VGA and DVI are two popular connector types used to connect computers, laptops, media boxes to the monitors and screens. Even VGA and DVI are from different categories they are generally compared with each other.

VGA和DVI是两种常见的连接器类型,用于将计算机,笔记本电脑,媒体盒连接到显示器和屏幕。 甚至VGA和DVI也来自不同的类别,它们通常会相互比较。

DVI(数字视觉接口)端口 (DVI (Digital Visual Interface) Port)

DVI or Digital Visual Interface port is created to provide cleaner, faster, and more precise display which is better than previous display ports. DVI is created by the Digital Display Working Group in 1999. Even DVI is newer then VGA it is superseded by the port types like DisplayPort and HDMI.

DVI或数字视觉接口端口的创建是为了提供更干净,更快,更精确的显示,这比以前的显示端口要好。 DVI由数字显示工作组(Digital Display Working Group)于1999年创建。即使DVI比VGA更新,DVI也被DisplayPort和HDMI等端口类型取代。

DVI (Digital Visual Interface) Port

VGA(视频图形阵列)端口(VGA (Video Graphics Array) Port)

VGA or Video Graphics Array port is created in 1987 by IBM. It is superseded by the DVI. VGA is very popular amongst the digital world where it is used the default display port type for long years before the HDMI.

VGA或视频图形阵列端口由IBM于1987年创建。 它已被DVI取代。 VGA在数字世界中非常流行,在使用HDMI之前,VGA已被用作默认显示端口类型。

VGA (Video Graphics Array) Port


VGA has 15 pins where they are used to transmit analog RGB signals with some vertical and horizontal sync signals. RGB is the short form for the Red, Green, Blue. VGA has only male and female forms where the male type is connected to the female type.

VGA有15个引脚,用于传输带有垂直和水平同步信号的模拟RGB信号。 RGB是红色,绿色,蓝色的缩写。 VGA只有公头和母头形式,公头类型与母头类型相连。

VGA Form

DVI is more advanced in terms of the form where it has 29 pins which can transmit both analog or digital signals. DVI has different versions about its form like DVI-I, DVI-D, DVI-A micro DVI etc but in general, the following form type is used. DVI form is much wider than the VGA because of the pin count and its layout.

DVI在形式上更为先进,它具有29个可传输模拟或数字信号的引脚。 DVI具有不同的形式,例如DVI-I,DVI-D,DVI-A micro DVI等,但是通常使用以下形式。 由于引脚数及其布局,DVI格式比VGA宽得多。

DVI Form


There is no guarantee but  VGA port can support resolutions up to 2048×1536 px at 85 Hz. this is a very good resolution for most cases.

无法保证,但VGA端口在85 Hz时可以支持高达2048×1536 px的分辨率。 在大多数情况下,这是一个很好的解决方案。

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DVI can support resolutions up to 2560×1600 px at the 60 Hz. DVI provides more quality and reliable resolutions according to the VGA.

DVI在60 Hz时可以支持高达2560×1600 px的分辨率。 DVI根据VGA提供更高的质量和更可靠的分辨率。

视频信号 (Video Signaling)

VGA can transmit video signals which are its main duty. As VGA is analog the transmission simply uses different frequencies for different resolutions. For example, 320×400 pixels resolutions can be transmitted with the 70 Hz where 2048×1536 pixels can be transmitted with the 85 Hz. But keep in mind that there is no standard about these values.

VGA可以传输视频信号,这是它的主要职责。 由于VGA是模拟信号,因此传输仅将不同的频率用于不同的分辨率。 例如,可以以70 Hz传输320×400像素的分辨率,其中可以以85 Hz传输2048×1536像素。 但是请记住,这些值没有标准。

DVI uses digital signaling which is different from VGA. Resolutions like 1920×100 pixels which is Full HD can be transmitted in 60 Hz. A lot of pin and transmission channels make the DVI capable of transmitting a lot more data with higher resolutions.

