
The original version of the Kinect camera had an Xbox version and a PC version, and this sucked for a few reasons. Fast forward to the days of Xbox One, and the Kinect v2 for Xbox One has changed a lot. It has a 1080p color camera, IR capabilities that are separate from color, a wider FOV (field of view), and can track 6 skeletons. AND, most importantly, you can use your existing Xbox One Kinect with your PC with an adapter. No need for a second Kinect. The Kinect Adapter for Windows is $50 and took me 5 min to set up. It's basically a power brick and a USB 3 bridge to your PC.

Kinect相机的原始版本具有Xbox版本和PC版本,由于一些原因,它很烂。 快进到Xbox One的时代,Xbox One的Kinect v2发生了很大变化。 它具有1080p彩色摄像机,独立于颜色的IR功能,更宽的FOV(视场),并且可以跟踪6个骨骼。 并且,最重要的是,您可以将现有的Xbox One Kinect与带有适配器的PC一起使用。 无需第二个Kinect。 用于Windows的Kinect适配器是50美元,花了我5分钟时间进行设置。 从根本上讲,这是一块电源砖和一个连接到PC的USB 3桥。

You do need a decent machine to handle the Kinect for Xbox One, so there's a Kinect Configuration Verifier Tool that can quickly tell you if you're up to spec. If you are developing applications, download and install the free SDK 2.0. It's worth getting this even if you aren't, if only to see the cool stuff your Kinect can see about you.

您确实需要一台不错的机器来处理Xbox One的Kinect,因此有一个Kinect配置验证程序工具可以快速告诉您是否符合规格。 如果要开发应用程序,请下载并安装免费的SDK 2.0 。 即使您不是这样,也值得这样做,只是为了看一下Kinect可以看到的关于您的有趣信息。

设置Kinect v2以在Windows 10 PC上支持Windows Hello (Setting up your Kinect v2 to support Windows Hello on your Windows 10 PC)

Here's how you setup Windows Hello. It's pretty awesome because my home computer unlocks and logs in when I sit down and look at it.

这是设置Windows Hello的方法。 这非常棒,因为当我坐下来看着它时,我的家用计算机便会解锁并登录

  • Update the Registry to get Drivers that aren't available yet. Make a text file "kinectdrivers.reg" and put this text in it. Double-click it to import into your Registry. 更新注册表以获取尚不可用的驱动程序。 创建一个文本文件“ kinectdrivers.reg”,并将其放入其中。 双击它以导入到您的注册表。
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DriverFlighting\Partner]"TargetRing"="Drivers"
  • If you've already set up your Kinect, refresh it's drivers in the Device Manager. 如果您已经设置了Kinect,请在“设备管理器”中刷新它的驱动程序。

    1. Open Device Manager (Windows Key + X, then press M) 打开设备管理器(Windows键+ X,然后按M)
    2. Expand “Kinect sensor devices”. 展开“ Kinect传感器设备”。
    3. Right-click on "WDF KinectSensor Interface 0" 右键单击“ WDF KinectSensor接口0”
    4. Click "Update Driver Software..." 单击“更新驱动程序软件...”
    5. Click "Search automatically for updated driver software" 单击“自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件”
    6. Allow it to download and install the new driver 允许它下载并安装新的驱动程序
    7. Reboot 重启
  • Set up Windows Hello. Press the Start button and type "hello" or "face sign-in" and you'll get here. You'll want to setup a PIN first. 设置Windows Hello。 按“开始”按钮,然后键入“ hello”或“面部登录”,您将到达此处。 您需要先设置PIN码。

Run through the wizard, except look nicer than this.


You're all set! Now when you sit at your computer and see the Lock Screen, it will look for you.

你们都准备好了! 现在,当您坐在计算机旁并看到“锁定屏幕”时,它将为您寻找。

Privacy Note: The camera isn't on and looking all the time. It's just looking when the screen is locked AND the screen saver (power saver) isn't going. Additionally, the Kinect light will turn on showing you that it's on. It's not streaming your face to any remote servers, it's using what it knows about your face as a key to unlock secure storages locally.

隐私权注意:相机始终未开启且始终处于观看状态。 它只是在锁定屏幕并且屏幕保护程序(省电)没有用的时候。 此外,Kinect指示灯将亮起,表明它已打开。 它不会将您的面Kong流式传输到任何远程服务器,而是将您关于面Kong的信息用作在本地解锁安全存储的关键。

Then you just hit the space bar or click the mouse and you're in!


Windows Hello is also built into the Surface Pro 4 and the SurfaceBook, but you can add this functionality to your PC with a Kinect...OR....

Windows Hello也内置在Surface Pro 4和SurfaceBook中,但是您可以使用Kinect ... OR ...将此功能添加到PC中。

If you don't want a Kinect + Adapter or a new PC, you can buy an eye tracker like the Tobii Eye Controller or the SteelSeries Gaming Eye Tracker. Tobii just added support for Windows 10 with Windows Hello to their controller! So for $139 you could get a nice upgrade to your PC with face recognition, not to mention all the other cool stuff a Tobii can do!

如果您不想要Kinect +适配器或新PC,则可以 购买Tobii Eye Controller或SteelSeries Gaming Eye Tracker之类的眼动仪。 Tobii刚刚在其控制器中添加了对Windows 10和Windows Hello的支持! 因此,只需139美元,您就可以轻松升级到具有面部识别功能的PC,更不用说Tobii可以完成的所有其他出色工作!

The Tobii $139 device can let you (or a disabled relative) control your computer with just your eyes. There's a wonderful open source tool called OptiKey that helps folks with Motor Neuron disease or ALS control their Windows machines, and I had the developer on my podcast recently. Definitely check it out as a compelling and accurate alternative way to control your PC!

Tobii售价139美元的设备可让您(或残疾人士)用眼睛控制计算机。 有一个很棒的开源工具OptiKey ,它可以帮助患有运动神经元疾病或ALS的人们控制他们的Windows机器,最近,我在播客中邀请了开发人员。 绝对可以把它作为控制您的PC的有趣而准确的替代方法!



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