


You could do:

svn revert -R .

This will not delete any new file not under version control. But you can easily write a shell script to do that like:

for file in `svn status|grep "^ *?"|sed -e 's/^ *? *//'`; do rm $file ; done


There is a command

svn revert -R .

In addition

If you want to revert a whole directory of files,you can use the --depth=infinity option:

svn revert --depth=infinity

svn revert is inherently dangerous, since its entire purpose is to throw away data—namely, your uncommitted changes. Once you've reverted, Subversion provides no way to get back those uncommitted changes




Used a combination of other peoples answers to come up with this solution

revert normal local svn changes

svn revert -R .

remove any other change and supports removing files/folders with spaces, etc.

svn status --no-ignore | grep -E '(^\?)|(^\I)' | sed -e 's/^. *//' | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/"\1"/' | xargs rm -rf

don't forget to get the latest files from svn

svn update --force


None of the answers here were quite what I wanted. Here's what I came up with:

# Recursively revert any locally-changed files

svn revert -R .

# Delete any other files in the sandbox (including ignored files),

# being careful to handle files with spaces in the name

svn status --no-ignore | grep '^\?' | \

perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if $_ =~ /^\S+\s+(.*)$/' | \

tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm -rf

Tested on Linux; may work in Cygwin, but relies on (I believe) a GNU-specific extension which allows xargs to split based on '\0' instead of whitespace.

The advantage to the above command is that it does not require any network activity to reset the sandbox. You get exactly what you had before, and you lose all your changes. (disclaimer before someone blames me for this code destroying their work) ;-)

I use this script on a continuous integration system where I want to make sure a clean build is performed after running some tests.

Edit: I'm not sure this works with all versions of Subversion. It's not clear if the svn status command is always formatted consistently. Use at your own risk, as with any command that uses such a blanket rm command.


svn status | grep '^M' | sed -e 's/^.//' | xargs rm

svn update

Will remove any file which has been modified. I seem to remember having trouble with revert when files and directories may have been added.



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