DVI使用与VGA不同的数字信号。 诸如1920×100像素的全高清分辨率可以60 Hz传输。 大量的引脚和传输通道使DVI能够以更高的分辨率传输更多的数据。

比特率 (Bitrate)

Bitrate is the count of bits which can be transferred in a second. As VGA is not digital we can not provide the exact bit rate of the VGA but we can calculate from the screen resolutions, color depth, etc. Simply we can say that a Full HD, 24-bit color transmission with the VGA will have around 3 Gbps bitrate or transfer rate.

比特率是每秒可以传输的比特数。 由于VGA不是数字的,因此我们无法提供VGA的确切比特率,但可以根据屏幕分辨率,颜色深度等进行计算。简单地说,使用VGA进行全高清24位彩色传输将具有大约3 Gbps比特率或传输速率。

DVI signaling is in digital where we can expect to calculate more precise bit rates. DVI single link connection can transmit about 3.96 Gbps where dual link can transmit 7.92 Gbps. Keep in mint that DVI also transfers the audio signals where VGA not.

DVI信号是数字信号,我们可以期望它计算出更精确的比特率。 DVI单链路连接可以传输大约3.96 Gbps,而双链路可以传输7.92 Gbps。 请注意,DVI还在VGA不能传输的情况下也传输音频信号。

兼容性与转换 (Compatibility and Converting)

Both DVI and VGA have different types of converters. This means we can convert a VGA port into HDMI, DVI or a different type on the other side DVI can be converted into VGA, HDMI, etc. There is a topic where VGA does not transmit audio signals the signals will not convert vice versa.

DVI和VGA都有不同类型的转换器。 这意味着我们可以将VGA端口转换为HDMI,DVI或另一面的另一种类型DVI可以转换为VGA,HDMI等。存在一个主题,即VGA不传输音频信号,而信号也不会转换。

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最大电缆长度或范围 (Maximum Cable Length or Range)

The maximum cable length or range is related to the signal and the resolutions. There is no standard specification about the range but in general use, VGA can transmit 10280×1024 resolution about 15 meters where similar resolution with the DVI can be transmitted the same length which is 15 meters. As both VGA and DVI are designed to screen connection, not a computer network we do not request more than these lengths. But alternatively, different types of VGA and DVI extenders can be used to extend the range.

最大电缆长度或范围与信号和分辨率有关。 该范围没有标准规范,但在一般情况下,VGA可以在大约15米的距离内传输10280×1024分辨率,而与DVI相似的分辨率可以在15米的相同长度内传输。 由于VGA和DVI都是为了进行屏幕连接而设计的,而不是计算机网络,因此我们要求的长度不超过这些长度。 但是,也可以使用不同类型的VGA和DVI扩展器来扩展范围。

音频信号 (Audio Signals)

Sorry but VGA ports and cables do not transmit the audio signals. There is no room with its design. We have to use other connections to transmit audio signals and voice. DVI has room for audio signals where the audio signal is transmitted in a very good and quality way.

抱歉,VGA端口和电缆无法传输音频信号。 它的设计没有空间。 我们必须使用其他连接来传输音频信号和语音。 DVI为音频信号留有空间,音频信号以非常优质的方式传输。

用例 (Use Cases)

VGA was the standard way to connect devices to the screens and displays for a long time. But in recent years it losing its popularity and display ports like HDMI and DVI takes its place.

VGA是长时间将设备连接到屏幕和显示器的标准方法。 但是近年来,它逐渐失去了流行,HDMI和DVI等显示端口取代了它。

DVI is the successor of the VGA where is used in different devices. Especially workstations and some desktop systems provide the DVI port. But HDMI is more preferable alternative to the DVI.

DVI是在不同设备中使用的VGA的后继产品。 尤其是工作站和某些台式机系统都提供DVI端口。 但是,HDMI是比DVI更可取的替代方案。



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    1. 什么是端口 端口就好一个房子的门,是出入这间房子的必经之路. 如果一个程序需要收发网络数据,那么就需要有这样的端口 在linux系统中,端口可以有65536(2的16次方)个之多! 既然有这么多 ...

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    大家在学习计算机的时候,对于最常用的几个端口比如80端口肯定有很深的印象,但是对于其他一些不是那么常用的端口可能就没那么了解.所以,在一些使用频率相对较高的端口上,很容易会引发一些由于陌生而出现的错误 ...


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