


Go 语言中 panic 关键字主要用于主动抛出异常,类似 java 等语言中的 throw 关键字。panic 能够改变程序的控制流,调用 panic 后会立刻停止执行当前函数的剩余代码,并在当前 Goroutine 中递归执行调用方的 defer

Go 语言中 recover 关键字主要用于捕获异常,让程序回到正常状态,类似 java 等语言中的 try ... catchrecover 可以中止 panic 造成的程序崩溃。它是一个只能在 defer 中发挥作用的函数,在其他作用域中调用不会发挥作用;


// The recover built-in function allows a program to manage behavior of a
// panicking goroutine. Executing a call to recover inside a deferred
// function (but not any function called by it) stops the panicking sequence
// by restoring normal execution and retrieves the error value passed to the
// call of panic. If recover is called outside the deferred function it will
// not stop a panicking sequence. In this case, or when the goroutine is not
// panicking, or if the argument supplied to panic was nil, recover returns
// nil. Thus the return value from recover reports whether the goroutine is
// panicking.
func recover() interface{}


func main()  {example1()example2()
}func example1()  {defer func() {if err := recover(); err !=nil{fmt.Println(string(Stack()))}}()panic("unknown")
}func example2()  {defer recover()panic("unknown")
}func Stack() []byte {buf := make([]byte, 1024)for {n := runtime.Stack(buf, false)if n < len(buf) {return buf[:n]}buf = make([]byte, 2*len(buf))}

运行我们会发现example2()方法的panic是没有被recover住的,导致整个程序直接crash了。这里大家肯定会有疑问,为什么直接写recover()就不能阻止panic了呢。我们在详解defer实现机制(附上三道面试题,我不信你们都能做对)讲解了defer实现原理,一个重要的知识点**defer将语句放入到栈中时,也会将相关的值拷贝同时入栈。**所以defer recover()这种写法在放入defer栈中时就已经被执行过了,panic是发生在之后,所以根本无法阻止住panic



  • recover只有在defer函数中使用才有效,上面已经举例说明了,这里就不在赘述了。

  • panic允许在defer中嵌套多次调用.程序多次调用 panic 也不会影响 defer 函数的正常执行,所以使用 defer 进行收尾工作一般来说都是安全的。写个例子验证一下:

func example3()  {defer fmt.Println("this is a example3 for defer use panic")defer func() {defer func() {panic("panic defer 2")}()panic("panic defer 1")}()panic("panic example3")
// 运行结果
this is a example3 for defer use panic
panic: panic example3panic: panic defer 1panic: panic defer 2
.......... 省略


  • panic只会对当前Goroutinedefer有效,还记得我们上一文分析的deferproc函数吗?在newdefer中分配_defer结构体对象的时,会把分配到的对象链入当前 goroutine_defer 链表的表头,也就是把延迟调用函数与调用方所在的Goroutine进行关联。因此当程序发生panic时只会调用当前 Goroutine 的延迟调用函数是没有问题的。写个例子验证一下:

func main()  {go example4()go example5()time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
}func example4()  {fmt.Println("goroutine example4")defer func() {fmt.Println("test defer")}()panic("unknown")
}func example5()  {defer fmt.Println("goroutine example5")time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
// 运行结果
goroutine example4
test defer
panic: unknown
............. 省略部分代码

这里我开了两个协程,一个协程会发生panic,导致程序崩溃,但是只会执行自己所在Goroutine的延迟函数,所以正好验证了多个 Goroutine 之间没有太多的关联,一个 Goroutinepanic 时也不应该执行其他 Goroutine 的延迟函数。


其实我们在实际项目开发中,经常会遇到panic问题, Go 的 runtime 代码中很多地方都调用了 panic 函数,对于不了解 Go 底层实现的新人来说,这无疑是挖了一堆深坑。我们在实际生产环境中总会出现panic,但是我们的程序仍能正常运行,这是因为我们的框架已经做了recover,他已经为我们兜住底,比如gin,我们看一看他是怎么做的。


func Default() *Engine {debugPrintWARNINGDefault()engine := New()engine.Use(Logger(), Recovery())return engine
// Recovery returns a middleware that recovers from any panics and writes a 500 if there was one.
func Recovery() HandlerFunc {return RecoveryWithWriter(DefaultErrorWriter)
}// RecoveryWithWriter returns a middleware for a given writer that recovers from any panics and writes a 500 if there was one.
func RecoveryWithWriter(out io.Writer) HandlerFunc {var logger *log.Loggerif out != nil {logger = log.New(out, "\n\n\x1b[31m", log.LstdFlags)}return func(c *Context) {defer func() {if err := recover(); err != nil {// Check for a broken connection, as it is not really a// condition that warrants a panic stack trace....................// 省略}}()c.Next()}

