

【填空题】Magellan’s voyage some people’s belief that the

earth was round (prove).

【填空题】into action by his poverty, he decided to leave his

hometown and try his luck in the big city. (urge)


saying that “Marco Polo showed his readers a world much bigger than the one

they knew,” the author means ____________.


their visit to China, the writer was most impressed by China’s ________.


can be inferred that the teenagers the writer met in one high school ________.

【填空题】Our grandfathers certainly couldn’t

have in their youth

what we are doing today with the help of modern technology. (imagine)


you speak putonghua to us, to those who come from

other parts of the country? (especial)

【单选题】Why did Magellan call

the ocean the Pacific?


was really annoyed ( 恼火 ) by the noise that from time to time when she was doing the

listening test. (occur)

【填空题】Isn’t it that we can talk with and even

see our friends thousands of miles away? (amaze)


their second school visit, the writer was disappointed that ________.

【单选题】Which of the

following was NOT mentioned as unimaginable to Europeans?


sailors were forced to eat ________.


the five ships sailed from Spain, _________.

【单选题】Why didn’t people

believe the men's stories of the amazing wealth they had seen?

【填空题】Sadly, the hot weather all the food that they brought

along with them (spoil).


【填空题】Magellan one of the greatest

explorers( 探险家 ) in history. (know)


writer came to China as a(n) ________.


【填空题】Don’t try to climb that big mountain

unless you are sure you can do it in (safe).


【单选题】Where was Magellan






【单选题】Why did they head

south along the coast of Brazil?

【其它】以小组为单位,以 “ 艺术 ” 为为中心节点(也可自拟主题),围绕中心节点展开联想,画一张思维导图,思维导图的深度(级数)越深越好,在限定时间内(如5分钟以内)看看能写出多少与中心节点相关的关键词。


【填空题】On day, Kevin couldn’t help

thinking about how time had fled ( 飞逝 ) . (graduate)


the writer gave some candies to the little girl, she ________.

【单选题】The writer came to China as a(n) ________.

【单选题】When did Magellan and

his men reach the Pacific?



writer learned that the Chinese high school students ________.


the United States, an artist’s career is probably ________.

【单选题】There is a high position for Magellan

in history for all the following reasons EXCEPT that ______.


【填空题】I cannot remember when I stopped with him. I

haven’t heard from him for a long time. (communicate)


discovery of the passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean the trip to the Spice



Thursday, at 3 pm, the St. Clements library the public for the first

time. (open one's doors to)


【填空题】We can become more by reading. (intelligence)


a small number of people who traveled by the Mayflower their voyage across the

Atlantic Ocean (survive).


did Magellan and his sailors figure out the direction to sail?

【填空题】These days, we can turn to GPS

devices for when we travel by sea (guide).

【单选题】What did the sailors

do after getting to the Spice Islands?

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