

你还在用IE 吗?

Internet Explorer will no longer be supported in June 2022

到2022年6月,Internet Explorer将不再被支持

Microsoft is finally retiring Internet Explorer next year, after more than 25 years. The aging web browser has largely been unused by most consumers for years, but Microsoft is putting the final nail in the Internet Explorer coffin on June 15th, 2022, by retiring it in favor of Microsoft Edge.


“We are announcing that the future of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge,” says Sean Lyndersay, a Microsoft Edge program manager. “The Internet Explorer 11 desktop application will be retired and go out of support on June 15, 2022, for certain versions of Windows 10.”

"我们宣布,Windows 10上的IE浏览器的未来在Microsoft Edge中,"Microsoft Edge项目经理Sean Lyndersay说。"Internet Explorer 11桌面应用程序将于2022年6月15日退役并停止对某些版本的Windows 10的支持。"

While the Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) of Windows 10 will still include Internet Explorer next year, all consumer versions will end support of the browser. Microsoft doesn’t make it clear (and we’re checking), but it’s likely that we’ll finally see the end of Internet Explorer being bundled in Windows either in June 2022 or soon after.

虽然Windows 10的长期服务渠道(LTSC)明年仍将包括IE浏览器,但所有消费者版本将结束对该浏览器的支持。微软没有明确表示(我们正在核实),但是很有可能我们最终会在2022年6月或之后不久看到ie与Windows捆绑的终结。

The alternative for most businesses will be Microsoft Edge with IE mode. Microsoft created its IE mode for Edge a couple of years ago, and it has allowed businesses to adopt the new Chromium-based browser for older legacy websites. IE mode supports older ActiveX controls and legacy sites, which are surprisingly still used by many businesses. Microsoft is promising to support this IE mode in Edge until through at least 2029.

对大多数企业来说,替代方案将是带有IE模式的Microsoft Edge。几年前,微软为Edge创建了IE模式,它允许企业在旧的网站上使用新的基于Chromium的浏览器。IE模式支持旧的ActiveX控件和遗留网站,令人惊讶的是许多企业仍在使用这些站点。微软承诺在Edge中支持这种IE模式直到至少2029年。

The end of Internet Explorer has been a long time coming. Microsoft ended support for Internet Explorer 11 for the Microsoft Teams web app last year, and it’s planning to cut it off from accessing Microsoft 365 services later this year. Internet Explorer 11 will no longer be supported for Microsoft’s online services like Office 365, OneDrive, Outlook, and more on August 17th.

IE浏览器的终结已经姗姗来迟。微软去年停止了对ie 11的支持,并计划在今年晚些时候停止对微软365服务的支持。8月17日,Internet Explorer 11将不再支持微软的在线服务,如Office 365、OneDrive、Outlook,等等。

Microsoft has also been trying to stop people from using Internet Explorer for more than five years. Microsoft Edge first appeared in 2015, and it kicked off the end of the Internet Explorer brand. Microsoft has since labeled Internet Explorer a “compatibility solution” rather than a browser and encouraged businesses to stop using the aging browser in favor of Edge and its IE mode.

五年多来,微软也一直试图阻止人们使用Internet Explorer。Microsoft Edge首次出现在2015年,它拉开了Internet Explorer品牌终结的序幕。自那以来,微软给IE浏览器贴上了 "兼容解决方案 "的标签,而不是浏览器,并鼓励企业停止使用这个老化的浏览器,改用Edge及其IE模式。



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