我们在使用gin时,第一步会初始化一个Engine实例,调用Default方法会把recovery middleware附上,recovery中使用了defer函数,通过recover来阻止panic,当发生panic时,会返回500错误码。这里有一个需要注意的点是只有主程序中的panic是会被自动recover的,协程中出现panic会导致整个程序crash。还记得我们上面讲的第三个特性嘛,一个协程会发生panic,导致程序崩溃,但是只会执行自己所在Goroutine的延迟函数,所以正好验证了多个 Goroutine 之间没有太多的关联,一个 Goroutinepanic 时也不应该执行其他 Goroutine 的延迟函数。 这就能解释通了吧, 所以为了程序健壮性,我们应该自己主动检查我们的协程程序,在我们的协程函数中添加recover是很有必要的,比如这样:

func main()  {r := gin.Default()r.GET("/asong/test/go-panic", func(ctx *gin.Context) {go func() {defer func() {if err := recover();err != nil{fmt.Println(err)}}()panic("panic")}()})r.Run()



go-version: 1.15.3


func main()  {defer func() {if err:= recover();err != nil{fmt.Println(err)}}()panic("unknown")

执行go tool compile -N -l -S main.go就可以看到对应的汇编码了,我们截取部分片段分析:


  • 第一种,堆上分配(deferproc),基本是依赖运行时来分配"_defer"对象并加入延迟参数。在函数的尾部插入deferreturn方法来消费deferlink。

  • 第二种,栈上分配(deferprocStack),基本上跟堆差不多,只是分配方式改为在栈上分配,压入的函数调用栈存有_defer记录,编译器在ssa过程中会预留defer空间。

  • 第三种,开放编码模式(open coded),不过是有条件的,默认open-coded最多支持8个defer,超过则取消。在构建ssa时如发现gcflags有N禁止优化的参数 或者 return数量 * defer数量超过了 15不适用open-coded模式。并不能处于循环中。






type _panic struct {argp      unsafe.Pointer // pointer to arguments of deferred call run during panic; cannot move - known to liblinkarg       interface{}    // argument to paniclink      *_panic        // link to earlier panicpc        uintptr        // where to return to in runtime if this panic is bypassedsp        unsafe.Pointer // where to return to in runtime if this panic is bypassedrecovered bool           // whether this panic is overaborted   bool           // the panic was abortedgoexit    bool


  • argp是指向defer调用时参数的指针。

  • arg是我们调用panic时传入的参数

  • link指向的是更早调用runtime._panic结构,也就是说painc可以被连续调用,他们之间形成链表

  • recovered 表示当前runtime._panic是否被recover恢复

  • aborted表示当前的panic是否被强行终止

上面的pcspgoexit我们单独讲一下,runtime包中有一个Goexit方法,Goext能够终止调用它的goroutine,其他的goroutine是不受影响的,goexit也会在终止goroutine之前运行所有延迟调用函数,Goexit不是一个panic,所以这些延迟函数中的任何recover调用都将返回nil。如果我们在主函数中调用了Goexit会终止该goroutine但不会返回func main。由于func main没有返回,因此程序将继续执行其他gorountine,直到所有其他goroutine退出,程序才会crash。写个简单的例子:

func main()  {go func() {defer func() {if err := recover(); err != nil {fmt.Println(err)}}()runtime.Goexit()}()go func() {for true {fmt.Println("test")}}()runtime.Goexit()fmt.Println("main")select {}


func main()  {maybeGoexit()
func maybeGoexit() {defer func() {fmt.Println(recover())}()defer panic("cancelled Goexit!")runtime.Goexit()





