示器,否则在未来的两到三年内,您不太可能会遇到买方的re悔。

If you’re going to hold out for anything, it might just be Thunderbolt support. The Thunderbolt 3 specification allows video to be carried over a single USB Type-C cable, along with audio, data, and power. These ports are still quite rare on monitors (most people make due with adapters). But with more and more laptops coming with a standard USB-C port with video out, expect to see more models with USB-C video input (and possibly even power delivery) hit the market over the next year.

如果您要坚持一切,它可能只是Thunderbolt支持 。 Thunderbolt 3规范允许将视频以及音频,数据和电源通过单根USB Type-C电缆传输。 这些端口在监视器上仍然很少见(大多数人都使用适配器)。 但是,随着越来越多的笔记本电脑配备带有视频输出的标准USB-C端口,预计明年会有更多带有USB-C视频输入(甚至可能是电源输出)的型号问世。

Image sources: Dell, LG, Amazon

图像来源: 戴尔 , LG , 亚马逊

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/307345/is-now-a-good-time-to-buy-a-pc-monitor/



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