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Not getting the temperature of each Ryzen core in Ubuntu
I don’t know why I decided that AMD will show the temperature of each CPU core, I’m used to seeing it on INTEL CPUs, but AMD doesn’t know how to do it! In fact, there is none of that in the BIOS, just a CPU temperature. But the problem is also that on GIGABYTE X570 I AORUS PRO WIFI motherboard the parametrs are monitored by the iTE IT8688E chip, it needs the it87 driver, it seems to be there, but it is old, and it was completely abandoned! ! I mean, on Linux, because of this chip, you can’t even get what little information there is!

That’s what we have, we put
sudo apt-get install lm-sensors
Detect sensors
sudo sensors-detect
and see
sudo sensors
we are interested in this



Adapter: PCI adapter

Tdie: +51.0°C (high = +70.0°C)

Tctl: +51.0°C

And that is! k10temp is a sensor that knows the Ubuntu kernel and shows CPU temperature

But there is a way, confusing and dangerous thanks to linustechtips.com/main/topic/1095169-x570-aorus-pro-wifi-with-3900x-and-32gig-of-ram I do according to that topic!

Install what you will need to build the driver
sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms git

We found that driver on github, this one is not native, the native developer has retired. The git reposity has a backup address: GitHub - harri2012/it87
git clone https://github.com/a1wong/it87
cd it87

Change in the file number 8686 to 8688 so that the system does not alert – there is no such device
sudo sed -i 's/8686/8688/g' ./it87.c
sudo make dkms

If you want to remove the DKMS module and rebuild it,remove it like this
See what’s installed
dkms status


it87, v1.0-48-g40bec4b, 5.4.0-47-generic, x86_64: installed

here we need a name and a version, we delete it
sudo dkms uninstall it87/v1.0-48-g40bec4b
you also need to delete the folders
sudo rm -R /usr/src/it87-v1.0-48-g40bec4b
sudo rm -R /var/lib/dkms/it87

Also, you need to create a file for nice info description
sudo vi /etc/sensors.d/GA-AX570-PRO-WiFi.conf


# Gigabyte X570 PRO WiFi

chip "it8688-isa-*"

label in0 "CPU Vcore"

label in1 "+3.3V"

label in2 "+12V"

label in3 "+5V"

label in4 "Vcore SoC"

label in5 "CPU Vddp"

label in6 "DRAM A/B"

label in7 "3 Vsb"

label in8 "Vbat"

label temp1 "Sys1 Temp"

label temp3 "CPU Temp"

label temp4 "PCIe_x16 Temp"

label temp5 "VRM_MOS Temp"

label temp6 "PCH Temp"

label fan1 "CPU fan"

label fan2 "Sys1_Fan"

label fan3 "Sys2_Fan"

label fan4 "Sys3_PCH_Fan"

label fan5 "CPU_Opt_Fan"

ignore intrusion0

ignore temp2

Now turn on the module
sudo modprobe it87

We look at sensor data
and now a new piece of information has appeared



Adapter: ISA adapter

CPU Vcore: 936.00 mV (min = +0.35 V, max = +1.45 V)

+3.3V: 2.03 V (min = +1.94 V, max = +2.06 V)

+12V: 1.99 V (min = +1.94 V, max = +2.06 V)

+5V: 2.03 V (min = +1.94 V, max = +2.06 V)

Vcore SoC: 1.08 V (min = +0.90 V, max = +1.26 V)

CPU Vddp: 912.00 mV (min = +0.85 V, max = +0.95 V)

DRAM A/B: 1.38 V (min = +1.10 V, max = +1.60 V)

3 Vsb: 3.29 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +6.12 V)

Vbat: 3.07 V

CPU fan: 1201 RPM (min = 300 RPM)

Sys1_Fan: 837 RPM (min = 300 RPM)

Sys2_Fan: 4753 RPM (min = 300 RPM)

Sys1 Temp: +55.0°C (low = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C) sensor = thermistor

CPU Temp: +46.0°C (low = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C) sensor = AMD AMDSI

PCIe_x16 Temp: +21.0°C (low = +0.0°C, high = +127.0°C) sensor = thermistor

VRM_MOS Temp: +48.0°C (low = +0.0°C, high = -120.0°C) sensor = thermistor

PCH Temp: +61.0°C (low = -16.0°C, high = +90.0°C) sensor = thermistor

There are all the temperatures, fan speeds and voltages!

If you has an error


modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'it87': Device or resource busy

add acpi_enforce_resources=lax to
sudo vi /etc/default/grub in this line


GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_enforce_resources=lax"

sudo update-grub2
and reboot

To start after a reboot, add to
sudo vi /etc/modules



To monitor temperatures you must install
sudo apt install psensor

And we have a graph, bad but better than nothing

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