  • 第一部分,判断panic类型:

gp := getg()if gp.m.curg != gp {print("panic: ")printany(e)print("\n")throw("panic on system stack")}if gp.m.mallocing != 0 {print("panic: ")printany(e)print("\n")throw("panic during malloc")}if gp.m.preemptoff != "" {print("panic: ")printany(e)print("\n")print("preempt off reason: ")print(gp.m.preemptoff)print("\n")throw("panic during preemptoff")}if gp.m.locks != 0 {print("panic: ")printany(e)print("\n")throw("panic holding locks")}


  • 第二部分,确保每个recover都试图恢复当前协程中最新产生的且尚未恢复的panic

var p _panic // 声明一个panic结构p.arg = e // 把panic传入的值赋给`arg`p.link = gp._panic // 指向runtime.panic结构gp._panic = (*_panic)(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&p)))atomic.Xadd(&runningPanicDefers, 1)// By calculating getcallerpc/getcallersp here, we avoid scanning the// gopanic frame (stack scanning is slow...)addOneOpenDeferFrame(gp, getcallerpc(), unsafe.Pointer(getcallersp()))for {d := gp._defer // 获取当前gorourine的 deferif d == nil {break // 如果没有defer直接退出了}// If defer was started by earlier panic or Goexit (and, since we're back here, that triggered a new panic),// take defer off list. An earlier panic will not continue running, but we will make sure below that an// earlier Goexit does continue running.if d.started {if d._panic != nil {d._panic.aborted = true}d._panic = nilif !d.openDefer {// For open-coded defers, we need to process the// defer again, in case there are any other defers// to call in the frame (not including the defer// call that caused the panic).d.fn = nilgp._defer = d.linkfreedefer(d)continue}}// Mark defer as started, but keep on list, so that traceback// can find and update the defer's argument frame if stack growth// or a garbage collection happens before reflectcall starts executing d.fn.d.started = true// Record the panic that is running the defer.// If there is a new panic during the deferred call, that panic// will find d in the list and will mark d._panic (this panic) aborted.d._panic = (*_panic)(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&p)))

上面的代码不太好说的部分,我添加了注释,就不在这解释一遍了,直接看 d.Started部分,这里的意思是如果defer是由先前的panicGoexit启动的(循环处理回到这里,这触发了新的panic),将defer从列表中删除。早期的panic将不会继续运行,但我们将确保早期的Goexit会继续运行,代码中的if d._panic != nil{d._panic.aborted =true}就是确保将先前的panic终止掉,将aborted设置为true,在下面执行recover时保证goexit不会被取消。

  • 第三部分,defer内联优化调用性能

 if !d.openDefer {// For open-coded defers, we need to process the// defer again, in case there are any other defers// to call in the frame (not including the defer// call that caused the panic).d.fn = nilgp._defer = d.linkfreedefer(d)continue}done := trueif d.openDefer {done = runOpenDeferFrame(gp, d)if done && !d._panic.recovered {addOneOpenDeferFrame(gp, 0, nil)}} else {p.argp = unsafe.Pointer(getargp(0))reflectcall(nil, unsafe.Pointer(d.fn), deferArgs(d), uint32(d.siz), uint32(d.siz))}


  • 第四部分,gopanic中执行程序恢复

在第三部分进行defer内联优化选择时会执行调用延迟函数(reflectcall就是这个作用),也就是会调用runtime.gorecoverrecoverd = true,具体这个函数的操作留在下面讲,因为runtime.gorecover函数并不包含恢复程序的逻辑,程序的恢复是在gopanic中执行的。先看一下代码:

  if p.recovered { // 在runtime.gorecover中设置为truegp._panic = p.link if gp._panic != nil && gp._panic.goexit && gp._panic.aborted { // A normal recover would bypass/abort the Goexit.  Instead,// we return to the processing loop of the Goexit.gp.sigcode0 = uintptr(gp._panic.sp)gp.sigcode1 = uintptr(gp._panic.pc)mcall(recovery)throw("bypassed recovery failed") // mcall should not return}atomic.Xadd(&runningPanicDefers, -1)if done {// Remove any remaining non-started, open-coded// defer entries after a recover, since the// corresponding defers will be executed normally// (inline). Any such entry will become stale once// we run the corresponding defers inline and exit// the associated stack frame.d := gp._defervar prev *_deferfor d != nil {if d.openDefer {if d.started {// This defer is started but we// are in the middle of a// defer-panic-recover inside of// it, so don't remove it or any// further defer entriesbreak}if prev == nil {gp._defer = d.link} else {prev.link = d.link}newd := d.linkfreedefer(d)d = newd} else {prev = dd = d.link}}}gp._panic = p.link// Aborted panics are marked but remain on the g.panic list.// Remove them from the list.for gp._panic != nil && gp._panic.aborted {gp._panic = gp._panic.link}if gp._panic == nil { // must be done with signalgp.sig = 0}// Pass information about recovering frame to recovery.gp.sigcode0 = uintptr(sp)gp.sigcode1 = pcmcall(recovery)throw("recovery failed") // mcall should not return}


第一部分主要是这个判断if gp._panic != nil && gp._panic.goexit && gp._panic.aborted { ... },正常recover是会绕过Goexit的,所以为了解决这个,添加了这个判断,这样就可以保证Goexit也会被recover住,这里是通过从runtime._panic中取出了程序计数器pc和栈指针sp并且调用runtime.recovery函数触发goroutine的调度,调度之前会准备好 sppc 以及函数的返回值。

第二部分主要是做panicrecover,这也与上面的流程基本差不多,他是从runtime._defer中取出了程序计数器pc栈指针sp并调用recovery函数触发Goroutine,跳转到recovery函数是通过runtime.call进行的,我们看一下其源码(src/runtime/asm_amd64.s 289行):

// func mcall(fn func(*g))
// Switch to m->g0's stack, call fn(g).
// Fn must never return. It should gogo(&g->sched)
// to keep running g.
TEXT runtime·mcall(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8MOVQ fn+0(FP), DIget_tls(CX)MOVQ g(CX), AX // save state in g->schedMOVQ 0(SP), BX // caller's PCMOVQ BX, (g_sched+gobuf_pc)(AX)LEAQ fn+0(FP), BX // caller's SPMOVQ BX, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(AX)MOVQ AX, (g_sched+gobuf_g)(AX)MOVQ BP, (g_sched+gobuf_bp)(AX)// switch to m->g0 & its stack, call fnMOVQ g(CX), BXMOVQ g_m(BX), BXMOVQ m_g0(BX), SICMPQ SI, AX // if g == m->g0 call badmcallJNE 3(PC)MOVQ $runtime·badmcall(SB), AXJMP AXMOVQ SI, g(CX) // g = m->g0MOVQ (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(SI), SP // sp = m->g0->sched.spPUSHQ AXMOVQ DI, DXMOVQ 0(DI), DICALL DIPOPQ AXMOVQ $runtime·badmcall2(SB), AXJMP AXRET


// Unwind the stack after a deferred function calls recover
// after a panic. Then arrange to continue running as though
// the caller of the deferred function returned normally.
func recovery(gp *g) {// Info about defer passed in G struct.sp := gp.sigcode0pc := gp.sigcode1// d's arguments need to be in the stack.if sp != 0 && (sp < gp.stack.lo || gp.stack.hi < sp) {print("recover: ", hex(sp), " not in [", hex(gp.stack.lo), ", ", hex(gp.stack.hi), "]\n")throw("bad recovery")}// Make the deferproc for this d return again,// this time returning 1. The calling function will// jump to the standard return epilogue.gp.sched.sp = spgp.sched.pc = pcgp.sched.lr = 0gp.sched.ret = 1gogo(&gp.sched)

recovery 函数中,利用 g 中的两个状态码回溯栈指针 sp 并恢复程序计数器 pc 到调度器中,并调用 gogo 重新调度 g ,将 g 恢复到调用 recover 函数的位置, goroutine 继续执行,recovery在调度过程中会将函数的返回值设置为1。这个有什么作用呢?在deferproc函数中找到了答案:

func deferproc(siz int32, fn *funcval) { // arguments of fn follow fn............ 省略
// deferproc returns 0 normally.// a deferred func that stops a panic// makes the deferproc return 1.// the code the compiler generates always// checks the return value and jumps to the// end of the function if deferproc returns != 0.return0()// No code can go here - the C return register has// been set and must not be clobbered.

当延迟函数中recover了一个panic时,就会返回1,当 runtime.deferproc 函数的返回值是 1 时,编译器生成的代码会直接跳转到调用方函数返回之前并执行 runtime.deferreturn,跳转到runtime.deferturn函数之后,程序就已经从panic恢复了正常的逻辑。

  • 第五部分,如果没有遇到runtime.gorecover就会依次遍历所有的runtime._defer,在最后调用fatalpanic中止程序,并打印panic参数返回错误码2。

// fatalpanic implements an unrecoverable panic. It is like fatalthrow, except
// that if msgs != nil, fatalpanic also prints panic messages and decrements
// runningPanicDefers once main is blocked from exiting.
func fatalpanic(msgs *_panic) {pc := getcallerpc()sp := getcallersp()gp := getg()var docrash bool// Switch to the system stack to avoid any stack growth, which// may make things worse if the runtime is in a bad state.systemstack(func() {if startpanic_m() && msgs != nil {// There were panic messages and startpanic_m// says it's okay to try to print them.// startpanic_m set panicking, which will// block main from exiting, so now OK to// decrement runningPanicDefers.atomic.Xadd(&runningPanicDefers, -1)printpanics(msgs)}docrash = dopanic_m(gp, pc, sp)})if docrash {// By crashing outside the above systemstack call, debuggers// will not be confused when generating a backtrace.// Function crash is marked nosplit to avoid stack growth.crash()}systemstack(func() {exit(2)})*(*int)(nil) = 0 // not reached

在这里runtime.fatalpanic实现了无法被恢复的程序崩溃,它在中止程序之前会通过 runtime.printpanics 打印出全部的 panic 消息以及调用时传入的参数。




// The implementation of the predeclared function recover.
// Cannot split the stack because it needs to reliably
// find the stack segment of its caller.
// TODO(rsc): Once we commit to CopyStackAlways,
// this doesn't need to be nosplit.
func gorecover(argp uintptr) interface{} {// Must be in a function running as part of a deferred call during the panic.// Must be called from the topmost function of the call// (the function used in the defer statement).// p.argp is the argument pointer of that topmost deferred function call.// Compare against argp reported by caller.// If they match, the caller is the one who can recover.gp := getg()p := gp._panicif p != nil && !p.goexit && !p.recovered && argp == uintptr(p.argp) {p.recovered = truereturn p.arg}return nil




  • 在程序执行过程中如果遇到panic,那么会调用runtime.gopanic,然后取当前Goroutinedefer链表依次执行。

  • 在调用defer函数是如果有recover就会调用runtime.gorecover,在gorecover中会把runtime._panic中的recoved标记为true,这里只是标记的作用,恢复逻辑仍在runtime.panic中。

  • gopanic中会执行defer内联优化、程序恢复逻辑。在程序恢复逻辑中,会进行判断,如果是触发是runtime.Goexit,也会进行recoverypanic也会进行recovery,主要逻辑是runtime.gopanic会从runtime._defer结构体中取出程序计数器pc和栈指针sp并调用runtime.recovery函数恢复程序。runtime.recvoery函数中会根据传入的 pcspgogo中跳转回runtime.deferproc,如果返回值为1,就会调用runtime.deferreturn恢复正常流程。

  • gopanic执行完所有的_defer并且也没有遇到recover,那么就会执行runtime.fatalpanic终止程序,并返回错误码2.




  • 数组/切片下标越界,对于go这种静态语言来说,下标越界是致命问题。

  • 不要访问未初始化的指针或nil指针

  • 不要往已经closechan里发送数据

  • map不是线程安全的,不要并发读写map










  • machinery-go异步任务队列

  • 详解defer实现机制

  • 真的理解interface了嘛

  • Leaf—Segment分布式ID生成系统(Golang实现版本)

  • 十张动图带你搞懂排序算法(附go实现代码)

  • go参数传递类型

  • 手把手教姐姐写消息队列

  • 常见面试题之缓存雪崩、缓存穿透、缓存击穿

  • 详解Context包,看这一篇就够了!!!

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  8. Go内核源码剖析 一 程序执行启动过程

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  10. 0215前端日报:vue源码剖析思维导图

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